illness; disease; to fall ill; defect

strokes 10
strokes after radical 5
阿狄森氏病 阿狄森氏病 a1 di2 sen1 shi4 bing4
Addison's disease

阿尔茨海默病 阿爾茨海默病 a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 bing4
Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia

阿尔茨海默氏病 阿爾茨海默氏病 a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 shi4 bing4
Alzheimer's disease; senile dementia

阿耳茨海默氏病 阿耳茨海默氏病 a1 er3 ci2 hai3 mo4 shi4 bing4
Alzheimer's disease

阿米巴病 阿米巴病 a1 mi3 ba1 bing4
amebiasis; amebiosis

埃博拉病毒 埃博拉病毒 ai1 bo2 la1 bing4 du2
Ebola virus

矮呆病 矮呆病 ai3 dai1 bing4

爱死病 愛死病 ai4 si3 bing4
AIDS (loanword)

艾滋病 艾滋病 ai4 zi1 bing4
AIDS (loanword)

艾兹病 艾茲病 ai4 zi1 bing4
AIDS (loanword); also written 愛滋病|爱滋病

爱滋病 愛滋病 ai4 zi1 bing4
variant of 艾滋病

艾滋病病毒 艾滋病病毒 ai4 zi1 bing4 bing4 du2
HIV; see also 愛滋病毒|爱滋病毒

艾滋病毒 艾滋病毒 ai4 zi1 bing4 du2
human immune deficiency virus (HIV); the AIDS virus

爱滋病毒 愛滋病毒 ai4 zi1 bing4 du2
HIV; the AIDS virus

艾滋病患者 艾滋病患者 ai4 zi1 bing4 huan4 zhe3
AIDS patient

艾滋病抗体 艾滋病抗體 ai4 zi1 bing4 kang4 ti3
AIDS antibody

安宁病房 安寧病房 an1 ning2 bing4 fang2

巴贝西亚原虫病 巴貝西亞原蟲病 ba1 bei4 xi1 ya4 yuan2 chong2 bing4

白斑病 白斑病 bai2 ban1 bing4

白粉病 白粉病 bai2 fen3 bing4
powdery mildew

白化病 白化病 bai2 hua4 bing4

白血病 白血病 bai2 xue4 bing4

百病 百病 bai3 bing4
every illness

包治百病 包治百病 bao1 zhi4 bai3 bing4
guaranteed to cure all diseases

暴病 暴病 bao4 bing4
sudden attack of a serious illness

抱病 抱病 bao4 bing4
to be ill; to be in bad health

鼻病毒 鼻病毒 bi2 bing4 du2
rhinovirus (common cold virus)

弊病 弊病 bi4 bing4
malady; evil; malpractice; drawback; disadvantage

病案 病案 bing4 an4
medical record

病包儿 病包兒 bing4 bao1 er5
a person who is always falling ill; chronic invalid

病变 病變 bing4 bian4
pathological changes; lesion; diseased (kidney, cornea etc)

病病歪歪 病病歪歪 bing4 bing5 wai1 wai1
sick and weak; feeble and listless

病病殃殃 病病殃殃 bing4 bing5 yang1 yang1
seriously ill; in fragile health

病残 病殘 bing4 can2
sick or disabled; invalid; disability

病程 病程 bing4 cheng2
course of disease

病虫 病蟲 bing4 chong2
plant diseases and insect pests

病虫害 病蟲害 bing4 chong2 hai4
plant diseases and insect pests

病虫害绿色防控 病蟲害綠色防控 bing4 chong2 hai4 lv4 se4 fang2 kong4
green pest prevention and control; environmentally friendly methods of pest control and prevention

病床 病床 bing4 chuang2
hospital bed; sickbed

病从口入 病從口入 bing4 cong2 kou3 ru4
Illness enters by the mouth (idiom). Mind what you eat!; fig. A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble.

病从口入,祸从口出 病從口入,禍從口出 bing4 cong2 kou3 ru4 - huo4 cong2 kou3 chu1
Illness enters by the mouth, trouble comes out by the mouth (idiom). A loose tongue may cause a lot of trouble.

病倒 病倒 bing4 dao3
to fall ill; to be stricken with an illness

病毒 病毒 bing4 du2

病毒感染 病毒感染 bing4 du2 gan3 ran3
viral infection

病毒科 病毒科 bing4 du2 ke1
virus family

病毒式营销 病毒式營銷 bing4 du2 shi4 ying2 xiao1
viral marketing; see also 病毒營銷|病毒营销

病毒性 病毒性 bing4 du2 xing4

病毒性肝炎 病毒性肝炎 bing4 du2 xing4 gan1 yan2
viral hepatitis

病毒性营销 病毒性營銷 bing4 du2 xing4 ying2 xiao1
viral marketing; see also 病毒營銷|病毒营销

病毒学 病毒學 bing4 du2 xue2
virology (study of viruses)

病毒学家 病毒學家 bing4 du2 xue2 jia1
virologist (person who studies viruses)

病毒血症 病毒血症 bing4 du2 xue4 zheng4

病毒营销 病毒營銷 bing4 du2 ying2 xiao1
viral marketing

病笃 病篤 bing4 du3
critically ill; on one's deathbed

病房 病房 bing4 fang2
ward (of a hospital); sickroom

病夫 病夫 bing4 fu1
sick man

病根 病根 bing4 gen1
an incompletely cured illness; an old complaint; the root cause of trouble

病故 病故 bing4 gu4
to die of an illness

病国殃民 病國殃民 bing4 guo2 yang1 min2
to damage the country and cause suffering to the people (idiom)

病害 病害 bing4 hai4
plant disease

病号 病號 bing4 hao4
sick personnel; person on the sick list; patient

病患 病患 bing4 huan4
illness; disease; patient; sufferer

病机 病機 bing4 ji1
interpretation of the cause; onset and process of an illness; pathogenesis

病急乱投医 病急亂投醫 bing4 ji2 luan4 tou2 yi1
lit. to turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill (idiom); fig. to try anyone or anything in a crisis

病家 病家 bing4 jia1
a patient and his family

病假 病假 bing4 jia4
sick leave

病假条 病假條 bing4 jia4 tiao2
sick note; medical certificate for sick leave

病句 病句 bing4 ju4
defective sentence; error (of grammar or logic)

病菌 病菌 bing4 jun1
harmful bacteria; pathogenic bacteria; germs

病苦 病苦 bing4 ku3
pains (of illness); sufferings (esp. in Buddhism)

病况 病況 bing4 kuang4
state of an illness; patient's condition

病来如山倒,病去如抽丝 病來如山倒,病去如抽絲 bing4 lai2 ru2 shan1 dao3 - bing4 qu4 ru2 chou1 si1
sickness comes like a landslide, but goes slowly like spinning silk (idiom); expect to convalesce slowly

病理 病理 bing4 li3

病理学 病理學 bing4 li3 xue2

病理学家 病理學家 bing4 li3 xue2 jia1

病例 病例 bing4 li4
(medical) case; occurrence of illness

病历 病歷 bing4 li4
medical record; case history

病脉 病脈 bing4 mai4
abnormal pulse

病媒 病媒 bing4 mei2
vector (epidemiology)

病民蛊国 病民蠱國 bing4 min2 gu3 guo2
to damage the people and harm the country (idiom)

病民害国 病民害國 bing4 min2 hai4 guo2
to damage the people and harm the country (idiom)

病魔 病魔 bing4 mo2
serious illness

病情 病情 bing4 qing2
state of an illness; patient's condition

病人 病人 bing4 ren2
sick person; patient; invalid

病容 病容 bing4 rong2
sickly look

病入膏肓 病入膏肓 bing4 ru4 gao1 huang1
lit. the disease has attacked the vitals (idiom); fig. beyond cure; the situation is hopeless

病弱 病弱 bing4 ruo4
sick and weak; sickly; invalid

病史 病史 bing4 shi3
medical history

病逝 病逝 bing4 shi4
to die of illness

病势 病勢 bing4 shi4
degree of seriousness of an illness; patient's condition

病室 病室 bing4 shi4
infirmary; ward; sickroom

病死 病死 bing4 si3
to fall ill and die; to die of illness

病榻 病榻 bing4 ta4

病态 病態 bing4 tai4
morbid or abnormal state

病态肥胖 病態肥胖 bing4 tai4 fei2 pang4
morbidly obese (medicine)

病痛 病痛 bing4 tong4
slight illness; indisposition; ailment

病危 病危 bing4 wei1
to be critically ill; to be terminally ill

病象 病象 bing4 xiang4
symptom (of a disease)

病邪 病邪 bing4 xie2
pathogeny (cause of disease) in TCM; as opposed to vital energy 正氣|正气

病休 病休 bing4 xiu1
to be on sick leave

病厌厌 病厭厭 bing4 yan1 yan1

病恹恹 病懨懨 bing4 yan1 yan1
looking or feeling sickly; weak and dispirited through illness

病秧子 病秧子 bing4 yang1 zi5
(coll.) invalid; sickly person

病因 病因 bing4 yin1
cause of disease; pathogen

病因学 病因學 bing4 yin1 xue2
pathological science (TCM)

病因子 病因子 bing4 yin1 zi5
cause of disease; pathogen; factor

病友 病友 bing4 you3
a friend made in hospital or people who become friends in hospital; wardmate

病愈 病癒 bing4 yu4
to recover (from an illness)

病源 病源 bing4 yuan2
cause of disease

病员 病員 bing4 yuan2
sick personnel; person on the sick list; patient

病原 病原 bing4 yuan2
cause of disease; pathogen

病原菌 病原菌 bing4 yuan2 jun1
a pathogen; a bacterial pathogen

病原体 病原體 bing4 yuan2 ti3
(med.) pathogen

病院 病院 bing4 yuan4
a specialized hospital

病灶 病灶 bing4 zao4
focus of infection; lesion; nidus

病者 病者 bing4 zhe3
patient; sick person

病征 病征 bing4 zheng1
symptom (of a disease)

病症 病症 bing4 zheng4
disease; illness

病重 病重 bing4 zhong4
seriously ill

病株 病株 bing4 zhu1
diseased or infected plant

病状 病狀 bing4 zhuang4
symptom (of a disease)

不干不净,吃了没病 不乾不淨,吃了沒病 bu4 gan1 bu4 jing4 - chi1 le5 mei2 bing4
a little dirt never killed anybody (proverb); a couple of germs won't do you any harm

布鲁氏菌病 布魯氏菌病 bu4 lu3 shi4 jun1 bing4
Brucella (infectious disease)

布尼亚病毒 布尼亞病毒 bu4 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2
Bunyavirus; virus of the family Bunyaviridae

布尼亚病毒 布尼亞病毒 bu4 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2
the bunyaviridae family of viruses

布氏杆菌病 布氏桿菌病 bu4 shi4 gan3 jun1 bing4
brucellosis (undulant fever or Mediterranean fever)

藏毛性疾病 藏毛性疾病 cang2 mao2 xing4 ji2 bing4
pilonidal disease

糙皮病 糙皮病 cao1 pi2 bing4
pellagra (medicine)

查加斯病 查加斯病 cha2 jia1 si1 bing4
Chagas disease; American trypanosomiasis

肠病毒 腸病毒 chang2 bing4 du2

虫媒病毒 蟲媒病毒 chong2 mei2 bing4 du2

出毛病 出毛病 chu1 mao2 bing4
a problem appears; to break down

传染病 傳染病 chuan2 ran3 bing4
infectious disease; contagious disease; pestilence

传染病学 傳染病學 chuan2 ran3 bing4 xue2

大病 大病 da4 bing4
serious illness

带病 帶病 dai4 bing4
to carry a disease; carrier; vector

单纯疱疹病毒 單純皰疹病毒 dan1 chun2 pao4 zhen3 bing4 du2
herpes simplex virus (HSV, med.)

得病 得病 de2 bing4
to fall ill; to contract a disease

登革病毒 登革病毒 deng1 ge2 bing4 du2
dengue virus

滴虫病 滴蟲病 di1 chong2 bing4
trichomoniasis (medicine)

第二型糖尿病 第二型糖尿病 di4 er4 xing2 tang2 niao4 bing4
Type 2 diabetes

第一型糖尿病 第一型糖尿病 di4 yi1 xing2 tang2 niao4 bing4
Type 1 diabetes

电脑病毒 電腦病毒 dian4 nao3 bing4 du2
computer virus

冬病夏治 冬病夏治 dong1 bing4 xia4 zhi4
to treat winter diseases in the summer (TCM)

东方马脑炎病毒 東方馬腦炎病毒 dong1 fang1 ma3 nao3 yan2 bing4 du2
eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus

都市病 都市病 du1 shi4 bing4
lifestyle diseases

笃病 篤病 du3 bing4
seriously ill; critical

多愁多病 多愁多病 duo1 chou2 duo1 bing4
much sorrows and illness (idiom); melancholy and weakly

多发病 多發病 duo1 fa1 bing4
frequently re-occurring disease

恶病质 惡病質 e4 bing4 zhi4
Cachexia (physical wasting associated with long-term illness)

发病 發病 fa1 bing4
onset; outbreak (of a disease)

发病率 發病率 fa1 bing4 lv4
incidence of a disease; disease rate

发作性嗜睡病 發作性嗜睡病 fa1 zuo4 xing4 shi4 shui4 bing4

反录病毒 反錄病毒 fan3 lu4 bing4 du2
reverse transcription virus; retrovirus

反转录病毒 反轉錄病毒 fan3 zhuan3 lu4 bing4 du2

犯病 犯病 fan4 bing4
to fall ill

放射病 放射病 fang4 she4 bing4
radiation sickness

非洲锥虫病 非洲錐蟲病 fei1 zhou1 zhui1 chong2 bing4
sleeping sickness; African trypanosomiasis

肺病 肺病 fei4 bing4
lung disease

肺结核病 肺結核病 fei4 jie2 he2 bing4
tuberculosis, TB

肺心病 肺心病 fei4 xin1 bing4
pulmonary heart disease (medicine)

疯牛病 瘋牛病 feng1 niu2 bing4
mad cow disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy)

氟骨病 氟骨病 fu2 gu3 bing4
see 氟骨症

浮肿病 浮腫病 fu2 zhong3 bing4
edema (accumulation of interstitial fluids in internal organs); dropsy

富贵病 富貴病 fu4 gui4 bing4
rich person's ailment (needing expensive treatment and long recuperation)

副黏液病毒 副黏液病毒 fu4 nian2 ye4 bing4 du2

肝病 肝病 gan1 bing4
liver disease

高空病 高空病 gao1 kong1 bing4
high altitude sickness

高热病 高熱病 gao1 re4 bing4
fever; high fever

高山病 高山病 gao1 shan1 bing4
altitude sickness; acute mountain sickness

高致病性 高致病性 gao1 zhi4 bing4 xing4
highly pathenogenic

钩端螺旋体病 鉤端螺旋體病 gou1 duan1 luo2 xuan2 ti3 bing4

佝偻病 佝僂病 gou1 lou2 bing4
rickets (medicine)

诟病 詬病 gou4 bing4
to denounce; to castigate

骨病 骨病 gu3 bing4

冠心病 冠心病 guan1 xin1 bing4
coronary heart disease

硅肺病 硅肺病 gui1 fei4 bing4
silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

害病 害病 hai4 bing4
to fall sick; to contract an illness

害相思病 害相思病 hai4 xiang1 si1 bing4
sick with love

汉他病毒 漢他病毒 han4 ta1 bing4 du2
Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) responsible for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome

汉坦病毒 漢坦病毒 han4 tan3 bing4 du2
Hantavirus (a family deadly rodent-borne viruses) responsible for hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome or cardiopulmonary syndrome

黑肺病 黑肺病 hei1 fei4 bing4
pneumoconiosis (occupational disease of coal miners); silicosis; also written 矽肺病

黑死病 黑死病 hei1 si3 bing4
bubonic plague; Black Death

宏病毒 宏病毒 hong2 bing4 du2
macro virus (computing)

红眼病 紅眼病 hong2 yan3 bing4
pinkeye; envy; jealousy

猴痘病毒 猴痘病毒 hou2 dou4 bing4 du2
monkey pox virus

花柳病 花柳病 hua1 liu3 bing4
sexually transmitted disease; venereal disease

坏血病 壞血病 huai4 xue4 bing4

患病 患病 huan4 bing4
to fall ill

患病者 患病者 huan4 bing4 zhe3
person suffering (from a disease or poisoning); a patient

癀病 癀病 huang2 bing4
(dialect) anthrax

黄疸病 黃疸病 huang2 dan3 bing4

黄龙病 黃龍病 huang2 long2 bing4
huanglongbing, citrus greening disease

黄热病 黃熱病 huang2 re4 bing4
yellow fever

黄热病毒 黃熱病毒 huang2 re4 bing4 du2
yellow fever virus

蛔虫病 蛔蟲病 hui2 chong2 bing4
ascariasis; infectation by parasitic roundworm Ascaris lumbricoides

昏睡病 昏睡病 hun1 shui4 bing4
sleeping sickness; African trypanosomiasis; see also 非洲錐蟲病|非洲锥虫病

疾病 疾病 ji2 bing4
disease; sickness; ailment

疾病控制中心 疾病控制中心 ji2 bing4 kong4 zhi4 zhong1 xin1
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

疾病突发 疾病突發 ji2 bing4 tu1 fa1
outbreak of illness; seizure

疾病预防中心 疾病預防中心 ji2 bing4 yu4 fang2 zhong1 xin1
Center for Disease Control (US)

急性病 急性病 ji2 xing4 bing4
acute illness; fig. impetuous; impatient

贾第虫病 賈第蟲病 jia3 di4 chong2 bing4
Giardiasis, a form of gastro-enteritis caused by infection of gut by Giardia lamblia protozoan parasite

减压病 減壓病 jian3 ya1 bing4
decompression sickness; the bends; also 減壓症|减压症

脚气病 腳氣病 jiao3 qi4 bing4

结核病 結核病 jie2 he2 bing4

节肢介体病毒 節肢介體病毒 jie2 zhi1 jie4 ti3 bing4 du2

精神病 精神病 jing1 shen2 bing4
mental disorder; psychosis

精神病患 精神病患 jing1 shen2 bing4 huan4
mental illness

精神病学 精神病學 jing1 shen2 bing4 xue2

精神病医院 精神病醫院 jing1 shen2 bing4 yi1 yuan4
psychiatric hospital

精神疾病 精神疾病 jing1 shen2 ji2 bing4
mental illness

颈椎病 頸椎病 jing3 zhui1 bing4
cervical spondylosis

久病 久病 jiu3 bing4
my old illness; chronic condition

久病成良医 久病成良醫 jiu3 bing4 cheng2 liang2 yi1
long illness makes the patient into a good doctor (idiom)

久病成医 久病成醫 jiu3 bing4 cheng2 yi1
(proverb) a long illness makes the patient into a doctor

旧病 舊病 jiu4 bing4
old illness; former affliction

旧病复发 舊病復發 jiu4 bing4 fu4 fa1
old illness recurs (idiom); a relapse; fig. to repeat an old error; the same old problem

巨细胞病毒 巨細胞病毒 ju4 xi4 bao1 bing4 du2
cytomegalovirus (CMV)

巨细胞病毒视网膜炎 巨細胞病毒視網膜炎 ju4 xi4 bao1 bing4 du2 shi4 wang3 mo2 yan2
Cytomegalovirus retinitis, a disease of the retina that can lead to blindness; CMV retinitis

军团菌病 軍團菌病 jun1 tuan2 jun1 bing4
legionnaires' disease

看病 看病 kan4 bing4
to visit a doctor; to see a patient

抗病 抗病 kang4 bing4
disease resistant

抗病毒 抗病毒 kang4 bing4 du2

抗病毒药 抗病毒藥 kang4 bing4 du2 yao4

抗精神病 抗精神病 kang4 jing1 shen2 bing4
antipsychotic (drug)

科罗恩病 科羅恩病 ke1 luo2 en1 bing4
Krohn's disease

柯萨奇病毒 柯薩奇病毒 ke1 sa4 qi2 bing4 du2
Coxsachie A intestinal virus

柯沙奇病毒 柯沙奇病毒 ke1 sha1 qi2 bing4 du2

克隆氏病 克隆氏病 ke4 long2 shi4 bing4
Crohn's disease

克沙奇病毒 克沙奇病毒 ke4 sha1 qi2 bing4 du2

克汀病 克汀病 ke4 ting1 bing4

恐水病 恐水病 kong3 shui3 bing4

枯萎病 枯萎病 ku1 wei3 bing4

库鲁病 庫魯病 ku4 lu3 bing4
kuru (medicine)

狂牛病 狂牛病 kuang2 niu2 bing4
mad cow disease; bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE

狂犬病 狂犬病 kuang2 quan3 bing4

拉沙病毒 拉沙病毒 la1 sha1 bing4 du2
Lassa virus

莱姆病 萊姆病 lai2 mu3 bing4
Lyme disease

癞皮病 癩皮病 lai4 pi2 bing4
pellagra; scabies

蓝耳病 藍耳病 lan2 er3 bing4
porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS); blue-ear swine fever

蓝舌病 藍舌病 lan2 she2 bing4
blue-tongue (viral disease of livestock)

痨病 癆病 lao2 bing4
tuberculosis (TCM)

老毛病 老毛病 lao3 mao2 bing4
chronic illness; old weakness; chronic problem

酪氨酸代谢病 酪氨酸代謝病 lao4 an1 suan1 dai4 xie4 bing4

冷热病 冷熱病 leng3 re4 bing4

立百病毒 立百病毒 li4 bai3 bing4 du2
Nipah virus

利什曼病 利什曼病 li4 shi2 man4 bing4
leishmaniasis (medicine)

裂谷热病毒 裂谷熱病毒 lie4 gu3 re4 bing4 du2
Rift Valley fever virus

淋病 淋病 lin4 bing4
gonorrhea; Taiwan pr.

流感病毒 流感病毒 liu2 gan3 bing4 du2
influenza virus; flu virus

流行病 流行病 liu2 xing2 bing4
epidemic disease

流行病学 流行病學 liu2 xing2 bing4 xue2

轮状病毒 輪狀病毒 lun2 zhuang4 bing4 du2

罗汉病 羅漢病 luo2 han4 bing4
snail fever (bilharzia or schistosomiasis), disease caused by schistosome parasitic flatworm

虑病症 慮病症 lv4 bing4 zheng4

麻风病 麻風病 ma2 feng1 bing4
leprosy; Hansen's disease

马尔堡病毒 馬爾堡病毒 ma3 er3 bao3 bing4 du2
Marburg virus

慢性病 慢性病 man4 xing4 bing4
chronic disease

慢性疾病 慢性疾病 man4 xing4 ji2 bing4
a chronic illness; a disease that takes effect slowly

慢性阻塞性肺病 慢性阻塞性肺病 man4 xing4 zu3 se4 xing4 fei4 bing4
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

猫抓病 貓抓病 mao1 zhua1 bing4
cat scratch disease; cat scratch fever

毛病 毛病 mao2 bing4
fault; defect; shortcomings; ailment

霉病 霉病 mei2 bing4
mildew; fungal growth

美尼尔病 美尼爾病 mei3 ni2 er3 bing4
Meniere's disease (loss of balance after stroke)

面带病容 面帶病容 mian4 dai4 bing4 rong2
to look unwell

磨工病 磨工病 mo4 gong1 bing4
grinder's disease; silicosis; also written 矽末病

木马病毒 木馬病毒 mu4 ma3 bing4 du2
Trojan horse (type of computer virus)

蛲虫病 蟯蟲病 nao2 chong2 bing4

脑病 腦病 nao3 bing4
brain disease; encephalopathy

脑血管疾病 腦血管疾病 nao3 xue4 guan3 ji2 bing4
cerebrovascular disease

逆转录病毒 逆轉錄病毒 ni4 zhuan3 lu4 bing4 du2
reverse transcription virus; retrovirus

牛痘病 牛痘病 niu2 dou4 bing4
cow pox

牛海绵状脑病 牛海綿狀腦病 niu2 hai3 mian2 zhuang4 nao3 bing4
bovine spongiform encephalopathy, BSE; mad cow disease

疟疾病 瘧疾病 nve4 ji2 bing4

帕金森病 帕金森病 pa4 jin1 sen1 bing4
Parkinson's disease

泡病号 泡病號 pao4 bing4 hao4
to dilly-dally on the pretence of being ill; to malinger

疱疹病毒 皰疹病毒 pao4 zhen3 bing4 du2
herpes virus (med.)

皮肤病 皮膚病 pi2 fu1 bing4

蜱咬病 蜱咬病 pi2 yao3 bing4
tick-bite sickness; informal term for 發熱伴血小板減少綜合徵|发热伴血小板减少综合征

贫病交加 貧病交加 pin2 bing4 jiao1 jia1
poverty compounded by ill health (idiom)

贫病交迫 貧病交迫 pin2 bing4 jiao1 po4
beset by poverty and illness (idiom)

奇昆古尼亚病毒 奇昆古尼亞病毒 qi2 kun1 gu3 ni2 ya4 bing4 du2
Chikungunya virus

气喘病 氣喘病 qi4 chuan3 bing4

潜水夫病 潛水夫病 qian2 shui3 fu1 bing4

切中时病 切中時病 qie4 zhong4 shi2 bing4
to hit the target where it hurts (idiom); fig. to hit home; to hit the nail on the head (in an argument)

球孢子菌病 球孢子菌病 qiu2 bao1 zi3 jun1 bing4

驱病 驅病 qu1 bing4
wards off disease

却病 卻病 que4 bing4
to prevent or treat a disease

染病 染病 ran3 bing4
to catch an illness; to get infected with a disease

热病 熱病 re4 bing4
fever; pyrexia

人类免疫缺陷病毒 人類免疫缺陷病毒 ren2 lei4 mian3 yi4 que1 xian4 bing4 du2
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)

人类乳突病毒 人類乳突病毒 ren2 lei4 ru3 tu1 bing4 du2
human papillomavirus (HPV)

溶酶储存疾病 溶酶儲存疾病 rong2 mei2 chu3 cun2 ji2 bing4
lysosomal storage disease (LSD)

溶血病 溶血病 rong2 xue4 bing4
hemolytic disease of newborn (breakdown of red blood cells due to alloimmune reaction between mother and fetus)

朊病毒 朊病毒 ruan3 bing4 du2
prion (pathogen)

软骨病 軟骨病 ruan3 gu3 bing4
chondropathy (medicine)

萨斯病 薩斯病 sa4 si1 bing4
SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)

三手病 三手病 san1 shou3 bing4
repetitive strain injury (resulting from frequent use of one's thumb, wrist etc)

丧心病狂 喪心病狂 sang4 xin1 bing4 kuang2
deranged; demented; berserk (idiom)

瘙痒病 瘙癢病 sao4 yang3 bing4
scrapie (prion disease of sheep)

伤病员 傷病員 shang1 bing4 yuan2
the sick and the wounded

少阳病 少陽病 shao3 yang2 bing4
name of disease in TCM

身心交病 身心交病 shen1 xin1 jiao1 bing4
worn out in body and soul (idiom)

神经病 神經病 shen2 jing1 bing4
mental disorder; neuropathy; (derog.) mental case

生病 生病 sheng1 bing4
to fall ill

生老病死 生老病死 sheng1 lao3 bing4 si3
lit. to be born, to grow old, to get sick and to die; fig. the fate of humankind (i.e. mortality)

石末沉着病 石末沉著病 shi2 mo4 chen2 zhuo2 bing4
silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

手足口病 手足口病 shou3 zu2 kou3 bing4
hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, caused by a number of intestinal viruses, usually affecting young children

受病 受病 shou4 bing4
to fall ill

兽病理学 獸病理學 shou4 bing4 li3 xue2
veterinary pathology

水俣病 水俁病 shui3 yu3 bing4
Minamata disease (mercury poisoning found in Southern Japan in 1956)

思乡病 思鄉病 si1 xiang1 bing4
homesick; homesickness

探病 探病 tan4 bing4
to visit a sick person or patient

炭疽病 炭疽病 tan4 ju1 bing4

糖尿病 糖尿病 tang2 niao4 bing4
diabetes; diabetes mellitus

天花病毒 天花病毒 tian1 hua1 bing4 du2
variola virus

挑毛病 挑毛病 tiao1 mao2 bing4
to nitpick; petty criticism; to nag

通病 通病 tong1 bing4
common problem; common failing

同病相怜 同病相憐 tong2 bing4 xiang1 lian2
fellow sufferers empathize with each other (idiom); misery loves company

兔热病 兔熱病 tu4 re4 bing4
tularemia; rabbit fever

微小病毒科 微小病毒科 wei1 xiao3 bing4 du2 ke1
Picornaviridae (virus family including many human pathogens); small RNA virus

危重病人 危重病人 wei1 zhong4 bing4 ren2
critically ill patient

委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒 委內瑞拉馬腦炎病毒 wei3 nei4 rui4 la1 ma3 nao3 yan2 bing4 du2
Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus

胃病 胃病 wei4 bing4
stomach trouble; stomach illness

文明病 文明病 wen2 ming2 bing4
lifestyle diseases

卧病 臥病 wo4 bing4
ill in bed; bed-ridden

无病呻吟 無病呻吟 wu2 bing4 shen1 yin2
to moan about imaginary illness; fussing like a hypochondriac; fig. sentimental nonsense

无病自灸 無病自灸 wu2 bing4 zi4 jiu3
lit. to prescribe moxibustion for oneself when not ill; to cause oneself trouble with superfluous action

西方马脑炎病毒 西方馬腦炎病毒 xi1 fang1 ma3 nao3 yan2 bing4 du2
western equine encephalitis (WEE) virus

矽肺病 矽肺病 xi1 fei4 bing4
silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease

矽末病 矽末病 xi1 mo4 bing4
silicosis (occupational disease of miners); grinder's disease; also written 矽末病

细菌病毒 細菌病毒 xi4 jun1 bing4 du2
bacteriophage; virus that infects bacteria

腺病 腺病 xian4 bing4
adenosis (glandular disease)

腺病毒 腺病毒 xian4 bing4 du2

相思病 相思病 xiang1 si1 bing4

小病 小病 xiao3 bing4
minor illness; indisposition

小儿麻痹病毒 小兒麻痺病毒 xiao3 er2 ma2 bi4 bing4 du2

小儿软骨病 小兒軟骨病 xiao3 er2 ruan3 gu3 bing4
rickets (medicine)

哮喘病 哮喘病 xiao4 chuan3 bing4

谢病 謝病 xie4 bing4
to excuse oneself because of illness

心病 心病 xin1 bing4
anxiety; sore point; secret worry; mental disorder; heart disease (medicine)

新城病 新城病 xin1 cheng2 bing4
Newcastle Disease

心血管疾病 心血管疾病 xin1 xue4 guan3 ji2 bing4
cardiovascular disease

心脏病 心臟病 xin1 zang4 bing4
heart disease

性病 性病 xing4 bing4
sexually transmitted disease; venereal disease

性疾病 性疾病 xing4 ji2 bing4
sexually transmitted disease; venereal disease

血栓病 血栓病 xue4 shuan1 bing4

血吸虫病 血吸蟲病 xue4 xi1 chong2 bing4

血液病 血液病 xue4 ye4 bing4
disease of the blood

血友病 血友病 xue4 you3 bing4

牙病 牙病 ya2 bing4
odontopathy; dental disease

牙周病 牙周病 ya2 zhou1 bing4
periodontitis (gum disorder)

雅司病 雅司病 ya3 si1 bing4
yaws (infectious tropical disease)

眼病 眼病 yan3 bing4
eye disease

羊瘙痒病 羊瘙癢病 yang2 sao4 yang3 bing4
scrapie (prion disease of sheep)

养病 養病 yang3 bing4
to recuperate; to convalesce; to take care of one's health after illness

恙虫病 恙蟲病 yang4 chong2 bing4
Scrub typhus; Tsutsugamushi disease; Mite-borne typhus fever

一病不起 一病不起 yi1 bing4 bu4 qi3
to fall gravely ill, never to recover (idiom)

伊科病毒 伊科病毒 yi1 ke1 bing4 du2
echovirus (RNA virus in genus Enterovirus)

疑病症 疑病症 yi2 bing4 zheng4
hypochondriasis; hypochondria; also written 疑病

遗传性疾病 遺傳性疾病 yi2 chuan2 xing4 ji2 bing4
genetic disorder

疫病 疫病 yi4 bing4
plague; a blight

癔病 癔病 yi4 bing4

异病同治 異病同治 yi4 bing4 tong2 zhi4
to use the same method to treat different diseases (TCM)

龈病 齦病 yin2 bing4
gingival disease

银屑病 銀屑病 yin2 xie4 bing4

隐病不报 隱病不報 yin3 bing4 bu4 bao4
not to tell others of one's illness

有精神病 有精神病 you3 jing1 shen2 bing4

语病 語病 yu3 bing4
faulty wording; mispronunciation due to a speech defect

月子病 月子病 yue4 zi5 bing4
puerperal fever

运动病 運動病 yun4 dong4 bing4
car sickness; motion sickness

脏病 髒病 zang1 bing4
dirty illness; venereal disease; the pox

诈病 詐病 zha4 bing4
to feign illness; to malinger

寨卡病毒 寨卡病毒 zhai4 ka3 bing4 du2
Zika virus

职业病 職業病 zhi2 ye4 bing4
occupational disease

致病 致病 zhi4 bing4
pathogenic; to cause disease

治病 治病 zhi4 bing4
to treat an illness

治病救人 治病救人 zhi4 bing4 jiu4 ren2
to treat the disease to save the patient; to criticize a person in order to help him

致病菌 致病菌 zhi4 bing4 jun1
pathogenic bacteria

志贺氏菌病 志賀氏菌病 zhi4 he4 shi4 jun1 bing4
shigellosis; bacillary dysentery

治未病 治未病 zhi4 wei4 bing4
preventative treatment (medicine)

肿瘤病医生 腫瘤病醫生 zhong3 liu2 bing4 yi1 sheng1
oncologist (medicine)

重病 重病 zhong4 bing4
serious illness

重病特护 重病特護 zhong4 bing4 te4 hu4
intensive care

重病特护区 重病特護區 zhong4 bing4 te4 hu4 qu1
intensive care department (of hospital)

猪链球菌病 豬鏈球菌病 zhu1 lian4 qiu2 jun1 bing4
streptococcus suis (swine-borne disease)

猪流感病毒 豬流感病毒 zhu1 liu2 gan3 bing4 du2
swine influenza virus (SIV)

猪水泡病 豬水泡病 zhu1 shui3 pao4 bing4
swine vesicular disease (SVD)

装病 裝病 zhuang1 bing4
to feign illness; to malinger

锥虫病 錐蟲病 zhui1 chong2 bing4
trypanosomiasis; trypanosomosis

兹卡病毒 茲卡病毒 zi1 ka3 bing4 du2
Zika virus (Tw)

自体免疫疾病 自體免疫疾病 zi4 ti3 mian3 yi4 ji2 bing4
autoimmune disease

组织胞浆菌病 組織胞漿菌病 zu3 zhi1 bao1 jiang1 jun1 bing4

组织浆霉菌病 組織漿黴菌病 zu3 zhi1 jiang1 mei2 jun1 bing4