rich; abundant; wealthy

surname Fu

strokes 12
strokes after radical 9
阿富汗 阿富汗 a1 fu4 han4
Afghanistan; Afghan

阿富汗语 阿富汗語 a1 fu4 han4 yu3
Afghan (language); Pashto language

安富恤贫 安富恤貧 an1 fu4 xu4 pin2
to give sympathy to the rich and relief to the poor (idiom)

安富恤穷 安富恤窮 an1 fu4 xu4 qiong2
to give sympathy to the rich and relief to the poor (idiom)

安富尊荣 安富尊榮 an1 fu4 zun1 rong2
well-off and respected (idiom); to be content with one's wealth and position

白富美 白富美 bai2 fu4 mei3
"Ms Perfect" (i.e. fair-skinned, rich and beautiful) (Internet slang)

百万富翁 百萬富翁 bai3 wan4 fu4 weng1

暴富 暴富 bao4 fu4
to get rich quick

本杰明·富兰克林 本傑明·富蘭克林 ben3 jie2 ming2 - fu4 lan2 ke4 lin2
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), American writer, scientist, inventor, politician and diplomat

财富 財富 cai2 fu4
wealth; riches

长命富贵 長命富貴 chang2 ming4 fu4 gui4
We wish you long life and riches! (idiom, conventional greeting)

仇富 仇富 chou2 fu4
to hate the rich

村山富市 村山富市 cun1 shan1 fu4 shi4
Tomiichi Murayama (1924-), former prime minister of Japan

达尔富尔 達爾富爾 da2 er3 fu4 er3
Darfur, region of west Sudan

打富济贫 打富濟貧 da3 fu4 ji4 pin2
to rob the rich to help the poor (idiom)

打击社会财富 打擊社會財富 da3 ji1 she4 hui4 cai2 fu4

大富大贵 大富大貴 da4 fu4 da4 gui4
very rich; millionaire

大富翁 大富翁 da4 fu4 weng1
Monopoly (game); known as 地產大亨|地产大亨 in Taiwan

发财致富 發財致富 fa1 cai2 zhi4 fu4
to become rich; enrichment

非富即贵 非富即貴 fei1 fu4 ji2 gui4
wealthy and respectable people

非富则贵 非富則貴 fei1 fu4 ze2 gui4
see 非富即貴|非富即贵

愤富 憤富 fen4 fu4
to hate the rich

丰富 豐富 feng1 fu4
to enrich; rich; plentiful; abundant

丰富多彩 豐富多彩 feng1 fu4 duo1 cai3
richly colorful

富不过三代 富不過三代 fu4 bu4 guo4 san1 dai4
wealth never survives three generations (idiom)

富布赖特 富布賴特 fu4 bu4 lai4 te4
Fulbright (scholarship)

富川县 富川縣 fu4 chuan1 xian4
Fuchuan Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi

富川瑶族自治县 富川瑤族自治縣 fu4 chuan1 yao2 zu2 zi4 zhi4 xian4
Fuchuan Yao autonomous county in Hezhou 賀州|贺州, Guangxi

富春江 富春江 fu4 chun1 jiang1
Fuchun River in Zhejiang

富得流油 富得流油 fu4 de5 liu2 you2
affluent; very rich

富二代 富二代 fu4 er4 dai4
children of entrepreneurs who became wealthy under Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms in the 1980s; see also 窮二代|穷二代

富富有余 富富有餘 fu4 fu4 you3 yu2
richly provided for; having enough and to spare

富贵 富貴 fu4 gui4
riches and honor

富贵病 富貴病 fu4 gui4 bing4
rich person's ailment (needing expensive treatment and long recuperation)

富贵不能淫 富貴不能淫 fu4 gui4 bu4 neng2 yin2
not corrupted by wealth and honors

富贵角 富貴角 fu4 gui4 jiao3
Cape Fukuei, the northernmost point of Taiwan Island

富贵寿考 富貴壽考 fu4 gui4 shou4 kao3
rank, wealth, and long life

富贵竹 富貴竹 fu4 gui4 zhu2
lucky bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)

富国 富國 fu4 guo2
rich country; make the country wealthy (political slogan)

富国安民 富國安民 fu4 guo2 an1 min2
to make the country rich and the people at peace

富国强兵 富國強兵 fu4 guo2 qiang2 bing1
lit. rich country, strong army (idiom); slogan of legalist philosophers in pre-Han times; Make the country wealthy and the military powerful, slogan of modernizers in Qing China and Meiji Japan (Japanese pronunciation: Fukoku kyōhei)

富豪 富豪 fu4 hao2
rich and powerful person

富户 富戶 fu4 hu4
rich family; large landlord

富锦 富錦 fu4 jin3
Fujin county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi 佳木斯, Heilongjiang

富锦市 富錦市 fu4 jin3 shi4
Fujin county level city in Kiamusze or Jiamusi city 佳木斯, Heilongjiang

富可敌国 富可敵國 fu4 ke3 di2 guo2
having wealth equivalent to that of an entire nation (idiom); extremely wealthy

富矿 富礦 fu4 kuang4
high-grade ore

富拉尔基 富拉爾基 fu4 la1 er3 ji1
Fularji district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang

富拉尔基区 富拉爾基區 fu4 la1 er3 ji1 qu1
Fularji district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang

富兰克林 富蘭克林 fu4 lan2 ke4 lin2
Franklin; Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), US Founding Father, scientist and author; surname Franklin

富里 富里 fu4 li3
Fuli township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县, east Taiwan

富里乡 富里鄉 fu4 li3 xiang1
Fuli township in Hualien county 花蓮縣|花莲县, east Taiwan

富丽堂皇 富麗堂皇 fu4 li4 tang2 huang2
sumptuous mansions (idiom); splendorous and majestic

富良野 富良野 fu4 liang2 ye3
Furano, Hokkaidō, Japan

富民 富民 fu4 min2
to enrich the people

富民 富民 fu4 min2
Fumin county in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan

富民县 富民縣 fu4 min2 xian4
Fumin county in Kunming 昆明, Yunnan

富纳富提 富納富提 fu4 na4 fu4 ti2
Funafuti, capital of Tuvalu

富宁 富寧 fu4 ning2
Funing county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州, Yunnan

富宁县 富寧縣 fu4 ning2 xian4
Funing county in Wenshan Zhuang and Miao autonomous prefecture 文山壯族苗族自治州|文山壮族苗族自治州, Yunnan

富农 富農 fu4 nong2
rich peasant; social class of people farming their own land, intermediate between land-owner class 地主 and poor peasant 貧農|贫农

富平 富平 fu4 ping2
Fuping County in Weinan 渭南, Shaanxi

富平县 富平縣 fu4 ping2 xian4
Fuping County in Weinan 渭南, Shaanxi

富婆 富婆 fu4 po2
wealthy woman

富强 富強 fu4 qiang2
rich and powerful

富饶 富饒 fu4 rao2
fertile; richly provided

富人 富人 fu4 ren2
rich man

富色彩 富色彩 fu4 se4 cai3

富商 富商 fu4 shang1
rich merchant

富商大贾 富商大賈 fu4 shang1 da4 gu3
tycoon; magnate

富商巨贾 富商巨賈 fu4 shang1 ju4 gu3
tycoon; magnate

富时 富時 fu4 shi2
FTSE (British provider of stock exchange indices such as FTSE 100)

富士 富士 fu4 shi4
Fuji (Japanese company)

富士康 富士康 fu4 shi4 kang1
Foxconn Technology Group; abbr. of 富士康科技集團|富士康科技集团

富士康科技集团 富士康科技集團 fu4 shi4 kang1 ke1 ji4 ji2 tuan2
Foxconn Technology Group

富士山 富士山 fu4 shi4 shan1
Mt. Fuji, Japan

富士通 富士通 fu4 shi4 tong1

富庶 富庶 fu4 shu4
populous and affluent

富孀 富孀 fu4 shuang1
rich widow

富顺 富順 fu4 shun4
Fushun county in Zigong 自貢|自贡, Sichuan

富顺县 富順縣 fu4 shun4 xian4
Fushun county in Zigong 自貢|自贡, Sichuan

富态 富態 fu4 tai5
(euphemism) stout; portly

富铁土 富鐵土 fu4 tie3 tu3
Ferrosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy)

富翁 富翁 fu4 weng1
rich person; millionaire; billionaire

富县 富縣 fu4 xian4
Fu county in Yan'an 延安, Shaanxi

富阳 富陽 fu4 yang2
Fuyang county level city in Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang

富阳市 富陽市 fu4 yang2 shi4
Fuyang county level city in Hangzhou 杭州, Zhejiang

富有 富有 fu4 you3
rich; full of

富于 富于 fu4 yu2
to be full of; to be rich in

富于想像 富於想像 fu4 yu2 xiang3 xiang4

富裕 富裕 fu4 yu4
Fuyu county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang

富裕 富裕 fu4 yu4
prosperous; well-to-do; well-off

富裕县 富裕縣 fu4 yu4 xian4
Fuyu county in Qiqihar 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang

富余 富餘 fu4 yu5
in surplus

富源 富源 fu4 yuan2
Fuyuan county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan

富源县 富源縣 fu4 yuan2 xian4
Fuyuan county in Qujing 曲靖, Yunnan

富蕴 富蘊 fu4 yun4
Fuyun county in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区, Xinjiang

富蕴县 富蘊縣 fu4 yun4 xian4
Fuyun county in Altay prefecture 阿勒泰地區|阿勒泰地区, Xinjiang

富足 富足 fu4 zu2
rich; plentiful

高富帅 高富帥 gao1 fu4 shuai4
"Mr Perfect" (i.e. tall, rich and handsome) (Internet slang)

苟富贵,勿相忘 苟富貴,勿相忘 gou3 fu4 gui4 - wu4 xiang1 wang4
don't forget your friends when you become rich

国富兵强 國富兵強 guo2 fu4 bing1 qiang2
prosperous country with military might

国富论 國富論 guo2 fu4 lun4
The Wealth of Nations (1776) by Adam Smith 亞當·斯密|亚当·斯密

豪富 豪富 hao2 fu4
rich and powerful; rich and influential person; big shot

黄富平 黃富平 huang2 fu4 ping2
pen name of Deng Xiaoping during his 1992 southern tour

劫富济贫 劫富濟貧 jie2 fu4 ji4 pin2
to rob the rich to help the poor

金富轼 金富軾 jin1 fu4 shi4
Kim Busik (1075-1151), court historian of the Korean Georyo dynasty 高麗|高丽, compiler of History of Three Kingdoms 三國史記|三国史记

精神财富 精神財富 jing1 shen2 cai2 fu4
spiritual wealth

经验丰富 經驗豐富 jing1 yan4 feng1 fu4
experienced; with ample experience

巨富 巨富 ju4 fu4
enormous sum; millionaire; very rich

李富春 李富春 li3 fu4 chun1
Li Fuchun (1900-1975), communist politician

露富 露富 lou4 fu4
to show one's wealth; to let one's wealth show

马无夜草不肥,人无外快不富 馬無夜草不肥,人無外快不富 ma3 wu2 ye4 cao3 bu4 fei2 - ren2 wu2 wai4 kuai4 bu4 fu4
a horse cannot get fat without an extra ration, a man cannot get rich without an extra income (idiom)

年富力强 年富力強 nian2 fu4 li4 qiang2
young and vigorous (idiom)

贫富 貧富 pin2 fu4
poor and rich

贫富差距 貧富差距 pin2 fu4 cha1 ju4
disparity between rich and poor

勤劳致富 勤勞致富 qin2 lao2 zhi4 fu4
to become rich by one's own efforts; self-made

穷在闹市无人问,富在深山有远亲 窮在鬧市無人問,富在深山有遠親 qiong2 zai4 nao4 shi4 wu2 ren2 wen4 - fu4 zai4 shen1 shan1 you3 yuan3 qin1
the poor are ignored in the busiest city; the rich will find relatives in the deepest mountain

饶富 饒富 rao2 fu4
to be rich in (some quality or other)

荣华富贵 榮華富貴 rong2 hua2 fu4 gui4
glory, splendor, wealth and rank (idiom); high position and great wealth

杀富济贫 殺富濟貧 sha1 fu4 ji4 pin2
robbing the rich to help the poor

首富 首富 shou3 fu4
richest individual; top millionaire

水富 水富 shui3 fu4
Shuifu county in Zhaotong 昭通, Yunnan

水富县 水富縣 shui3 fu4 xian4
Shuifu county in Zhaotong 昭通, Yunnan

苏富比 蘇富比 su1 fu4 bi3
Sotheby's auction house

谭富英 譚富英 tan2 fu4 ying1
Tan Fuying (1906-1977), Beijing opera star, one of the Four great beards 四大鬚生|四大须生

特富龙 特富龙 te4 fu4 long2
Teflon (PRC)

脱贫致富 脫貧致富 tuo1 pin2 zhi4 fu4
to rise from poverty and become prosperous (idiom); poverty alleviation

瓦利斯和富图纳 瓦利斯和富圖納 wa3 li4 si1 he2 fu4 tu2 na4
Wallis and Futuna (French island collectivity in the South Pacific)

为富不仁 為富不仁 wei2 fu4 bu4 ren2
the benevolent man cannot be rich (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24).

为富不仁,为仁不富 為富不仁,為仁不富 wei2 fu4 bu4 ren2 - wei2 ren2 bu4 fu4
the benevolent man cannot be rich and vice versa (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24).

为仁不富 為仁不富 wei2 ren2 bu4 fu4
the rich man cannot be benevolent (idiom, from Mencius). It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 19:24).

嫌贫爱富 嫌貧愛富 xian2 pin2 ai4 fu4
to favor the rich and disdain the poor (idiom); snobbish

炫富 炫富 xuan4 fu4
to flaunt wealth; ostentatious

学富五车 學富五車 xue2 fu4 wu3 che1
of great erudition and scholarship (idiom)

亿万富豪 億萬富豪 yi4 wan4 fu4 hao2

亿万富翁 億萬富翁 yi4 wan4 fu4 weng1
billionaire; multimillionaire

殷富 殷富 yin1 fu4
well off; prosperous

渊富 淵富 yuan1 fu4
rich and variegated

致富 致富 zhi4 fu4
to become rich