The Strange State of the World Witnessed Over 20 Years, novel by late Qing novelist Wu Jianren 吳趼人|吴趼人
发现發現fa1 xian4
to find; to discover
发现号發現號fa1 xian4 hao2
the Discovery space shuttle
发现物發現物fa1 xian4 wu4
犯罪现场犯罪現場fan4 zui4 xian4 chang3
scene of the crime
奉现奉現feng4 xian4
浮现浮現fu2 xian4
to appear before one's eyes; to come into view; to float into appearance; to come back (of images from the past); to emerge; it emerges; it occurs (to me that..)
付现付現fu4 xian4
to pay in cash
复现復現fu4 xian4
to reappear; to persist (in memory)
工业现代化工業現代化gong1 ye4 xian4 dai4 hua4
modernization of industry, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations
官场现形记官場現形記guan1 chang3 xian4 xing2 ji4
Observations on the Current State of Officialdom, late Qing novel by Li Baojia 李寶嘉|李宝嘉
国防现代化國防現代化guo2 fang2 xian4 dai4 hua4
modernization of national defense, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations
后现代主义後現代主義hou4 xian4 dai4 zhu3 yi4
忽隐忽现忽隱忽現hu1 yin3 hu1 xian4
intermittent; now you see it, now you don't
活灵活现活靈活現huo2 ling2 huo2 xian4
living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life; vivid and realistic
活龙活现活龍活現huo2 long2 huo2 xian4
living spirit, living image (idiom); true to life; vivid and realistic
近现代史近現代史jin4 xian4 dai4 shi3
modern history and contemporary history
惊现驚現jing1 xian4
to appear unexpectedly
净现值淨現值jing4 xian4 zhi2
net present value (NPV)
旧景重现舊景重現jiu4 jing3 chong2 xian4
evocation of the past
科学技术现代化科學技術現代化ke1 xue2 ji4 shu4 xian4 dai4 hua4
modernization of science and technology, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations
库存现金庫存現金ku4 cun2 xian4 jin1
cash in hand
难以实现難以實現nan2 yi3 shi2 xian4
hard to accomplish; difficult to achieve
农业现代化農業現代化nong2 ye4 xian4 dai4 hua4
modernization of agriculture, one of Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations
取现取現qu3 xian4
to withdraw money
若隐若现若隱若現ruo4 yin3 ruo4 xian4
faintly discernible (idiom)
闪现閃現shan3 xian4
to flash
实现實現shi2 xian4
to achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about
时隐时现時隱時現shi2 yin3 shi2 xian4
appearing and disappearing (idiom); intermittently visible
示现示現shi4 xian4
(of a deity) to take a material shape; to appear
手头现金手頭現金shou3 tou2 xian4 jin1
cash in hand
四个现代化四個現代化si4 ge5 xian4 dai4 hua4
Deng Xiaoping's four modernizations practiced from the 1980s (possibly planned together with Zhou Enlai), namely: modernization of industry, agriculture, national defense and science and technology; abbr. to 四化
所发现所發現suo3 fa1 xian4
discovered; what one discovers
昙花一现曇花一現tan2 hua1 yi1 xian4
lit. the night blooming cactus shows once; flash in the pan (idiom); short-lived
套现套現tao4 xian4
to convert (an asset) into cash; to cash out
提现提現ti2 xian4
to withdraw funds
体现體現ti3 xian4
to embody; to reflect; to incarnate
贴现貼現tie1 xian4
discount; rebate
贴现率貼現率tie1 xian4 lv4
discount rate
凸现凸現tu1 xian4
to come to prominence; to appear clearly; to stick out
未折现未折現wei4 zhe2 xian4
undiscounted; full price
显现顯現xian3 xian4
appearance; to appear
现场現場xian4 chang3
the scene (of a crime, accident etc); (on) the spot; (at) the site
现场报道現場報道xian4 chang3 bao4 dao4
on-the-spot report
现场采访現場採訪xian4 chang3 cai3 fang3
on-the-spot interview
现场会現場會xian4 chang3 hui4
on-the-spot meeting
现场会议現場會議xian4 chang3 hui4 yi4
on-the-spot meeting
现场视察現場視察xian4 chang3 shi4 cha2
on-site inspection
现场投注現場投注xian4 chang3 tou2 zhu4
live betting
现场直播現場直播xian4 chang3 zhi2 bo1
on-the-spot live broadcast
现炒现卖現炒現賣xian4 chao3 xian4 mai4
lit. to fry and sell on the spot; fig. (of fresh graduates) to apply the still-fresh knowledge gained in school
现成現成xian4 cheng2
ready-made; readily available
现存現存xian4 cun2
extant; existent; in stock
现代現代xian4 dai4
Hyundai, South Korean company
现代現代xian4 dai4
modern times; modern age; modern era
现代化現代化xian4 dai4 hua4
现代集团現代集團xian4 dai4 ji2 tuan2
Hyundai, the Korean corporation
现代派現代派xian4 dai4 pai4
modernist faction; modernists
现代人現代人xian4 dai4 ren2
modern man; Homo sapiens
现代史現代史xian4 dai4 shi3
modern history
现代舞現代舞xian4 dai4 wu3
modern dance
现代五项現代五項xian4 dai4 wu3 xiang4
modern pentathlon
现代新儒家現代新儒家xian4 dai4 xin1 ru2 jia1
Modern New Confucianism; see also 新儒家
现代形式現代形式xian4 dai4 xing2 shi4
the modern form
现代性現代性xian4 dai4 xing4
现代音乐現代音樂xian4 dai4 yin1 yue4
modern music; contemporary music
现房現房xian4 fang2
finished apartment; ready apartment
现货現貨xian4 huo4
merchandise or commodities available immediately after sale; merchandise in stock; available item; actuals (investment); actual commodities
现货价現貨價xian4 huo4 jia4
price of actuals
现阶段現階段xian4 jie1 duan4
at the present stage
现今現今xian4 jin1
now; nowadays; modern
现金現金xian4 jin1
现金基础現金基礎xian4 jin1 ji1 chu3
cash basis (accounting)
现金流量現金流量xian4 jin1 liu2 liang4
cash flow
现金流量表現金流量表xian4 jin1 liu2 liang4 biao3
cash flow statement
现金流转現金流轉xian4 jin1 liu2 zhuan3
cash flow
现金流转表現金流轉表xian4 jin1 liu2 zhuan3 biao3
cash flow statement
现金周转現金周轉xian4 jin1 zhou1 zhuan3
cash flow
现烤現烤xian4 kao3
freshly baked; freshly roasted
现款現款xian4 kuan3
现况現況xian4 kuang4
the current situation
现量相违現量相違xian4 liang4 xiang1 wei2
to not fit one's perception of sth (idiom)
现磨現磨xian4 mo2
freshly ground
现年現年xian4 nian2
(a person's) current age
现钱現錢xian4 qian2
现任現任xian4 ren4
to occupy a post currently; incumbent
现身現身xian4 shen1
to show oneself; to appear; (of a deity) to appear in the flesh
现身说法現身說法xian4 shen1 shuo1 fa3
to talk from one's personal experience; to use oneself as an example
现时現時xian4 shi2
现实現實xian4 shi2
reality; actuality; real; actual; realistic
现实情况現實情況xian4 shi2 qing2 kuang4
current state; current situation
现实主义現實主義xian4 shi2 zhu3 yi4
现世現世xian4 shi4
this life; to lose face; to be disgraced
现世宝現世寶xian4 shi4 bao3
good-for-nothing; fool
现世报現世報xian4 shi4 bao4
karmic retribution within one's lifetime
现下現下xian4 xia4
now; at this moment
现象現象xian4 xiang4
appearance; phenomenon
现象学現象學xian4 xiang4 xue2
现形現形xian4 xing2
to become visible; to appear; to manifest one's true nature
现行現行xian4 xing2
to be in effect; in force; current
现行犯現行犯xian4 xing2 fan4
criminal caught red-handed
现学现用現學現用xian4 xue2 xian4 yong4
to immediately put into practice something one has just learned (idiom)
现役現役xian4 yi4
(military) active duty
现有現有xian4 you3
currently existing; currently available
现在現在xian4 zai4
now; at present; at the moment; modern; current; nowadays