Burns (name); Nicholas Burns (1956-), US diplomat, Under-secretary at US State Department from 2005
博尔赫斯博爾赫斯bo2 er3 he4 si1
Jorge Luis Borges
博福斯博福斯bo2 fu2 si1
Bofors, Swedish arms company involved in major corruption case during 1980s
伯拉第斯拉瓦伯拉第斯拉瓦bo2 la1 di4 si1 la1 wa3
Bratislava, capital of Slovakia
勃拉姆斯勃拉姆斯bo2 la1 mu3 si1
Brahms (name); Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), German romantic composer
伯纳斯·李伯納斯·李bo2 na4 si1 - li3
Sir Tim Berners-Lee (1955-), British computer scientist and co-creator of the World Wide Web
博斯普鲁斯博斯普魯斯bo2 si1 pu3 lu3 si1
博斯腾湖博斯騰湖bo2 si1 teng2 hu2
Bosten Lake in Xinjiang
博斯沃思博斯沃思bo2 si1 wo4 si1
Bosworth (name); Stephen Bosworth (1939-), US academic and diplomat, special representative for policy on North Korea from 2009
布达佩斯布達佩斯bu4 da2 pei4 si1
Budapest, capital of Hungary
布加勒斯特布加勒斯特bu4 jia1 le4 si1 te4
Bucharest, capital of Romania
布拉迪斯拉发布拉迪斯拉發bu4 la1 di2 si1 la1 fa1
布拉戈维申斯克布拉戈維申斯克bu4 la1 ge1 wei2 shen1 si1 ke4
Blagoveshchensk, Russian city on the border with China, administrative center of Amur Oblast 阿穆爾州|阿穆尔州
布拉提斯拉瓦布拉提斯拉瓦bu4 la1 ti2 si1 la1 wa3
Bratislava, capital of Slovakia (Tw)
布莱克史密斯布萊克史密斯bu4 lai2 ke4 shi3 mi4 si1
Blacksmith (name)
布兰妮·斯皮尔斯布蘭妮·斯皮爾斯bu4 lan2 ni1 - si1 pi2 er3 si1
Britney Spears (1981-), US pop singer
布朗克斯布朗克斯bu4 lang3 ke4 si1
The Bronx, borough of New York City; Bronx County (coextensive with The Bronx); also written 布朗士
布雷斯特布雷斯特bu4 lei2 si1 te4
Brest, westernmost town in France
布里斯班布里斯班bu4 li3 si1 ban1
Brisbane, capital of Queensland, Australia
布里斯托布里斯托bu4 li3 si1 tuo1
布里斯托尔布里斯托爾bu4 li3 si1 tuo1 er3
Bristol port city in southwest England
布里斯托尔海峡布里斯托爾海峽bu4 li3 si1 tuo1 er3 hai3 xia2
Bristol Channel in southwest England
布列斯特布列斯特bu4 lie4 si1 te4
Brest, town in Belarus
布鲁姆斯伯里布魯姆斯伯里bu4 lu3 mu3 si1 bo2 li3
Bloomsbury, London district
布鲁斯布魯斯bu4 lu3 si1
blues (music) (loanword)
布鲁特斯布魯特斯bu4 lu3 te4 si1
Brutus (name); Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician who conspired against Julius Caesar; Lucius Junius Brutus (6th c. BC), founder of the Roman Republic
布鲁图斯布魯圖斯bu4 lu3 tu2 si1
Brutus (name); Marcus Junius Brutus (85-42 BC), late Roman Republic politician who conspired against Julius Caesar; Lucius Junius Brutus (6th c. BC), founder of the Roman Republic
布热津斯基布熱津斯基bu4 re4 jin1 si1 ji1
Brzezinski (name); Zbigniew Brzezinski (1928-), Polish-American academic and politician, US National Security Adviser 1977-1981
布宜诺斯艾利斯布宜諾斯艾利斯bu4 yi2 nuo4 si1 ai4 li4 si1
Buenos Aires, capital of Argentina
查尔斯查爾斯cha2 er3 si1
查尔斯·狄更斯查爾斯·狄更斯cha2 er3 si1 - di2 geng1 si1
Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English novelist
查尔斯·格雷查爾斯·格雷cha2 er3 si1 - ge2 lei2
Charles Grey
查尔斯顿查爾斯頓cha2 er3 si1 dun4
查戈斯群岛查戈斯群島cha2 ge1 si1 qun2 dao3
Chagos Archipelago, coral archipelago in tropical Indian Ocean, with Diego Garcia 迪戈·加西亞島|迪戈·加西亚岛 as largest island
查加斯病查加斯病cha2 jia1 si1 bing4
Chagas disease; American trypanosomiasis
查克·诺里斯查克·諾里斯cha2 ke4 - nuo4 li3 si1
Chuck Norris (1940-), American martial artist and actor
查韦斯查韋斯cha2 wei2 si1
Chavez, Spanish name
柴科夫斯基柴科夫斯基chai2 ke1 fu1 si1 ji1
Piotr Ilyich Tchaikowsky (1840-1893), Russian composer, composer of 6 symphonies and the opera Eugene Onegin
柴可夫斯基柴可夫斯基chai2 ke3 fu1 si1 ji1
Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), Russian composer
车尔尼雪夫斯基車爾尼雪夫斯基che1 er3 ni2 xue3 fu1 si1 ji1
Nikolai Chernyshevsky
车里雅宾斯克車里雅賓斯克che1 li3 ya3 bin1 si1 ke4
Chelyabinsk town on the eastern flanks of Ural, on trans-Siberian railway
催泪瓦斯催淚瓦斯cui1 lei4 wa3 si1
tear gas
达拉斯達拉斯da2 la1 si1
达累斯萨拉姆達累斯薩拉姆da2 lei4 si1 sa4 la1 mu3
Dar es Salaam (former capital of Tanzania)
达特茅斯達特茅斯da2 te4 mao2 si1
Dartmouth (place name)
达特茅斯学院達特茅斯學院da2 te4 mao2 si1 xue2 yuan4
Dartmouth College
达沃斯達沃斯da2 wo4 si1
Davos (Swiss ski resort); Davos world economic forum (WEF)
General Douglas MacArthur (1880-1964), US commander in Pacific during WW2, sacked in 1951 by President Truman for exceeding orders during the Korean war
道卡斯族道卡斯族dao4 ka3 si1 zu2
Taokas, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
道琼斯道瓊斯dao4 qiong2 si1
Dow Jones; Dow Jones industrial average (Wall street stock market index); abbr. for 道瓊斯指數|道琼斯指数
道琼斯指数道瓊斯指數dao4 qiong2 si1 zhi3 shu4
Dow Jones industrial average (Wall street stock market index)
得克萨斯得克薩斯de2 ke4 sa4 si1
Texas, US state
德克萨斯德克薩斯de2 ke4 sa4 si1
得克萨斯州得克薩斯州de2 ke4 sa4 si1 zhou1
Texas, US state
德克萨斯州德克薩斯州de2 ke4 sa4 si1 zhou1
state of Texas
德雷福斯德雷福斯de2 lei2 fu2 si1
Dreyfus (name); Alfred Dreyfus (1859-1935), French artillery officer of Alsatian and Jewish background, infamously imprisoned 1894 in miscarriage of justice
德雷福斯案件德雷福斯案件de2 lei2 fu2 si1 an4 jian4
Dreyfus affair 1894-1906, notorious political scandal in France case involving antisemitism and miscarriage of justice
德雷斯顿德雷斯頓de2 lei2 si1 dun4
Dresden, Germany
德累斯顿德累斯頓de2 lei4 si1 dun4
Dresden, capital of Saxony 薩克森州|萨克森州, Germany
狄俄倪索斯狄俄倪索斯di2 e2 ni2 suo3 si1
Dionysus, the god of wine in Greek mythology
狄更斯狄更斯di2 geng1 si1
Dickens (name); Charles Dickens (1812-1870), great English novelist
迪斯科迪斯科di2 si1 ke1
disco (loanword)
迪斯科吧迪斯科吧di2 si1 ke1 ba1
迪斯科厅迪斯科廳di2 si1 ke1 ting1
disco hall; nightclub
迪斯可迪斯可di2 si1 ke3
disco (loanword) (Tw)
迪斯雷利迪斯雷利di2 si1 lei2 li4
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), British conservative politician and novelist, prime minister 1868-1880
迪斯尼迪斯尼di2 si1 ni2
Disney (company name, surname); also written 迪士尼
迪斯尼乐园迪斯尼樂園di2 si1 ni2 le4 yuan2
Disneyland; also written 迪士尼樂園|迪士尼乐园
底比斯底比斯di3 bi3 si1
Thebes, place name in ancient Egypt; Thebes, ancient Greek city state
Florentino Pérez (1947-), Spanish businessman and president of Real Madrid football club
佛洛斯特佛洛斯特fu2 luo4 si1 te4
Frost (surname)
福斯福斯fu2 si1
(Tw) Volkswagen (car manufacturer); Fox Entertainment Group
福斯塔夫福斯塔夫fu2 si1 ta3 fu1
Falstaff (Shakespearian character)
福斯特福斯特fu2 si1 te4
Foster or Forster (name); Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864), American composer
冈底斯山岡底斯山gang1 di3 si1 shan1
Mt Gangdisê (6656m) in southwest Tibet, revered by Tibetans as the center of the universe
冈底斯山脉岡底斯山脈gang1 di3 si1 shan1 mai4
Gangdisê mountain range in southwest Tibet
高斯高斯gao1 si1
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), German mathematician; Gauss, unit of magnetic induction
戈德斯通戈德斯通ge1 de2 si1 tong1
Goldstone (name)
哥尼斯堡哥尼斯堡ge1 ni2 si1 bao3
(until WWII) Königsberg, capital of East Prussia on the Baltic; (since WWII) Kaliningrad, Russian Republic
哥斯达黎加哥斯達黎加ge1 si1 da2 li2 jia1
Costa Rica
哥斯大黎加哥斯大黎加ge1 si1 da4 li2 jia1
Costa Rica (Tw)
哥斯拉哥斯拉ge1 si1 la1
Godzilla (Japanese ゴジラ Gojira)
戈斯拉尔戈斯拉爾ge1 si1 la1 er3
Goslar, Germany
格但斯克格但斯克ge2 dan4 si1 ke4
Gdansk, city on Baltic in north Poland
格拉斯哥格拉斯哥ge2 la1 si1 ge1
Glasgow, Scotland
格雷茅斯格雷茅斯ge2 lei2 mao2 si1
Greymouth, town in New Zealand; also written 格雷默斯
格里姆斯塔格里姆斯塔ge2 li3 mu3 si1 ta3
Grimstad (city in Agder, Norway)
格林斯班格林斯班ge2 lin2 si1 ban1
Alan Greenspan (1926-), US economist
格洛纳斯格洛納斯ge2 luo4 na4 si1
GLONASS (Globalnaya Navigatsionaya Satelitnaya Sistema or Global Navigation Satellite System), the Russian equivalent of GPS
格洛斯特格洛斯特ge2 luo4 si1 te4
Gloucester city in southwest England
格洛斯特郡格洛斯特郡ge2 luo4 si1 te4 jun4
Gloucestershire county in southwest England
格斯塔格斯塔ge2 si1 ta3
Gestalt (loanword); coherent whole; technical word used in psychology meaning the whole is more than the sum of its parts; holistic; integrated; total; also written 格式塔
古斯塔夫·多雷古斯塔夫·多雷gu3 si1 ta3 fu1 - duo1 lei2
Gustave Dore (1832-1883), French artist and sculptor
Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Kingston, capital of Jamaica
京斯敦京斯敦jing1 si1 dun1
Kingstown, capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; (Tw) Kingston, capital of Jamaica
喀纳斯湖喀納斯湖ka1 na4 si1 hu2
Kanas Lake in Xinjiang
喀斯特喀斯特ka1 si1 te4
karst (loanword); weathered limestone often forming caves
喀斯特地貌喀斯特地貌ka1 si1 te4 di4 mao4
karst landform (weathered limestone, often forming caves)
卡巴斯基卡巴斯基ka3 ba1 si1 ji1
Kaspersky (computer security product brand)
卡尔斯鲁厄卡爾斯魯厄ka3 er3 si1 lu3 e4
Karlsruhe (city in Germany)
卡拉卡斯卡拉卡斯ka3 la1 ka3 si1
Caracas, capital of Venezuela (Tw)
卡洛斯卡洛斯ka3 luo4 si1
Carlos (name)
卡斯翠卡斯翠ka3 si1 cui4
Castries, capital of Saint Lucia (Tw)
卡斯蒂利亚卡斯蒂利亞ka3 si1 di4 li4 ya4
Castilla, old Spanish kingdom; modern Spanish provinces of Castilla-Leon and Castilla-La Mancha
卡斯蒂利亚·莱昂卡斯蒂利亞·萊昂ka3 si1 di4 li4 ya4 - lai2 ang2
Castilla-Leon, north Spanish province
卡斯特里卡斯特里ka3 si1 te4 li3
Castries, capital of Saint Lucia
卡斯特利翁卡斯特利翁ka3 si1 te4 li4 weng1
卡斯特罗卡斯特羅ka3 si1 te4 luo2
Castro (name); Fidel Castro or Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (1926-), Cuban revolutionary leader, prime minister 1959-1976, president 1976-2008
凯恩斯凱恩斯kai3 en1 si1
Keynes (name); John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), influential British economist
堪萨斯堪薩斯kan1 sa4 si1
Kansas, US state
堪萨斯州堪薩斯州kan1 sa4 si1 zhou1
Kansas, US state
康多莉扎·赖斯康多莉扎·賴斯kang1 duo1 li4 zha1 - lai4 si1
Rice (name); Condoleezza Rice (1954-) US Secretary of State from 2005
康斯坦察康斯坦察kang1 si1 tan3 cha2
Constanta (city in Romania)
康斯坦茨康斯坦茨kang1 si1 tan3 ci2
Konstanz (Germany)
考克斯考克斯kao3 ke4 si1
Cox (surname)
考克斯报告考克斯報告kao3 ke4 si1 bao4 gao4
Cox Report; Report of the Select Committee on US National Security and Military-Commercial Concerns with the PRC (1999); Committee Chairman Republican Rep. Chris Cox
科利奥兰纳斯科利奧蘭納斯ke1 li4 ao4 lan2 na4 si1
Coriolanus, 1607 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚
科林斯科林斯ke1 lin2 si1
Corinth (city of ancient Greece)
柯林斯柯林斯ke1 lin2 si1
Collins (name)
科特布斯科特布斯ke1 te4 bu4 si1
Cottbus (city in Germany)
克拉斯金诺克拉斯金諾ke4 la1 si1 jin1 nuo4
Kraskino town in Primorsky Krai, Russia, close to the North Korean border
Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the thirty-fifth President of Brazil; Lula
路易斯安那路易斯安那lu4 yi4 si1 an1 na4
Louisiana, US state
路易斯安那州路易斯安那州lu4 yi4 si1 an1 na4 zhou1
Louisiana, US state
罗巴切夫斯基羅巴切夫斯基luo2 ba1 qie4 fu1 si1 ji1
Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky (1793-1856), one of the discoverers of non-Euclidean geometry
罗伯斯庇尔羅伯斯庇爾luo2 bo2 si1 bi4 er3
Robespierre (name); Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre (1758-1794), French revolutionary leader, enthusiastic advocate of reign of terror 1791-1794
Robert Louis Stevenson (novelist), author of Treasure Island 金銀島|金银岛
罗彻斯特羅徹斯特luo2 che4 si1 te4
罗得斯岛羅得斯島luo2 de2 si1 dao3
Rhodes, Mediterranean island
罗尔斯·罗伊斯羅爾斯·羅伊斯luo2 er3 si1 - luo2 yi1 si1
Rolls-Royce (UK company); also written 勞斯萊斯|劳斯莱斯
罗格斯大学羅格斯大學luo2 ge2 si1 da4 xue2
Rutgers University (New Jersey)
逻各斯邏各斯luo2 ge4 si1
logos (transliteration)
罗杰斯羅傑斯luo2 jie2 si1
罗伦斯羅倫斯luo2 lun2 si1
Lawrence (city in Kansas, USA)
罗切斯特羅切斯特luo2 qie1 si1 te4
罗斯羅斯luo2 si1
Roth (name); Kenneth Roth (1955-), executive director of Human Rights Watch 人權觀察|人权观察
罗斯福羅斯福luo2 si1 fu2
Roosevelt (name); Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919), US President 1901-1909; Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945), US President 1933-1945
罗斯涅夫羅斯涅夫luo2 si1 nie4 fu1
Rosneft (Russian state oil company)
罗斯托夫羅斯托夫luo2 si1 tuo1 fu1
Rostov-on-Don, Russian river port and regional capital close to Sea of Azov (north of the Black Sea)
罗斯托克羅斯托克luo2 si1 tuo1 ke4
洛佩斯洛佩斯luo4 pei4 si1
Lopez (name)
吕塞尔斯海姆呂塞爾斯海姆lv3 sai1 er3 si1 hai3 mu3
Rüsselsheim, city in Germany
马达加斯加馬達加斯加ma3 da2 jia1 si1 jia1
马达加斯加岛馬達加斯加島ma3 da2 jia1 si1 jia1 dao3
马德拉斯馬德拉斯ma3 de2 la1 si1
Madras or Chennai 欽奈|钦奈, capital of Tamil Nadu on East coast of India
马恩列斯馬恩列斯ma3 en1 lie4 si1
abbr. for Marx 馬克思|马克思, Engels 恩格斯, Lenin 列寧|列宁 and Stalin 斯大林
马尔库斯馬爾庫斯ma3 er3 ku4 si1
Marcus (name)
马尔斯馬爾斯ma3 er3 si1
Mars (Roman God of War)
马尔维纳斯群岛馬爾維納斯群島ma3 er3 wei2 na4 si1 qun2 dao3
Malvinas Islands (also known as Falkland Islands)
马克斯·普朗克馬克斯·普朗克ma3 ke4 si1 - pu3 lang3 ke4
Max Planck (1858-1947), German physicist who first postulated quantization of energy
马克斯威尔馬克斯威爾ma3 ke4 si1 wei1 er3
James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)
玛纳斯瑪納斯ma3 na4 si1
Manas, hero of Kyrghiz epic saga; Manas county and town in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州, Xinjiang
玛纳斯河瑪納斯河ma3 na4 si1 he2
Manas River, Xinjiang
玛纳斯县瑪納斯縣ma3 na4 si1 xian4
Manas county in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州, Xinjiang
玛纳斯镇瑪納斯鎮ma3 na4 si1 zhen4
Manas town in Changji Hui autonomous prefecture 昌吉回族自治州, Xinjiang
马瑙斯馬瑙斯ma3 nao3 si1
Manaus (city in Brazil)
马斯垂克馬斯垂剋ma3 si1 chui2 ke4
Maastricht (Netherlands)
马斯河馬斯河ma3 si1 he2
Maas or Meuse River, Western Europe
马斯喀特馬斯喀特ma3 si1 ka1 te4
Muscat, capital of Oman
马斯洛馬斯洛ma3 si1 luo4
Maslow (surname); Abraham Maslow (1908-1970), US psychologist
马斯内馬斯內ma3 si1 nei4
Jules Massenet (1842-1912), French composer
马斯特里赫特馬斯特里赫特ma3 si1 te4 li3 he4 te4
马雅可夫斯基馬雅可夫斯基ma3 ya3 ke3 fu1 si1 ji1
Vladimir Mayakovsky (1893-1930), Russian poet and dramatist
麦凯斯菱麥凱斯菱mai4 kai3 si1 ling2
rhombus of Michaelis (anatomy)
麦克斯韦麥克斯韋mai4 ke4 si1 wei2
Maxwell (name); James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879), Scottish physicist and mathematician, the originator of Maxwell's laws of electromagnetism and electromagnetic waves
曼彻斯特曼徹斯特man4 che4 si1 te4
曼彻斯特编码曼徹斯特編碼man4 che4 si1 te4 bian1 ma3
Manchester encoding
曼切斯特曼切斯特man4 qie1 si1 te4
Manchester; also written 曼徹斯特|曼彻斯特
慢条斯理慢條斯理man4 tiao2 si1 li3
unhurried; calm; composed; leisurely
毛里求斯毛里求斯mao2 li3 qiu2 si1
梅里斯梅里斯mei2 li3 si1
Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang
梅里斯达斡尔族区梅里斯達斡爾族區mei2 li3 si1 da2 wo4 er3 zu2 qu1
Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang
梅里斯区梅里斯區mei2 li3 si1 qu1
Meilisi Daur district of Qiqihar city 齊齊哈爾|齐齐哈尔, Heilongjiang
St John's, capital of Labrador and Newfoundland province, Canada
施特劳斯施特勞斯shi1 te4 lao2 si1
Strauss (name); Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer; Richard Strauss (1864-1949), German composer
史蒂夫·乔布斯史蒂夫·喬布斯shi3 di4 fu1 - qiao2 bu4 si1
Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc.
史蒂文斯史蒂文斯shi3 di4 wen2 si1
Stephens; Stevens
史密斯史密斯shi3 mi4 si1
Smith (name)
史特劳斯史特勞斯shi3 te4 lao2 si1
Strauss (name) (Tw); Johann Strauss (1825-1899), Austrian composer; Richard Strauss (1864-1949), German composer
史提夫·贾伯斯史提夫·賈伯斯shi3 ti2 fu1 - jia3 bo2 si1
Steve Jobs (1955-2011), US co-founder and CEO of Apple, Inc.
斯巴达斯巴達si1 ba1 da2
斯巴鲁斯巴魯si1 ba1 lu3
斯宾诺莎斯賓諾莎si1 bin1 nuo4 sha1
Baruch or Benedict Spinoza (1632-1677), rationalist philosopher
斯宾塞斯賓塞si1 bin1 se4
Spencer or Spence (name)
斯彻达尔斯徹達爾si1 che4 da2 er3
Stjørdal (city in Trøndelag, Norway)
斯大林斯大林si1 da4 lin2
Joseph Stalin (1879-1953), Soviet dictator
斯大林格勒斯大林格勒si1 da4 lin2 ge2 le4
Stalingrad, former name of Volvograd 伏爾加格勒|伏尔加格勒 (1925-1961)
斯大林格勒会战斯大林格勒會戰si1 da4 lin2 ge2 le4 hui4 zhan4
Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943); also called 斯大林格勒戰役|斯大林格勒战役
斯大林格勒战役斯大林格勒戰役si1 da4 lin2 ge2 le4 zhan4 yi4
Battle of Stalingrad (1942-1943), decisive battle of Second World War and one of the bloodiest battles in history, when the Germans failed to take Stalingrad, were then trapped and destroyed by Soviet forces
斯大林主义斯大林主義si1 da4 lin2 zhu3 yi4
斯当东斯當東si1 dang1 dong1
Staunton (name); Sir George Staunton, 1st Baronet, the second-in-command of the Macartney Mission of 1793
斯德哥尔摩斯德哥爾摩si1 de2 ge1 er3 mo2
Stockholm, capital of Sweden
斯蒂芬斯蒂芬si1 di4 fen1
Stephen or Steven (name)
斯蒂芬·哈珀斯蒂芬·哈珀si1 di4 fen1 - ha1 po4
Stephen Harper (1959-), Canadian politician, prime minister from 2006
斯蒂文斯蒂文si1 di4 wen2
Steven (name); Simon Stevin (1548-1620), Flemish engineer and mathematician, played a key role in introducing the decimal system to Europe
斯蒂文森斯蒂文森si1 di4 wen2 sen1
Stevenson or Stephenson (name)
斯芬克司斯芬克司si1 fen1 ke4 si1
Sphinx (Egyptian mythical beast)
斯芬克斯斯芬克斯si1 fen1 ke4 si1
sphinx (myth.)
斯福尔瓦尔斯福爾瓦爾si1 fu2 er3 wa3 er3
Svolvær (city in Nordland, Norway)
斯哥特斯哥特si1 ge1 te4
Scott (name)
斯捷潘斯捷潘si1 jie2 pan1
Stepan or Stefan (name)
斯卡伯勒礁斯卡伯勒礁si1 ka3 bo2 le4 jiao1
Scarborough Shoal (Philippines' name for Huangyan Island)
斯堪地纳维亚斯堪地納維亞si1 kan1 di4 na4 wei2 ya4
Scandinavia (Tw)
斯堪的纳维亚斯堪的納維亞si1 kan1 di4 na4 wei2 ya4
斯考特斯考特si1 kao3 te4
Scott (name)
斯柯达斯柯達si1 ke1 da2
Škoda, Czech Republic car manufacturer, a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group
斯科费尔峰斯科費爾峰si1 ke1 fei4 er3 feng1
Scafell Pike, the highest mountain in England (978 m)
斯科普里斯科普里si1 ke1 pu3 li3
Skopje, capital of Macedonia
斯克里亚宾斯克里亞賓si1 ke4 li3 ya4 bin1
Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915), Russian composer and pianist
斯拉夫斯拉夫si1 la1 fu1
斯拉夫语斯拉夫語si1 la1 fu1 yu3
Slavic language
斯莱特林斯萊特林si1 lai2 te4 lin2
Slytherin (Harry Potter)
斯雷布雷尼察斯雷佈雷尼察si1 lei2 bu4 lei2 ni2 cha2
Srebrenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina
斯里巴加湾港斯里巴加灣港si1 li3 ba1 jia1 wan1 gang3
Bandar Seri Begawan, capital of Brunei
斯里兰卡斯里蘭卡si1 li3 lan2 ka3
Sri Lanka; (formerly) Ceylon
斯洛伐克斯洛伐克si1 luo4 fa2 ke4
Slovakia (officially, since 1993, the Slovak Republic)
Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰; also written 斯文·赫定
斯文·赫定斯文·赫定si1 wen2 - he4 ding4
Sven Hedin (1865-1952), famous Swedish adventurer and archaeologist, whose 1894-1900 Central Asian expeditions uncovered Kroraina or Loulan 樓蘭|楼兰
斯沃琪斯沃琪si1 wo4 qi2
Swatch (Swiss brand)
索福克勒斯索福克勒斯suo3 fu2 ke4 le4 si1
Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek tragedian, author of Oedipus the King
索福克里斯索福克里斯suo3 fu2 ke4 li3 si1
Sophocles (496-406 BC), Greek playwright
索罗斯索羅斯suo3 luo2 si1
Soros (name); George Soros or György Schwartz (1930-), Hungarian American financial speculator and millionaire philanthropist
琐罗亚斯德瑣羅亞斯德suo3 luo2 ya4 si1 de2
Zoroaster, Zarathustra or Zarathushtra (c. 1200 BC), Persian prophet and founder of Zoroastrianism
Titus Andronicus, 1593 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞|莎士比亚
汤姆·克鲁斯湯姆·克魯斯tang1 mu3 - ke4 lu3 si1
Tom Cruise (1962-), film actor
汤姆·罗宾斯湯姆·羅賓斯tang1 mu3 - luo2 bin1 si1
Tom Robbins, American novelist
汤姆斯杯湯姆斯杯tang1 mu3 si1 bei1
Thomas cup (international badminton team competition)
特克斯特克斯te4 ke4 si1
Tekesi county or Tékes Nahiyisi in Ili Kazakh autonomous prefecture 伊犁哈薩克自治州|伊犁哈萨克自治州, Xinjiang; tex, unit of fiber density used in textile industry defined as mass in grams per 1000 m of fiber (loan)
特克斯河特克斯河te4 ke4 si1 he2
Tekesi River in Kazakh autonomous prefecture, Xinjiang
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881), great Russian novelist, author of Crime and Punishment 罪與罰|罪与罚
陀思妥也夫斯基陀思妥也夫斯基tuo2 si1 tuo3 ye3 fu1 si1 ji1
Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (1821-1881), great Russian novelist, author of Crime and Punishment 罪與罰|罪与罚; also written 陀思妥耶夫斯基
瓦里斯瓦里斯wa3 li3 si1
Wallis (name); John Wallis (1616-1703), English mathematician, precursor of Newton
瓦利斯和富图纳瓦利斯和富圖納wa3 li4 si1 he2 fu4 tu2 na4
Wallis and Futuna (French island collectivity in the South Pacific)
瓦斯瓦斯wa3 si1
gas (loanword)
威利斯威利斯wei1 li4 si1
Willis (name)
威廉斯堡威廉斯堡wei1 lian2 si1 bao3
Williamsburg, Virginia
威尼斯威尼斯wei1 ni2 si1
Venice; Venezia
威尼斯商人威尼斯商人wei1 ni2 si1 shang1 ren2
The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare
威斯康辛威斯康辛wei1 si1 kang1 xin1
威斯康星威斯康星wei1 si1 kang1 xing1
Wisconsin, US state
威斯康星州威斯康星州wei1 si1 kang1 xing1 zhou1
Wisconsin, US state
威斯敏斯特教堂威斯敏斯特教堂wei1 si1 min3 si1 te4 jiao4 tang2
Westminster Abbey, London
维尔纽斯維爾紐斯wei2 er3 niu3 si1
Vilnius, capital of Lithuania
维尔斯特拉斯維爾斯特拉斯wei2 er3 si1 te4 la1 si1
Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897), German mathematician
维纳斯維納斯wei2 na4 si1
Venus (mythology, Roman goddess of love)
韦斯卡韋斯卡wei2 si1 ka3
Uesca or Huesca, Spain
维特根斯坦維特根斯坦wei2 te4 gen1 si1 tan3
Wittgenstein (name)
温切斯特溫切斯特wen1 qie1 si1 te4
Winchester (town in south England, capital of former kingdom of Wessex)
温斯顿溫斯頓wen1 si1 dun4
Winston (name)
沃尔夫斯堡沃爾夫斯堡wo4 er3 fu1 si1 bao3
沃克斯豪尔沃克斯豪爾wo4 ke4 si1 hao2 er3
Vauxhall (English car brand and city)
乌苏里斯克烏蘇里斯克wu1 su1 li3 si1 ke4
Ussuriisk city in Russian Pacific Primorsky region; previous names include 雙城子|双城子 and Voroshilov 伏羅希洛夫|伏罗希洛夫
乌兹别克斯坦烏茲別克斯坦wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3
乌滋别克斯坦烏滋別克斯坦wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 si1 tan3
伍德豪斯伍德豪斯wu3 de2 hao2 si1
Woodhouse or Wodehouse (name)
希尔内科斯希爾內科斯xi1 er3 nei4 ke1 si1
Kirkenes (city in Finnmark, Norway)
希格斯希格斯xi1 ge2 si1
Higgs (name); Peter Higgs (1929-), British theoretical physicist, one proposer of the Higgs mechanism or Higgs boson to explain the mass of elementary particles
希格斯玻色子希格斯玻色子xi1 ge2 si1 bo1 se4 zi3
Higgs boson (particle physics)
希格斯机制希格斯機制xi1 ge2 si1 ji1 zhi4
the Higgs mechanism, explaining the mass of elementary particles in the Standard Model
希格斯粒子希格斯粒子xi1 ge2 si1 li4 zi3
Higgs particle (particle physics)
西科尔斯基西科爾斯基xi1 ke1 er3 si1 ji1
Sikorski (name); Radosław Sikorski (1950-), Polish conservative politician, foreign minister of Poland from 2007
希蒙·佩雷斯希蒙·佩雷斯xi1 meng3 - pei4 lei2 si1
Shimon Peres, ninth president of Israel
西蒙·舒斯特西蒙·舒斯特xi1 meng3 - shu1 si1 te4
Simon and Schuster, US publisher
希斯希斯xi1 si1
Heath (name)
希斯·莱杰希斯·萊傑xi1 si1 - lai2 jie2
Heath Ledger, Australian actor (1979-2008)
希斯仑希斯崙xi1 si1 lun2
Hezron (son of Perez)
希斯罗机场希斯羅機場xi1 si1 luo2 ji1 chang3
Heathrow Airport
西斯塔尼西斯塔尼xi1 si1 ta3 ni2
Sistani (name of a prominent Iraqi Ayatollah)
西斯汀西斯汀xi1 si1 ting1
Sistine (Chapel); also written 西斯廷
西斯廷西斯廷xi1 si1 ting2
Sistine (Chapel); also written 西斯汀
弦贝斯弦貝斯xian2 bei4 si1
acoustic bass (guitar)
歇洛克·福尔摩斯歇洛克·福爾摩斯xie1 luo4 ke4 - fu2 er3 mo2 si1
Sherlock Holmes
歇斯底里歇斯底里xie1 si1 di3 li3
hysteria (loanword); hysterical
新斯科舍新斯科舍xin1 si1 ke1 she4
Nova Scotia province, Canada
休斯敦休斯敦xiu1 si1 dun1
Houston, Texas
休斯顿休斯頓xiu1 si1 dun4
亚当·斯密亞當·斯密ya4 dang1 - si1 mi4
Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish ethical philosopher and pioneer economist, author of The Wealth of Nations 國富論|国富论
亚当斯亞當斯ya4 dang1 si1
亚当斯敦亞當斯敦ya4 dang1 si1 dun1
Adamstown, capital of the Pitcairn Islands
亚的斯亚贝巴亞的斯亞貝巴ya4 di4 si1 ya4 bei4 ba1
Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia
亚哈斯亞哈斯ya4 ha1 si1
Ahaz (son of Jotham)
亚里斯多德亞里斯多德ya4 li3 si1 duo1 de2
Aristotle (philosopher)
亚斯伯格亞斯伯格ya4 si1 bo2 ge2
see 阿斯佩爾格爾|阿斯佩尔格尔
伊戈尔斯伊戈爾斯yi1 ge1 er3 si1
Eagles (name)
伊莱克斯伊萊克斯yi1 lai2 ke4 si1
Electrolux (Swedish manufacturer of home appliances)
伊利埃斯库伊利埃斯庫yi1 li4 ai1 si1 ku4
伊隆·马斯克伊隆·馬斯克yi1 long2 - ma3 si1 ke4
Elon Musk (1971-), founder and CEO of SpaceX, co-founder and CEO of Tesla Motors
伊尼亚斯伊尼亞斯yi1 ni2 ya4 si1
伊斯法罕伊斯法罕yi1 si1 fa3 han3
Isfahan or Eşfahān, province and city in central Iran
伊斯兰伊斯蘭yi1 si1 lan2
伊斯兰堡伊斯蘭堡yi1 si1 lan2 bao3
Islamabad, capital of Pakistan
伊斯兰国伊斯蘭國yi1 si1 lan2 guo2
Muslim countries; caliphate; Islamic State group (aka IS or ISIL or ISIS)
伊斯兰会议组织伊斯蘭會議組織yi1 si1 lan2 hui4 yi4 zu3 zhi1
Organization of the Islamic Conference
伊斯兰教伊斯蘭教yi1 si1 lan2 jiao4
伊斯兰马巴德伊斯蘭馬巴德yi1 si1 lan2 ma3 ba1 de2
Islamabad, capital of Pakistan (Tw)
伊斯兰圣战组织伊斯蘭聖戰組織yi1 si1 lan2 sheng4 zhan4 zu3 zhi1
Islamic Jihad (Palestinian armed faction)
伊斯曼伊斯曼yi1 si1 man4
Eastman (name); George Eastman (1854-1932), US inventor and founder of Kodak 柯達|柯达; Max F. Eastman (1883-1969), US socialist writer, subsequently severe critic of USSR
伊斯帕尼奥拉伊斯帕尼奧拉yi1 si1 pa4 ni2 ao4 la1
Hispaniola (Caribbean island including Haiti and the Dominican Republic)
伊斯坦堡伊斯坦堡yi1 si1 tan3 bao3
Istanbul (Tw)
伊斯坦布尔伊斯坦布爾yi1 si1 tan3 bu4 er3
Istanbul, Turkey
伊斯特伊斯特yi1 si1 te4
Istres (French town)
伊娃·门德斯伊娃·門德斯yi1 wa2 - men2 de2 si1
Eva Mendes, American actress
以斯拉记以斯拉記yi3 si1 la1 ji4
Book of Ezra
以斯帖以斯帖yi3 si1 tie3
Esther (name)
以斯帖记以斯帖記yi3 si1 tie3 ji4
Book of Esther
因斯布鲁克因斯布魯克yin1 si1 bu4 lu3 ke4
Innsbruck, city in Austria
印第安纳波利斯印第安納波利斯yin4 di4 an1 na4 bo1 li4 si1
Indianapolis, Indiana
印度斯坦印度斯坦yin4 du4 si1 tan3
犹达斯猶達斯you2 da2 si1
Judas (name)
尤里斯·伊文思尤里斯·伊文思you2 li3 si1 - yi1 wen2 si1
Joris Ivens (1898-1989), Dutch documentary filmmaker and committed communist
尤利西斯尤利西斯you2 li4 xi1 si1
Ulysses (novel)
尤文图斯尤文圖斯you2 wen2 tu2 si1
Juventus, Italian football team
原南斯拉夫原南斯拉夫yuan2 nan2 si1 la1 fu1
former Yugoslavia (1945-1992)
约翰·霍金斯約翰·霍金斯yue1 han4 - huo4 jin1 si1
John Hawkins (1532-1595), British seaman involved in sea war with Spain; Johns Hopkins (1795-1873), American entrepreneur, abolitionist and philanthropist