King Huai of Chu (reigned 328-299 BC); later King Huai of Chu (reigned 208-205 BC)
楚庄王楚莊王chu3 zhuang1 wang2
King Zhuang of Chu (reigned 613-591 BC), one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸
闯王闖王chuang3 wang2
Chuangwang or Roaming King, adopted name of late Ming peasant rebel leader Li Zicheng 李自成 (1605-1645)
闯王陵闖王陵chuang3 wang2 ling2
mausoleum to late Ming peasant rebel leader Li Zicheng 李自成 (who styled himself Chuang Wang): one in Jiugongshan 九宫山 nature reserve, Tongshan county, Xianning prefecture, Hubei, and another in Shimen 石门, Changde 常德, Hunan, built starting in 1980
lit. surging waters flooded the Dragon King temple (idiom); fig. to fail to recognize a familiar person; a dispute between close people who fail to recognize each other
大王大王da4 wang2
king; magnate; person having expert skill in something
大英联合王国大英聯合王國da4 ying1 lian2 he2 wang2 guo2
United Kingdom
戴安娜王妃戴安娜王妃dai4 an1 na4 wang2 fei1
Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997)
大王大王dai4 wang5
robber baron (in opera, old stories); magnate
悼襄王悼襄王dao4 xiang1 wang2
King Daoxiang of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 245-236 BC
帝王帝王di4 wang2
regent; monarch
帝王谱帝王譜di4 wang2 pu3
list of emperors and kings; dynastic genealogy
帝王企鹅帝王企鵝di4 wang2 qi3 e2
emperor penguin
帝王切开帝王切開di4 wang2 qie1 kai1
Cesarean section
地藏王菩萨地藏王菩薩di4 zang4 wang2 pu2 sa4
Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (to save all souls before accepting Bodhi); also translated Earth Treasury, Earth Womb, or Earth Store Bodhisattva
东王公東王公dong1 wang2 gong1
Mu Kung or Tung Wang Kung, God of the Immortals (Taoism)
都铎王朝都鐸王朝du1 duo2 wang2 chao2
Tudor Dynasty, ruled England 1485-1603
法王法王fa3 wang2
封王封王feng1 wang2
to win the championship; (of an emperor) to bestow the title of king on a subject
蜂王蜂王feng1 wang2
queen bee
蜂王浆蜂王漿feng1 wang2 jiang1
royal jelly
蜂王精蜂王精feng1 wang2 jing1
royal jelly
蜂王乳蜂王乳feng1 wang2 ru3
royal jelly
高丽王朝高麗王朝gao1 li2 wang2 chao2
Korean Goryeo Dynasty, 918-1392
隔壁老王隔壁老王ge2 bi4 lao3 wang2
Mr Wang from next door (term used jocularly to refer to a neighbor who is supposedly sleeping with one's wife)
恭亲王恭親王gong1 qin1 wang2
Grand Prince (Qing title)
恭亲王奕䜣恭親王奕訢gong1 qin1 wang2 yi4 xin1
Grand Prince Yixin (1833-1898), sixth son of Emperor Daoguang, prominent politician, diplomat and modernizer in late Qing
顾野王顧野王gu4 ye3 wang2
Gu Yewang (519-581), historian and an interpreter of classical texts, editor of Yupian 玉篇
国王國王guo2 wang2
海王星海王星hai3 wang2 xing1
Neptune (planet)
海贼王海賊王hai3 zei2 wang2
One Piece (manga and anime)
汉堡王漢堡王han4 bao3 wang2
Burger King (fast food restaurant)
荷兰王国荷蘭王國he2 lan2 wang2 guo2
Koninkrijk der Nederlanden; Kingdom of the Netherlands
黑汗王朝黑汗王朝hei1 han2 wang2 chao2
Karakhan Dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century
黑枕王鹟黑枕王鶲hei1 zhen3 wang2 weng1
(bird species of China) black-naped monarch (Hypothymis azurea)
猴王猴王hou2 wang2
Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, character with supernatural powers in the novel Journey to the West 西遊記|西游记
混世魔王混世魔王hun4 shi4 mo2 wang2
devil incarnate (idiom); fiend in human form
柬吴哥王朝柬吳哥王朝jian3 wu2 ge1 wang2 chao2
Ankor Dynasty of Cambodia, 802-1431
见阎王見閻王jian4 yan2 wang2
to meet one's Maker; to die
街头霸王街頭霸王jie1 tou2 ba4 wang2
Street Fighter (video game series)
桀王桀王jie2 wang2
King Jie, the final ruler of the Xia dynasty (until c. 1600 BC), a notoriously cruel and immoral tyrant
金霸王金霸王jin1 ba4 wang2
Duracell (US brand of batteries etc)
君王君王jun1 wang2
sovereign king
喀拉汗王朝喀拉汗王朝ka1 la1 han2 wang2 chao2
Karakhan dynasty of central Asia, 8th-10th century
开漳圣王開漳聖王kai1 zhang1 sheng4 wang2
Sacred King, founder of Zhangzhou, posthumous title of Tang dynasty general Chen Yuanguang (657-711) 陳元光|陈元光
lit. the fairy is willing, but King Xiang doesn't dream (idiom); (said of a woman's unrequited love)
圣王聖王sheng4 wang2
sage ruler
狮心王理查獅心王理查shi1 xin1 wang2 li3 cha2
Richard the Lionheart (1157-1199), King Richard I of England 1189-1199
世宗大王世宗大王shi4 zong1 da4 wang2
Sejong the Great or Sejong Daewang (1397-1450), reigned 1418-1450 as fourth king of Joseon or Chosun dynasty, in whose reign the hangeul alphabet was invented
寿王坟壽王墳shou4 wang2 fen2
Shouwangfen town, in Chengde 承德市, Hebei
寿王坟镇壽王墳鎮shou4 wang2 fen2 zhen4
Shouwangfen town, in Chengde 承德市, Hebei
四大天王四大天王si4 da4 tian1 wang2
the four heavenly kings (Sanskrit vajra); the four guardians or warrior attendants of Buddha
四子王四子王si4 zi3 wang2
Siziwang banner or Dörvön-xüüxed khoshuu in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布, Inner Mongolia
四子王旗四子王旗si4 zi3 wang2 qi2
Siziwang banner or Dörvön-xüüxed khoshuu in Ulaanchab 烏蘭察布|乌兰察布, Inner Mongolia
苏格兰女王玛丽蘇格蘭女王瑪麗su1 ge2 lan2 nv3 wang2 ma3 li4
Mary, Queen of Scots (1542-87)
塑料王塑料王su4 liao4 wang2
"super plastic" (term used to refer to Teflon)
檀君王檀君王tan2 jun1 wang2
Tangun, legendary founder of Korea in 2333 BC
滕王阁滕王閣teng2 wang2 ge2
Tengwang Tower in Nanchang, Jiangxi; one of three famous pagodas in China along with Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓|岳阳楼 in Yueyang, north Hunan, and Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓|黄鹤楼 in Wuhan, Hubei
天王天王tian1 wang2
emperor; god; Hong Xiuquan's self-proclaimed title; see also 洪秀全
天王星天王星tian1 wang2 xing1
Uranus (planet)
吐蕃王朝吐蕃王朝tu3 bo1 wang2 chao2
Tibetan Tubo Dynasty 7th-11th century AD
托勒密王托勒密王tuo1 le4 mi4 wang2
Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 305 BC
托塔天王托塔天王tuo1 ta3 tian1 wang2
the pagoda bearing god
王安石王安石wang2 an1 shi2
Wang Anshi (1021-1086), Song dynasty politician and writer, one of the Eight Giants 唐宋八大家
王八王八wang2 ba1
tortoise; cuckold; (old) male owner of a brothel; pimp
王八蛋王八蛋wang2 ba1 dan4
bastard (insult); son of a bitch
王八犊子王八犢子wang2 ba1 du2 zi5
see 王八羔子
王八羔子王八羔子wang2 ba1 gao1 zi5
son of a bitch; bastard
王弼王弼wang2 bi4
Wang Bi (226-249), Chinese neo-Daoist philosopher
王勃王勃wang2 bo2
Wang Bo (650-676), one of the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang 初唐四傑|初唐四杰
王不留行王不留行wang2 bu4 liu2 xing2
cowherb (Vaccaria segetalis); cowherb seeds (used in TCM)
王朝王朝wang2 chao2
王充王充wang2 chong1
Wang Chong (27-97), rationalist and critical philosopher
王储王儲wang2 chu3
crown prince; heir to throne
王岱舆王岱輿wang2 dai4 yu2
Wang Daiyu (1584-1670), Hui Islamic scholar of the Ming-Qing transition
王丹王丹wang2 dan1
Wang Dan (1969-), Chinese dissident, one of the leaders of the Beijing student democracy movement of 1989
王导王導wang2 dao3
Wang Dao (276-339), powerful official of Jin dynasty and brother of general Wang Dun 王敦, regent of Jin from 325
王道王道wang2 dao4
the Way of the King; statecraft; benevolent rule; virtuous as opposed to the Way of Hegemon 霸道
王敦王敦wang2 dun1
Wang Dun (266-324), powerful general of Jin dynasty and brother of civil official Wang Dao 王導|王导, subsequently rebellious warlord 322-324
王法王法wang2 fa3
the law; the law of the land; the law of a state (in former times); criterion
王菲王菲wang2 fei1
Faye Wong (1969-), Hong Kong pop star and actress
王妃王妃wang2 fei1
princess (in Europe)
王夫之王夫之wang2 fu1 zhi1
Wang Fuzhi (1619-1692), wide-ranging scholar of the Ming-Qing transition
王府王府wang2 fu3
prince's mansion
王府井王府井wang2 fu3 jing3
Wangfujing neighborhood of central Beijing, famous for shopping
王公王公wang2 gong1
princes and dukes; aristocrat
王宫王宮wang2 gong1
imperial palace
王顾左右而言他王顧左右而言他wang2 gu4 zuo3 you4 er2 yan2 ta1
the king looked left and right and then talked of other things; to digress from the topic of discussion (idiom)
王冠王冠wang2 guan1
王光良王光良wang2 guang1 liang2
Michael Wong (1970-), Malaysian Chinese singer and composer
王国王國wang2 guo2
kingdom; realm
王国聚会所王國聚會所wang2 guo2 ju4 hui4 suo3
Kingdom Hall (place of worship used by Jehovah's Witnesses)
王国维王國維wang2 guo2 wei2
Wang Guowei (1877-1927), noted scholar
王洪文王洪文wang2 hong2 wen2
Wang Hongwen (1935-1992), one of the Gang of Four
王侯王侯wang2 hou2
王侯公卿王侯公卿wang2 hou2 gong1 qing1
王后王后wang2 hou4
王化王化wang2 hua4
beneficial influence of the sovereign
王家王家wang2 jia1
王家瑞王家瑞wang2 jia1 rui4
Wang Jiarui (1949-), PRC politician and diplomat, from 2006 head of CPC central committee's external affairs department 對外聯絡部|对外联络部
王家卫王家衛wang2 jia1 wei4
Wong Kar-wai (1956-), Hong Kong film director
王建民王建民wang2 jian4 min2
Chien-Ming Wang (1980-), Taiwanese starting pitcher for the Washington Nationals in Major League Baseball
王君如王君如wang2 jun1 ru2
Cyndi Wang (1982-), Taiwanese singer and actress
王军霞王軍霞wang2 jun1 xia2
Wang Junxia (1973-), Chinese long-distance runner
王老吉王老吉wang2 lao3 ji2
Wanglaoji (beverage brand)
王老五王老五wang2 lao3 wu3
lit. fifth child of the Wangs; bachelor
王力王力wang2 li4
Wang Li (1900-1986), one of the pioneers of modern Chinese linguistics
王力宏王力宏wang2 li4 hong2
Wang Lee-Hom (1976-), Taiwanese-American singer
王励勤王勵勤wang2 li4 qin2
Wang Liqin (1978-), former PRC table tennis player, Olympic medalist
王力雄王力雄wang2 li4 xiong2
Wang Lixiong (1953-), Chinese writer, author of Yellow Peril 黃禍|黄祸
王码王碼wang2 ma3
Wang code, same as 五筆字型|五笔字型, five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983
王莽王莽wang2 mang3
Wang Mang (45 BC-23 AD), usurped power and reigned 9-23 between the former and later Han
王猛王猛wang2 meng3
Wang Meng (325-375), prime minister to Fu Jian 苻堅|苻坚 of Former Qin 前秦
王明王明wang2 ming2
Wang Ming (1904-1974), Soviet trained Chinese communist, Comintern and Soviet stooge and left adventurist in the 1930s, fell out with Mao and moved to Soviet Union from 1956
王母王母wang2 mu3
another name for 西王母, Queen Mother of the West
王母王母wang2 mu3
(literary) paternal grandmother
王母娘娘王母娘娘wang2 mu3 niang2 niang2
another name for Xi Wangmu 西王母, Queen Mother of the West
王楠王楠wang2 nan2
Wang Nan (1978-), female PRC table tennis player, Olympic medalist
王牌王牌wang2 pai2
trump card
王伾王伾wang2 pi1
Wang Pi (-c. 806), Tang dynasty chancellor and a leader of failed Yongzhen reform 永貞革新|永贞革新 of 805
every potter praises his own pot (idiom); all one's geese are swans
王岐山王岐山wang2 qi2 shan1
Wang Qishan (1948-), PRC politician
王钦若王欽若wang2 qin1 ruo4
Wang Qinruo (962-1025), Northern Song dynasty official
王权王權wang2 quan2
royalty; royal power
王实甫王實甫wang2 shi2 fu3
Wang Shifu (fl. 1295-1307), author of Romance of the West Chamber 西廂記|西厢记
王室王室wang2 shi4
royal family; royal household
王世充王世充wang2 shi4 chong1
Wang Shichong (-621), general of late Sui and opponent of early Tang
王士禛王士禛wang2 shi4 zhen1
Wang Shizhen (1634-1711), early Qing poet
王叔文王叔文wang2 shu1 wen2
Wang Shuwen (735-806), famous Tang dynasty scholar, Go player and politician, a leader of failed Yongzhen Reform 永貞革新|永贞革新 of 805
王水王水wang2 shui3
Aqua regia
王朔王朔wang2 shuo4
Wang Shuo (1958-), Chinese writer, director and actor
王肃王肅wang2 su4
Wang Su (c. 195-256), classical scholar of Cao Wei dynasty, believed to have forged several classical texts
王孙王孫wang2 sun1
children of the nobility
王太后王太后wang2 tai4 hou4
Queen Dowager (in Europe); widowed queen; Queen mother
王维王維wang2 wei2
Wang Wei (701-761), Tang Dynasty poet
王位王位wang2 wei4
title of king; kingship
王五王五wang2 wu3
Wang Wu, name for an unspecified person, third of a series of three: 張三|张三, 李四, 王五 Tom, Dick and Harry
王希孟王希孟wang2 xi1 meng4
Wang Ximeng (c. 1096-c. 1119), Song artist, probably teenage prodigy who died young, painter of Thousand Miles of Landscape 千里江山
王羲之王羲之wang2 xi1 zhi1
Wang Xizhi (303-361), famous calligrapher of Eastern Jin, known as the sage of calligraphy 書聖|书圣
王仙芝王仙芝wang2 xian1 zhi1
Wang Xianzhi, peasant leader during Huang Chao peasant uprising 黃巢起義|黄巢起义 875-884 in late Tang
王小波王小波wang2 xiao3 bo1
Wang Xiaobo (1952-1997), scholar and novelist
王心凌王心凌wang2 xin1 ling2
stage name of Cyndi Wang; see 王君如
王选王選wang2 xuan3
Wang Xuan (1937-2006), Chinese printing industry innovator
王杨卢骆王楊盧駱wang2 yang2 lu2 luo4
abbr. for Wang Bo 王勃, Yang Jiong 楊炯|杨炯, Lu Zhaolin 盧照鄰|卢照邻, and Luo Binwang 駱賓王|骆宾王, the Four Great Poets of the Early Tang
王爷王爺wang2 ye5
prince; marquis; nobleman
王益王益wang2 yi4
Wangyi District of Tongchuan City 銅川市|铜川市, Shaanxi
王义夫王義夫wang2 yi4 fu1
Wang Yifu (1960-), male PRC pistol shooter and Olympic medalist
王益区王益區wang2 yi4 qu1
Wangyi District of Tongchuan City 銅川市|铜川市, Shaanxi
王英王英wang2 ying1
Wang Ying (character in the "Water Margin")
王颖王穎wang2 ying3
Wayne Wang (1949-), Chinese US film director
王永民王永民wang2 yong3 min2
Wang Yongmin (1943-), inventor of the five stroke input method 五筆輸入法|五笔输入法
王禹偁王禹偁wang2 yu3 cheng1
Wang Yucheng (954-1001) Song dynasty literary figure
王昭君王昭君wang2 zhao1 jun1
Wang Zhaojun (52-19 BC), famous beauty at the court of Han emperor Yuan 漢元帝|汉元帝, one of the Four legendary beauties 四大美女
王震王震wang2 zhen4
Wang Zhen (1908-1993), Chinese political figure
王治郅王治郅wang2 zhi4 zhi4
Wang Zhizhi (1977-), former Chinese basketball player
王著王著wang2 zhu4
Wang Zhu (-c. 990), Song calligrapher and writer
王子王子wang2 zi3
prince; son of a king
王祖贤王祖賢wang2 zu3 xian2
Joey Wong (1967-), Taiwanese actress
王座王座wang2 zuo4
维多利亚女王維多利亞女王wei2 duo1 li4 ya4 nv3 wang2
Queen Victoria (reigned 1837-1901)
倭马亚王朝倭馬亞王朝wo1 ma3 ya4 wang2 chao2
Umayyad Empire (661-750, in Iberia -1031), successor of the Rashidun caliphate
吴王阖庐吳王闔廬wu2 wang2 he2 lu2
King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC); also called 吳王闔閭|吴王阖闾
吴王阖闾吳王闔閭wu2 wang2 he2 lv2
King Helu of Wu (-496 BC, reigned 514-496 BC), sometimes considered one of the Five Hegemons 春秋五霸; also called 吳王闔廬|吴王阖庐
武王伐纣武王伐紂wu3 wang2 fa2 zhou4
King Wu of Zhou 周武王 overthrows tyrant Zhou of Shang 商紂王|商纣王
希律王希律王xi1 lv4 wang2
King Herod (in the biblical nativity story)
西王母西王母xi1 wang2 mu3
Xi Wangmu, Queen Mother of the West, keeper of the peaches of immortality; popularly known as 王母娘娘
夏王朝夏王朝xia4 wang2 chao2
Xia dynasty, unconfirmed but placed at c. 2070-c. 1600 BC
先王先王xian1 wang2
former kings; former emperors; in Confucian writing, refers esp. to the sage rulers Yao 堯|尧, Shun 舜, Yu 禹, Tang 湯|汤 and the kings of Zhou
先王之道先王之道xian1 wang2 zhi1 dao4
the way of former kings
先王之乐先王之樂xian1 wang2 zhi1 yue4
the music of former kings
先王之政先王之政xian1 wang2 zhi1 zheng4
the rule of former kings
仙王座仙王座xian1 wang2 zuo4
Cepheus (constellation)
贤王賢王xian2 wang2
sage kings
孝成王孝成王xiao4 cheng2 wang2
King Xiaocheng of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 266-245 BC
新罗王朝新羅王朝xin1 luo2 wang2 chao2
Silla, Korean kingdom 57 BC-935 AD; one of the Korean Three Kingdoms from 1st century AD, defeating its rivals Paikche 百濟|百济 and Koguryo 高句麗|高句丽 around 660 in alliance with Tang China; unified Silla 658-935
亚瑟王亞瑟王ya4 se4 wang2
King Arthur
阎罗王閻羅王yan2 luo2 wang2
Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja
阎王閻王yan2 wang2
same as 閻羅王|阎罗王; Yama, King of Hell; translation of Sanskrit: Yama Raja
King Huiwen of Zhao 趙國|赵国, reigned 298-266 BC during the Warring States Period
周成王周成王zhou1 cheng2 wang2
King Cheng of Zhou (1055-1021 BC), reigned 1042-1021 BC as the 2nd king of Western Zhou 西周, son of King Wu of Zhou 周武王
周穆王周穆王zhou1 mu4 wang2
King Mu, fifth king of Zhou, said to have lived to 105 and reigned 976-922 BC or 1001-947 BC, rich in associated mythology
周王朝周王朝zhou1 wang2 chao2
the Zhou dynasty from 1027 BC
周文王周文王zhou1 wen2 wang2
King Wen of Zhou state (c. 1152-1056 BC), reigned c. 1099-1056 BC as king of Zhou state, leading figure in building the subsequent Western Zhou dynasty, father of King Wu of Zhou 周武王 the first Zhou dynasty king
周武王周武王zhou1 wu3 wang2
King Wu of Zhou (-1043), personal name Ji Fa 姬發|姬发, reigned 1046-1043 BC as first king of Western Zhou dynasty 1046-1043 BC
周武王姬发周武王姬發zhou1 wu3 wang2 ji1 fa1
King Wu of Zhou, personal name Ji Fa, reigned 1046-1043 BC as first king of Western Zhou dynasty 西周 1046-771 BC
周宣王周宣王zhou1 xuan1 wang2
King Xuan, eleventh King of Zhou, reigned (828-782 BC)
周幽王周幽王zhou1 you1 wang2
King You of Zhou (795-771 BC), last king of Western Zhou 西周
转轮王轉輪王zhuan3 lun2 wang2
Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings); emperor in Hindu mythology
转轮圣王轉輪聖王zhuan4 lun2 sheng4 wang2
Chakravarti raja (Sanskrit: King of Kings); emperor in Hindu mythology