you're welcome; don't mention it; no need to stand on ceremony
常客常客chang2 ke4
frequent visitor; fig. sth that crops up frequently
乘客乘客cheng2 ke4
词人墨客詞人墨客ci2 ren2 mo4 ke4
sb of literary abilities (idiom)
刺客刺客ci4 ke4
assassin; murderer
大客车大客車da4 ke4 che1
代客泊车代客泊車dai4 ke4 bo2 che1
valet parking
吊客弔客diao4 ke4
a visitor offering condolences
钓客釣客diao4 ke4
angler; phisher (Internet slang)
丁客丁客ding1 ke4
see 丁克
顶客頂客ding3 ke4
see 丁克
独在异乡为异客獨在異鄉為異客du2 zai4 yi4 xiang1 wei2 yi4 ke4
a stranger in a strange land (from a poem by Wang Wei 王維|王维)
赌客賭客du3 ke4
番客番客fan1 ke4
(old) foreigner; alien; (dialect) overseas Chinese
反客为主反客為主fan3 ke4 wei2 zhu3
lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn from passive to active behavior
房客房客fang2 ke4
访客訪客fang3 ke4
visitor; caller
贾客賈客gu3 ke4
merchant (old)
顾客顧客gu4 ke4
client; customer
顾客至上顧客至上gu4 ke4 zhi4 shang4
the customer reigns supreme (idiom)
观光客觀光客guan1 guang1 ke4
官客官客guan1 ke4
male guest at party
观客觀客guan1 ke4
过客過客guo4 ke4
passing traveler; transient guest; sojourner
骇客駭客hai4 ke4
hacker (computing) (loanword)
毫不客气毫不客氣hao2 bu4 ke4 qi5
no trace of politeness; unrestrained (criticism)
好客好客hao4 ke4
hospitality; to treat guests well; to enjoy having guests; hospitable; friendly
贺客賀客he4 ke4
guest (to a wedding etc)
黑客黑客hei1 ke4
hacker (computing) (loanword)
黑客帝国黑客帝國hei1 ke4 di4 guo2
The Matrix (1999 movie)
黑客文黑客文hei1 ke4 wen2
hacker terminology; leetspeak
红客紅客hong2 ke4
"honker", Chinese hacker motivated by patriotism, using one's skills to protect domestic networks and work in national interest
回头客回頭客hui2 tou2 ke4
repeat customer
会客會客hui4 ke4
to receive a visitor
会客室會客室hui4 ke4 shi4
极客極客ji2 ke4
geek (loanword) (computing)
佳世客佳世客jia1 shi4 ke4
JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets
剑客劍客jian4 ke4
fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)
接客接客jie1 ke4
to receive guests; to receive patrons (of prostitutes)
掘客掘客jue2 ke4
Digg (social news website)
看客看客kan4 ke4
audience; spectators; onlookers
客舱客艙ke4 cang1
passenger cabin
客场客場ke4 chang3
away-game arena; away-game venue
客车客車ke4 che1
coach; bus; passenger train
客船客船ke4 chuan2
passenger ship
客串客串ke4 chuan4
to appear on stage in an amateur capacity; (of a professional) to make a guest appearance; (fig.) to assume a role outside one's usual duties; to substitute for
客店客店ke4 dian4
small hotel; inn
客队客隊ke4 dui4
visiting team (sports)
客饭客飯ke4 fan4
cafeteria meal specially prepared for a group of visitors; set meal
客房客房ke4 fang2
guest room
客服客服ke4 fu2
customer service
客观客觀ke4 guan1
objective; impartial
客官客官ke4 guan1
(polite appellation for a guest at a hotel etc)
客观世界客觀世界ke4 guan1 shi4 jie4
the objective world (as opposed to empirical observation)