customer; visitor; guest

strokes 9
strokes after radical 6
奥客 奧客 ao4 ke4
(coll.) (Tw) troublesome customer; obnoxious guest (from Taiwanese 漚客|沤客, POJ pr. )

背包客 背包客 bei1 bao1 ke4

必胜客 必勝客 bi4 sheng4 ke4
Pizza Hut

镖客 鏢客 biao1 ke4
armed escort (of travelers or merchants' caravans)

别客气 別客氣 bie2 ke4 qi5
don't mention it; no formalities, please

别太客气 別太客氣 bie2 tai4 ke4 qi5
lit. no excessive politeness; Don't mention it!; You're welcome!; Please don't stand on ceremony.

宾客 賓客 bin1 ke4
guests; visitors

宾客盈门 賓客盈門 bin1 ke4 ying2 men2
guests filled the hall (idiom); a house full of distinguished visitors

播客 播客 bo1 ke4
radio broadcast; podcast; Internet audio subscription service

博客 博客 bo2 ke4
blog (loanword); weblog; blogger

博客话剧 博客話劇 bo2 ke4 hua4 ju4
blog drama (netspeak)

博客圈 博客圈 bo2 ke4 quan1

博客写手 博客寫手 bo2 ke4 xie3 shou3
blogger; blog writer

不客气 不客氣 bu4 ke4 qi5
you're welcome; don't mention it; impolite; rude; blunt

部落客 部落客 bu4 luo4 ke4
blogger (Tw)

不速之客 不速之客 bu4 su4 zhi1 ke4
uninvited or unexpected guest

不用客气 不用客氣 bu4 yong4 ke4 qi5
you're welcome; don't mention it; no need to stand on ceremony

常客 常客 chang2 ke4
frequent visitor; fig. sth that crops up frequently

乘客 乘客 cheng2 ke4

词人墨客 詞人墨客 ci2 ren2 mo4 ke4
sb of literary abilities (idiom)

刺客 刺客 ci4 ke4
assassin; murderer

大客车 大客車 da4 ke4 che1

代客泊车 代客泊車 dai4 ke4 bo2 che1
valet parking

吊客 弔客 diao4 ke4
a visitor offering condolences

钓客 釣客 diao4 ke4
angler; phisher (Internet slang)

丁客 丁客 ding1 ke4
see 丁克

顶客 頂客 ding3 ke4
see 丁克

独在异乡为异客 獨在異鄉為異客 du2 zai4 yi4 xiang1 wei2 yi4 ke4
a stranger in a strange land (from a poem by Wang Wei 王維|王维)

赌客 賭客 du3 ke4

番客 番客 fan1 ke4
(old) foreigner; alien; (dialect) overseas Chinese

反客为主 反客為主 fan3 ke4 wei2 zhu3
lit. the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn from passive to active behavior

房客 房客 fang2 ke4

访客 訪客 fang3 ke4
visitor; caller

贾客 賈客 gu3 ke4
merchant (old)

顾客 顧客 gu4 ke4
client; customer

顾客至上 顧客至上 gu4 ke4 zhi4 shang4
the customer reigns supreme (idiom)

观光客 觀光客 guan1 guang1 ke4

观客 觀客 guan1 ke4

官客 官客 guan1 ke4
male guest at party

过客 過客 guo4 ke4
passing traveler; transient guest; sojourner

骇客 駭客 hai4 ke4
hacker (computing) (loanword)

毫不客气 毫不客氣 hao2 bu4 ke4 qi5
no trace of politeness; unrestrained (criticism)

好客 好客 hao4 ke4
hospitality; to treat guests well; to enjoy having guests; hospitable; friendly

贺客 賀客 he4 ke4
guest (to a wedding etc)

黑客 黑客 hei1 ke4
hacker (computing) (loanword)

黑客帝国 黑客帝國 hei1 ke4 di4 guo2
The Matrix (1999 movie)

黑客文 黑客文 hei1 ke4 wen2
hacker terminology; leetspeak

红客 紅客 hong2 ke4
"honker", Chinese hacker motivated by patriotism, using one's skills to protect domestic networks and work in national interest

回头客 回頭客 hui2 tou2 ke4
repeat customer

会客 會客 hui4 ke4
to receive a visitor

会客室 會客室 hui4 ke4 shi4

极客 極客 ji2 ke4
geek (loanword) (computing)

佳世客 佳世客 jia1 shi4 ke4
JUSCO, Japanese chain of hypermarkets

剑客 劍客 jian4 ke4
fencer (i.e. sportsman involved in fencing)

接客 接客 jie1 ke4
to receive guests; to receive patrons (of prostitutes)

掘客 掘客 jue2 ke4
Digg (social news website)

看客 看客 kan4 ke4
audience; spectators; onlookers

客舱 客艙 ke4 cang1
passenger cabin

客场 客場 ke4 chang3
away-game arena; away-game venue

客车 客車 ke4 che1
coach; bus; passenger train

客船 客船 ke4 chuan2
passenger ship

客串 客串 ke4 chuan4
to appear on stage in an amateur capacity; (of a professional) to make a guest appearance; (fig.) to assume a role outside one's usual duties; to substitute for

客店 客店 ke4 dian4
small hotel; inn

客队 客隊 ke4 dui4
visiting team (sports)

客饭 客飯 ke4 fan4
cafeteria meal specially prepared for a group of visitors; set meal

客房 客房 ke4 fang2
guest room

客服 客服 ke4 fu2
customer service

客官 客官 ke4 guan1
(polite appellation for a guest at a hotel etc)

客观 客觀 ke4 guan1
objective; impartial

客观世界 客觀世界 ke4 guan1 shi4 jie4
the objective world (as opposed to empirical observation)

客观唯心主义 客觀唯心主義 ke4 guan1 wei2 xin1 zhu3 yi4
objective idealism (in Hegel's philosophy)

客观性 客觀性 ke4 guan1 xing4

客观主义 客觀主義 ke4 guan1 zhu3 yi4
objectivist philosophy

客户 客戶 ke4 hu4
client; customer

客户端 客戶端 ke4 hu4 duan1
client (computing)

客户服务 客戶服務 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4
customer service; client service

客户服务部 客戶服務部 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 bu4
customer service division

客户服务器结构 客戶服務器結構 ke4 hu4 fu2 wu4 qi4 jie2 gou4
client server architecture

客户机 客戶機 ke4 hu4 ji1
client (computer)

客户机服务器环境 客戶機服務器環境 ke4 hu4 ji1 fu2 wu4 qi4 huan2 jing4
client-server environment

客户机软件 客戶機軟件 ke4 hu4 ji1 ruan3 jian4
client software

客户应用 客戶應用 ke4 hu4 ying4 yong4
client application

客机 客機 ke4 ji1
passenger plane

客家 客家 ke4 jia1
Hakka ethnic group (Han Chinese migrants from north to south China)

客家话 客家話 ke4 jia1 hua4
Hakka dialect

客家人 客家人 ke4 jia1 ren2
Hakka people

客家语 客家語 ke4 jia1 yu3
Hakka (a Chinese dialect)

客居 客居 ke4 ju1
to live in a foreign place; to live somewhere as a guest

客轮 客輪 ke4 lun2
passenger ship

客满 客滿 ke4 man3
to have a full house; to be sold out; no vacancy

客气 客氣 ke4 qi5
polite; courteous; formal; modest

客气话 客氣話 ke4 qi5 hua4
words of politeness; politesse; decorous talking; talk with propriety

客人 客人 ke4 ren2
visitor; guest; customer; client

客室 客室 ke4 shi4
guest room

客死 客死 ke4 si3
to die in a foreign land; to die abroad

客堂 客堂 ke4 tang2
room to meet guests; parlor

客套 客套 ke4 tao4
polite greeting; courtesy (in words)

客套话 客套話 ke4 tao4 hua4
conventional greeting; polite formula

客梯 客梯 ke4 ti1
passenger elevator; passenger lift

客体 客體 ke4 ti3
object (philosophy)

客厅 客廳 ke4 ting1
drawing room (room for arriving guests); living room

客西马尼花园 客西馬尼花園 ke4 xi1 ma3 ni2 hua1 yuan2
Garden of Gethsemane (in the Christian passion story)

客西马尼园 客西馬尼園 ke4 xi1 ma3 ni2 yuan2
Garden of Gethsemane

客语 客語 ke4 yu3
Hakka dialect

客运 客運 ke4 yun4
passenger traffic; (Tw) intercity bus

客运量 客運量 ke4 yun4 liang4
amount of passenger traffic

客蚤 客蚤 ke4 zao3
flea (Xenopsylla spp.)

客蚤属 客蚤屬 ke4 zao3 shu3
Xenopsylla (the flea genus)

客栈 客棧 ke4 zhan4
tavern; guest house; inn; hotel

客制化 客製化 ke4 zhi4 hua4
customization (Tw)

客座教授 客座教授 ke4 zuo4 jiao4 shou4
visiting professor; guest professor

空客公司 空客公司 kong1 ke4 gong1 si1
Airbus (European corporation)

空中客车 空中客車 kong1 zhong1 ke4 che1
Airbus (Aircraft company)

拉客 拉客 la1 ke4
to solicit (guests, clients, passengers etc); to importune

来客 來客 lai2 ke4

老客 老客 lao3 ke4
peddler; old or regular customer

老客儿 老客兒 lao3 ke4 er5
erhua variant of 老客

留客 留客 liu2 ke4
to ask a guest to stay; to detain a guest

旅客 旅客 lv3 ke4
traveler; tourist

旅游客 旅遊客 lv3 you2 ke4
a tourist

绿林豪客 綠林豪客 lv4 lin2 hao2 ke4
bold hero of Greenwood (refers to popular hero in Robin Hood style)

门客 門客 men2 ke4
hanger-on; visitor (in a nobleman's house)

猛龙怪客 猛龍怪客 meng3 long2 guai4 ke4
Death wish, movie series with Charles Bronson

墨客 墨客 mo4 ke4
literary person

纽约客 紐約客 niu3 yue1 ke4
The New Yorker, US magazine; resident of New York

拍客 拍客 pai1 ke4
citizen journalist (typically posting short, self-produced documentary videos on the Web)

排客 排客 pai2 ke4
paid queuer; person paid to stand in line for another

皮条客 皮條客 pi2 tiao2 ke4

嫖客 嫖客 piao2 ke4
patron of a brothel

品客 品客 pin3 ke4
Pringles (snack food brand)

掮客 掮客 qian2 ke4
broker; agent

请客 請客 qing3 ke4
to give a dinner party; to entertain guests; to invite to dinner

骚客 騷客 sao1 ke4
(literary) poet; literati

骚扰客蚤 騷擾客蚤 sao1 rao3 ke4 zao3
Xenopsylla vexabilis

沙发客 沙發客 sha1 fa1 ke4
couchsurfing; couchsurfer

晒客 曬客 shai4 ke4
person who shares their experiences and thoughts with others on the Internet

食客 食客 shi2 ke4
diner (in a restaurant etc); hanger-on; sponger

试客 試客 shi4 ke4
user of shareware or demo software

熟客 熟客 shu2 ke4
frequent visitor

水客 水客 shui3 ke4
smuggler, esp. of electronic goods from Macao or Hong Kong to Guangdong; boatman; fisherman; itinerant trader

说客 說客 shui4 ke4
(old) itinerant political adviser; (fig.) lobbyist; go-between; mouthpiece; also pr.

送客 送客 song4 ke4
to see a visitor out

台客 台客 tai2 ke4
stereotypical Taiwanese person (often derogatory)

饕客 饕客 tao1 ke4

淘客 淘客 tao2 ke4
talk (loanword); chatline of PRC Internet company Taobao,

特别客串 特別客串 te4 bie2 ke4 chuan4
special guest performer (in a show); special guest appearance (in film credits)

天外来客 天外來客 tian1 wai4 lai2 ke4
visitors from outer space

网络客 網絡客 wang3 luo4 ke4
web user; guest user

微博客 微博客 wei1 bo2 ke4
micro-blogging; microblog

威客 威客 wei1 ke4
Witkey, question-and-answer website

问客杀鸡 問客殺雞 wen4 ke4 sha1 ji1
lit. asking guests whether or not to butcher a chicken for them (idiom); fig. hypocritical show of affection (or hospitality)

稀客 稀客 xi1 ke4
infrequent visitor

侠客 俠客 xia2 ke4
chivalrous person; knight-errant

下逐客令 下逐客令 xia4 zhu2 ke4 ling4
to ask sb to leave; to show sb the door; to give a tenant notice to leave

仙客来 仙客來 xian1 ke4 lai2

香客 香客 xiang1 ke4
Buddhist pilgrim; Buddhist worshipper

飨客 饗客 xiang3 ke4
to entertain a guest

协和式客机 協和式客機 xie2 he2 shi4 ke4 ji1
Concorde, supersonic passenger airliner

谢客 謝客 xie4 ke4
to decline to meet a visitor; to express one's gratitude to one's guests

行客 行客 xing2 ke4
visitor; traveler

虚客族 虛客族 xu1 ke4 zu2
people who like to window-shop for unaffordable luxuries

徐霞客 徐霞客 xu2 xia2 ke4
Xu Xiake (1587-1641), Ming dynasty travel writer and geographer, author of Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries 徐霞客遊記|徐霞客游记

徐霞客游记 徐霞客遊記 xu2 xia2 ke4 you2 ji4
Xu Xiake's Travel Diaries, a book of travel records by 徐霞客 on geology, geography, plants etc

印鼠客蚤 印鼠客蚤 yin4 shu3 ke4 zao3
oriental rat flea (Xenopsylla cheopis)

迎客松 迎客松 ying2 ke4 song1
Greeting Pine, symbol of Mt Huang 黃山

游客 遊客 you2 ke4
traveler; tourist; (online gaming) guest player

游客止步 游客止步 you2 ke4 zhi3 bu4
visitors are not admitted (idiom)

羽客 羽客 yu3 ke4
Daoist priest

远客 遠客 yuan3 ke4
guest from afar

宰客 宰客 zai3 ke4
to cheat customers; to overcharge

载客 載客 zai4 ke4
to take passengers on board

载客车 載客車 zai4 ke4 che1
passenger train (or bus)

载客量 載客量 zai4 ke4 liang4
passenger capacity

赵客 趙客 zhao4 ke4
knight of the Zhao State; generic term for a knight-errant

政客 政客 zheng4 ke4

逐客令 逐客令 zhu2 ke4 ling4
the First Emperor's order to expel foreigners; (fig.) notice to leave; words or behavior intended at turning visitors out

住客 住客 zhu4 ke4
hotel guest; tenant

庄客 莊客 zhuang1 ke4
farm hand

追客 追客 zhui1 ke4
avid fan who anxiously awaits new content

咨客 咨客 zi1 ke4

做客 做客 zuo4 ke4
to be a guest or visitor

作客 作客 zuo4 ke4
to live somewhere as a visitor; to stay with sb as a guest; to sojourn

座上客 座上客 zuo4 shang4 ke4
guest of honor