old variant of 幕; curtain; screen

curtain or screen; canopy or tent; headquarters of a general; act (of a play)

strokes 13
strokes after radical 11
报幕 報幕 bao4 mu4
announce the items on a (theatrical) program

闭幕 閉幕 bi4 mu4
the curtain falls; lower the curtain; to come to an end (of a meeting)

闭幕式 閉幕式 bi4 mu4 shi4
closing ceremony

布幕 布幕 bu4 mu4
screen (movie theater etc)

触控屏幕 觸控屏幕 chu4 kong4 ping2 mu4

触控式萤幕 觸控式螢幕 chu4 kong4 shi4 ying2 mu4

触控萤幕 觸控螢幕 chu4 kong4 ying2 mu4
touchscreen; touch panel

触摸屏幕 觸摸屏幕 chu4 mo1 ping2 mu4

垂幕 垂幕 chui2 mu4

弹幕 彈幕 dan4 mu4
barrage (military); "bullet screen", function which allows viewers to post on-screen comments in videos, movies etc in real time; danmaku (video game sub-genre)

多幕剧 多幕劇 duo1 mu4 ju4
play in several acts; full-length drama

放烟幕弹 放煙幕彈 fang4 yan1 mu4 dan4
to spread a smokescreen

府幕 府幕 fu3 mu4
government advisor

黑幕 黑幕 hei1 mu4
hidden details; dirty tricks; dark secrets

环幕 環幕 huan2 mu4
360° cinema screen

会幕 會幕 hui4 mu4
tabernacle (biblical word for a meeting hall or tent)

揭幕 揭幕 jie1 mu4
opening; unveiling

揭幕式 揭幕式 jie1 mu4 shi4
opening ceremony; unveiling

结幕 結幕 jie2 mu4
final scene (of a play); denouement

开闭幕式 開閉幕式 kai1 bi4 mu4 shi4
opening and closing ceremonies

开幕 開幕 kai1 mu4
to open (a conference); to inaugurate

开幕词 開幕詞 kai1 mu4 ci2
opening speech (at a conference)

开幕典礼 開幕典禮 kai1 mu4 dian3 li3
opening ceremony

开幕式 開幕式 kai1 mu4 shi4
opening ceremony

宽银幕电影 寬銀幕電影 kuan1 yin2 mu4 dian4 ying3
wide-screen movie

拉开序幕 拉開序幕 la1 kai1 xu4 mu4
(fig.) to raise the curtain; to lift the curtain; to be a curtain raiser for

镰仓幕府 鐮倉幕府 lian2 cang1 mu4 fu3
Kamakura bakufu 1192-1333, the first Japanese samurai shogunate

帘幕 簾幕 lian2 mu4
hanging screen; curtain over shop door (for privacy and serving as advertisement)

落幕 落幕 luo4 mu4
the curtain drops; the end of the show

幕布 幕布 mu4 bu4
(theater) curtain

幕府 幕府 mu4 fu3
(orig.) tents forming the offices of a commanding officer; administration of a military government; (medieval Japan) "bakufu", administration of the shogun

幕后 幕後 mu4 hou4
behind the scenes

幕后操纵 幕後操縱 mu4 hou4 cao1 zong4
to manipulate from behind the scenes; to pull the strings

幕后花絮 幕後花絮 mu4 hou4 hua1 xu4
news from behind the scenes; stage gossip

幕间 幕間 mu4 jian1
interval (between acts in theater)

幕僚 幕僚 mu4 liao2
aids and advisors of top officials

幕墙 幕牆 mu4 qiang2
curtain wall (architecture)

内幕 內幕 nei4 mu4
inside story; non-public information; behind the scenes; internal

内幕交易 內幕交易 nei4 mu4 jiao1 yi4
insider trading; insider dealing

屏幕 屏幕 ping2 mu4
screen (TV, computer or movie)

屏幕保护程序 屏幕保護程序 ping2 mu4 bao3 hu4 cheng2 xu4

室町幕府 室町幕府 shi4 ting3 mu4 fu3
Muromachi bakufu, the feudal government of Japan (1338-1573) under the Ashikaga shoguns

水幕 水幕 shui3 mu4
water screen (screen formed of sprayed water droplets, used for displaying projected images, for temperature control, or for air purification)

铁幕 鐵幕 tie3 mu4
Iron Curtain (1945-1991) (in Taiwan, 鐵幕 was used to refer to both the Iron Curtain and the Bamboo Curtain)

帷幕 帷幕 wei2 mu4
heavy curtain

帏幕 幃幕 wei2 mu4
screen; backdrop

谢幕 謝幕 xie4 mu4
to take a curtain call; (fig.) to come to an end

序幕 序幕 xu4 mu4

烟幕 煙幕 yan1 mu4
smokescreen; fig. a diversion

烟幕弹 煙幕彈 yan1 mu4 dan4
smoke bomb

夜幕 夜幕 ye4 mu4
curtain of night; gathering darkness

夜幕低垂 夜幕低垂 ye4 mu4 di1 chui2
darkness fell (falls, had fallen etc)

夜幕降临 夜幕降臨 ye4 mu4 jiang4 lin2

银幕 銀幕 yin2 mu4
movie screen

荧光幕 熒光幕 ying2 guang1 mu4
screen (of a TV, computer etc) (Tw)

萤幕 螢幕 ying2 mu4
screen (of a TV, computer etc) (Tw)

荧幕 熒幕 ying2 mu4
TV screen

萤幕保护装置 螢幕保護裝置 ying2 mu4 bao3 hu4 zhuang1 zhi4
see 屏幕保護程序|屏幕保护程序

月台幕门 月台幕門 yue4 tai2 mu4 men2
(railway) platform screen doors; platform-edge doors

帐幕 帳幕 zhang4 mu4

字幕 字幕 zi4 mu4
caption; subtitle