words; speech; to say; to talk

strokes 7
strokes after radical 0
把酒言欢 把酒言歡 ba3 jiu3 yan2 huan1
to drink and chat merrily (idiom)

杯酒言欢 杯酒言歡 bei1 jiu3 yan2 huan1
a few drinks and a nice conversation (idiom)

北京语言大学 北京語言大學 bei3 jing1 yu3 yan2 da4 xue2
Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)

北京语言学院 北京語言學院 bei3 jing1 yu3 yan2 xue2 yuan4
Beijing Language Institute; former name of 北京語言大學|北京语言大学 Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU)

比较而言 比較而言 bi3 jiao4 er2 yan2
comparatively speaking

闭口不言 閉口不言 bi4 kou3 bu4 yan2
to keep silent (idiom)

冰炭不言,冷热自明 冰炭不言,冷熱自明 bing1 tan4 bu4 yan2 - leng3 re4 zi4 ming2
ice or coals, whether hot or cold goes without saying (idiom); fig. sincerity is not expressed in words

不可胜言 不可勝言 bu4 ke3 sheng4 yan2
inexpressible (idiom); beyond description

不可言喻 不可言喻 bu4 ke3 yan2 yu4
inexpressible (idiom)

不幸言中 不幸言中 bu4 xing4 yan2 zhong4
to turn out just as one predicted or feared

不恤人言 不恤人言 bu4 xu4 ren2 yan2
not to worry about the gossip (idiom); to do the right thing regardless of what others say

不言不语 不言不語 bu4 yan2 bu4 yu3
to not say a word (idiom); to keep silent

不言而喻 不言而喻 bu4 yan2 er2 yu4
it goes without saying; it is self-evident

不言自明 不言自明 bu4 yan2 zi4 ming2
self-evident; needing no explanation (idiom)

不以人废言 不以人廢言 bu4 yi3 ren2 fei4 yan2
not to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on the merits of the case rather than preference between advisers

察言观色 察言觀色 cha2 yan2 guan1 se4
to weigh up sb's words and observe their facial expression (idiom); to discern what sb thinks from his body language

馋言 饞言 chan2 yan2

谗言 讒言 chan2 yan2
slander; slanderous report; calumny; false charge

常言 常言 chang2 yan2
common saying

常言说得好 常言說得好 chang2 yan2 shuo1 de5 hao3
as the saying goes; as they say...

畅所欲言 暢所欲言 chang4 suo3 yu4 yan2
lit. fluently saying all one wants (idiom); to preach freely on one's favorite topic; to hold forth to one's heart's content

倡言 倡言 chang4 yan2
to propose; to put forward (an idea); to initiate

倡言者 倡言者 chang4 yan2 zhe3

超文本标记语言 超文本標記語言 chao1 wen2 ben3 biao1 ji4 yu3 yan2
hypertext markup language; HTML

沉静寡言 沉靜寡言 chen2 jing4 gua3 yan2
see 沉默寡言

沉默寡言 沉默寡言 chen2 mo4 gua3 yan2
habitually silent (idiom); reticent; uncommunicative

程式语言 程式語言 cheng2 shi4 yu3 yan2
programming language

出言 出言 chu1 yan2
to speak; words

出言不逊 出言不遜 chu1 yan2 bu4 xun4
to speak rudely

传言 傳言 chuan2 yan2
rumor; hearsay

大言 大言 da4 yan2
to exaggerate; to boast

大言不惭 大言不慚 da4 yan2 bu4 can2
to boast shamelessly; to talk big

代言 代言 dai4 yan2
to be a spokesperson; to be an ambassador (for a brand); to endorse

代言人 代言人 dai4 yan2 ren2

导言 導言 dao3 yan2
introduction; preamble

低级语言 低級語言 di1 ji2 yu3 yan2
low level (computer) language

低阶语言 低階語言 di1 jie1 yu3 yan2
low level (computer) language

电脑语言 電腦語言 dian4 nao3 yu3 yan2
programming language; computer language

独立宣言 獨立宣言 du2 li4 xuan1 yan2
Declaration of Independence

断言 斷言 duan4 yan2
to assert; assertion

多言 多言 duo1 yan2
wordy; talkative

多语言 多語言 duo1 yu3 yan2
polyglot; many language

多种语言 多種語言 duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2

多种语言支持 多種語言支持 duo1 zhong3 yu3 yan2 zhi1 chi2
multilingual support

恶言 惡言 e4 yan2
evil tongue; malicious talk

恶言伤人 惡言傷人 e4 yan2 shang1 ren2
to insult; to direct bad language at sb; to slag off

而言 而言 er2 yan2
with regard to (preceding phrase)

发言 發言 fa1 yan2
to make a speech; statement; utterance

发言权 發言權 fa1 yan2 quan2
the right of speech

发言人 發言人 fa1 yan2 ren2

发言中肯 發言中肯 fa1 yan2 zhong4 ken3
to hit the nail on the head (idiom)

坊间传言 坊間傳言 fang1 jian1 chuan2 yan2
rumors; the word on the street

方言 方言 fang1 yan2
the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 揚雄|扬雄 in 1st century, containing over 9000 characters

方言 方言 fang1 yan2
topolect; dialect

肺腑之言 肺腑之言 fei4 fu3 zhi1 yan2
words from the bottom of one's heart

概而言之 概而言之 gai4 er2 yan2 zhi1
same as 總而言之|总而言之

甘言蜜语 甘言蜜語 gan1 yan2 mi4 yu3
sweet speech and honeyed words; hypocritical flattery (idiom); see also 甜言蜜語|甜言蜜语

敢怒而不敢言 敢怒而不敢言 gan3 nu4 er2 bu4 gan3 yan2
angry, but not daring to speak out (idiom); obliged to remain silent about one's resentment; unable to voice objections

高级语言 高級語言 gao1 ji2 yu3 yan2
high level language

高阶语言 高階語言 gao1 jie1 yu3 yan2
high level language

格言 格言 ge2 yan2

共产党宣言 共產黨宣言 gong4 chan3 dang3 xuan1 yan2
Manifesto of the Communist Party; "Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei" by Marx and Engels (1848)

姑妄言之 姑妄言之 gu1 wang4 yan2 zhi1
to just talk for the sake of talking

古典语言 古典語言 gu3 dian3 yu3 yan2
classical language

寡言 寡言 gua3 yan2
taciturn; reticent

官方语言 官方語言 guan1 fang1 yu3 yan2
official language

广开言路 廣開言路 guang3 kai1 yan2 lu4
to encourage the free airing of views (idiom)

国防语言学院 國防語言學院 guo2 fang2 yu3 yan2 xue2 yuan4
US Defense Language Institute (founded 1941)

豪言壮语 豪言壯語 hao2 yan2 zhuang4 yu3
bold, visionary words

好言 好言 hao3 yan2
kind words

好言好语 好言好語 hao3 yan2 hao3 yu3
kind words; sweet talk; coaxing manner

何出此言 何出此言 he2 chu1 ci3 yan2
where do these words stem from?; why do you (he, etc) say such a thing?

胡言乱语 胡言亂語 hu2 yan2 luan4 yu3
babbling nonsense (idiom); crazy and unfounded ravings; double Dutch

花言巧语 花言巧語 hua1 yan2 qiao3 yu3
graceful words, flowery speech (idiom); elegant but insincere words; cheating wheedling; dishonest rhetoric

换而言之 換而言之 huan4 er2 yan2 zhi1
in other words

换言之 換言之 huan4 yan2 zhi1
in other words

谎言 謊言 huang3 yan2

汇编语言 匯編語言 hui4 bian1 yu3 yan2
assembly language

机械语言 機械語言 ji1 xie4 yu3 yan2
machine language

家丑不可外传,流言切莫轻信 家醜不可外傳,流言切莫輕信 jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2 - liu2 yan2 qie4 mo4 qing1 xin4
Don't spread abroad the shame of the family, don't believe rumors lightly. (idiom); Don't wash your dirty linen in public, don't listen to others' gossip.

缄口不言 緘口不言 jian1 kou3 bu4 yan2
lips sealed and not saying anything (idiom); fig. to omit mention (of a non-person or embarrassing topic); to censor

简而言之 簡而言之 jian3 er2 yan2 zhi1
in a nutshell; to put it briefly

简言之 簡言之 jian3 yan2 zhi1
in simple terms; to put things simply; briefly

建言 建言 jian4 yan2
to declare; to state; (strong) suggestion

荐言 薦言 jian4 yan2
to recommend (in words); to suggest

谏言 諫言 jian4 yan2
advice; to advise

交浅言深 交淺言深 jiao1 qian3 yan2 shen1
to talk intimately while being comparative strangers (idiom)

金石良言 金石良言 jin1 shi2 liang2 yan2
gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice

金玉良言 金玉良言 jin1 yu4 liang2 yan2
gems of wisdom (idiom); priceless advice

进言 進言 jin4 yan2
to put forward a suggestion (to sb in a senior position); to offer a word of advice

尽言 盡言 jin4 yan2
saying everything; to speak out fully

警世通言 警世通言 jing3 shi4 tong1 yan2
Stories to Caution the World, vernacular short stories by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙 published in 1624

酒后吐真言 酒後吐真言 jiu3 hou4 tu3 zhen1 yan2
after wine, spit out the truth; in vino veritas

酒言酒语 酒言酒語 jiu3 yan2 jiu3 yu3
words spoken under the influence of alcohol (idiom)

君子一言,驷马难追 君子一言,駟馬難追 jun1 zi3 yi1 yan2 - si4 ma3 nan2 zhui1
a nobleman's word is his bond (proverb)

开言 開言 kai1 yan2
to start to speak

可扩展标记语言 可擴展標記語言 ke3 kuo4 zhan3 biao1 ji4 yu3 yan2
extensible markup language (XML)

可言 可言 ke3 yan2
it may be said

可以意会,不可言传 可以意會,不可言傳 ke3 yi3 yi4 hui4 - bu4 ke3 yan2 chuan2
can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle

口不择言 口不擇言 kou3 bu4 ze2 yan2
to speak incoherently; to ramble; to talk irresponsibly

口出狂言 口出狂言 kou3 chu1 kuang2 yan2
to speak conceited nonsense; to come out with arrogant claptrap

口无择言 口無擇言 kou3 wu2 ze2 yan2
to say not a word that is not appropriate (idiom); wrongly used for 口不擇言|口不择言

跨语言 跨語言 kua4 yu3 yan2
cross-language; polyglot

狂言 狂言 kuang2 yan2
ravings; delirious utterances; kyōgen (a form of traditional Japanese comic theater)

谰言 讕言 lan2 yan2
slander; calumny; to accuse unjustly

兰言 蘭言 lan2 yan2
intimate conversation

冷言冷语 冷言冷語 leng3 yan2 leng3 yu3
sarcastic comments (idiom); to make sarcastic comments

例言 例言 li4 yan2
introductory remarks

临别赠言 臨別贈言 lin2 bie2 zeng4 yan2
words of advice on parting

流言 流言 liu2 yan2
rumor; gossip; to spread rumors

留言 留言 liu2 yan2
to leave a message; to leave one's comments; message

留言本 留言本 liu2 yan2 ben3

留言簿 留言簿 liu2 yan2 bu4
visitor's book

流言蜚语 流言蜚語 liu2 yan2 fei1 yu3
rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip; lies and slanders

六字真言 六字真言 liu4 zi4 zhen1 yan2
the six-syllable Sanskrit mantra of Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva (i.e. om mani padme hum)

屡出狂言 屢出狂言 lv3 chu1 kuang2 yan2
repeated gaffes

满口胡言 滿口胡言 man3 kou3 hu2 yan2
to spout nonsense; to bullshit endlessly

满口谎言 滿口謊言 man3 kou3 huang3 yan2
to pour out lies

面向对象语言 面嚮對象語言 mian4 xiang4 dui4 xiang4 yu3 yan2
object oriented language

妙不可言 妙不可言 miao4 bu4 ke3 yan2
too wonderful for words

妙在不言中 妙在不言中 miao4 zai4 bu4 yan2 zhong1
the charm lies in what is left unsaid (idiom)

名不正言不顺 名不正言不順 ming2 bu5 zheng4 yan2 bu5 shun4
(of a title, degree etc) illegitimately conferred

明言 明言 ming2 yan2
to say clearly; to argue clearly; to pronounce; pronounced

名言 名言 ming2 yan2
saying; famous remark

铭言 銘言 ming2 yan2
motto; slogan

名正言顺 名正言順 ming2 zheng4 yan2 shun4
in a way that justifies the use of the term; genuine; proper; in a way that conforms to logic; justifiable; appropriate; perfectly legitimate

莫言 莫言 mo4 yan2
Mo Yan (1955-), Chinese novelist, winner of 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature

木讷寡言 木訥寡言 mu4 ne4 gua3 yan2
honest and unaffected but not talkative (idiom)

难言之隐 難言之隱 nan2 yan2 zhi1 yin3
a hidden trouble hard to mention (idiom); sth too embarrassing to mention; an embarrassing illness

能言善辩 能言善辯 neng2 yan2 shan4 bian4
glib of tongue (idiom); eloquent

逆耳之言 逆耳之言 ni4 er3 zhi1 yan2
speech that grates on the ear (idiom); bitter truths; home truths (that one does not want to hear)

诺言 諾言 nuo4 yan2

欧洲语言 歐洲語言 ou1 zhou1 yu3 yan2
European language

七言律诗 七言律詩 qi1 yan2 lv4 shi1
verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines; abbr. to 七律

千言万语 千言萬語 qian1 yan2 wan4 yu3
thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say; talking nonstop

前言 前言 qian2 yan2
preface; forward; introduction

轻言细语 輕言細語 qing1 yan2 xi4 yu3
to speak softly

人言籍籍 人言籍籍 ren2 yan2 ji2 ji2
tongues are wagging (idiom)

人言可畏 人言可畏 ren2 yan2 ke3 wei4
gossip is a fearful thing (idiom)

仁言利博 仁言利博 ren2 yan2 li4 bo2
Words of benevolence apply universally (idiom). Humanitarian expressions benefit all.

人造语言 人造語言 ren2 zao4 yu3 yan2
artificial language; constructed language

人之将死,其言也善 人之將死,其言也善 ren2 zhi1 jiang1 si3 - qi2 yan2 ye3 shan4
words of a man on his deathbed always come from the heart (proverb)

冗言 冗言 rong3 yan2
pleonasm (linguistics)

三言两句 三言兩句 san1 yan2 liang3 ju4
in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly

三言两语 三言兩語 san1 yan2 liang3 yu3
in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly

善言 善言 shan4 yan2
good words

善言辞 善言辭 shan4 yan2 ci2
articulate; eloquent

善意的谎言 善意的謊言 shan4 yi4 de5 huang3 yan2
white lie

社会语言学 社會語言學 she4 hui4 yu3 yan2 xue2

社交语言 社交語言 she4 jiao1 yu3 yan2
lingua franca

身教胜于言教 身教勝於言教 shen1 jiao4 sheng4 yu2 yan2 jiao4
teaching by example beats explaining in words (idiom); action speaks louder than words

申言 申言 shen1 yan2
to profess; to declare

慎言 慎言 shen4 yan2
to speak cautiously; to guard one's tongue

声调语言 聲調語言 sheng1 diao4 yu3 yan2
tonal language (e.g. Chinese or Vietnamese)

声言 聲言 sheng1 yan2
to state; to declare; pronouncement; declaration

失言 失言 shi1 yan2
slip of the tongue; indiscretion; to blurt out a secret

食言 食言 shi2 yan2
lit. to eat one's words; to break a promise; to go back on one's word; to renege; unsworn testimony

食言而肥 食言而肥 shi2 yan2 er2 fei2
lit. to grow fat eating one's words (idiom); fig. not to live up to one's promises

世界人权宣言 世界人權宣言 shi4 jie4 ren2 quan2 xuan1 yan2
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

誓言 誓言 shi4 yan2
oath; promise; pledge

书不尽言 書不盡言 shu1 bu4 jin4 yan2
I have much more to say than can be written in this letter (conventional letter ending) (idiom)

书写语言 書寫語言 shu1 xie3 yu3 yan2
written language

坦言 坦言 tan3 yan2
to say candidly; to acknowledge frankly

甜言 甜言 tian2 yan2
sweet words; fine talk

甜言美语 甜言美語 tian2 yan2 mei3 yu3
sweet words, beautiful phrases (idiom); hypocritical flattery

甜言蜜语 甜言蜜語 tian2 yan2 mi4 yu3
sweet speech and honeyed words (idiom); hypocritical flattery

听其言而观其行 聽其言而觀其行 ting1 qi2 yan2 er2 guan1 qi2 xing2
hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions

听其言观其行 聽其言觀其行 ting1 qi2 yan2 guan1 qi2 xing2
hear what he says and observe what he does (idiom, from Analects); judge a person not by his words, but by his actions

听信谣言 聽信謠言 ting1 xin4 yao2 yan2
to take heed of idle chatter (idiom)

童言无忌 童言無忌 tong2 yan2 wu2 ji4
children's words carry no harm (idiom)

婉言 婉言 wan3 yan2
tactful; diplomatic; mild and indirect

王顾左右而言他 王顧左右而言他 wang2 gu4 zuo3 you4 er2 yan2 ta1
the king looked left and right and then talked of other things; to digress from the topic of discussion (idiom)

网络语言 網絡語言 wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2
Internet language; Internet slang; netspeak; cyberspeak

妄言 妄言 wang4 yan2
lies; wild talk; to tell lies; to talk nonsense; fantasy (literature)

妄言妄听 妄言妄聽 wang4 yan2 wang4 ting1
unwarranted talk the listener can take or leave (idiom); sth not to be taken too seriously

危言耸听 危言聳聽 wei1 yan2 song3 ting1
frightening words to scare people (idiom); alarmist talk; reds under the beds

危言危行 危言危行 wei1 yan2 wei1 xing2
upright and plainspoken (idiom)

违心之言 違心之言 wei2 xin1 zhi1 yan2
false assertion; speech against one's own convictions

违言 違言 wei2 yan2
unreasonable words; wounding complaints

闻言 聞言 wen2 yan2
to have heard what was said

文言 文言 wen2 yan2
classical Chinese

文言文 文言文 wen2 yan2 wen2
classical Chinese

污言秽语 污言穢語 wu1 yan2 hui4 yu3
filthy speech; obscenities

无言 無言 wu2 yan2
to remain silent; to have nothing to say

无言可对 無言可對 wu2 yan2 ke3 dui4
unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words

无言以对 無言以對 wu2 yan2 yi3 dui4
to be left speechless; unable to respond

五言绝句 五言絕句 wu3 yan2 jue2 ju4
poetic form consisting of four lines of five syllables, with rhymes on first, second and fourth line

戏言 戲言 xi4 yan2
joking matter; to go back on one's words

闲言碎语 閑言碎語 xian2 yan2 sui4 yu3
idle gossip; irrelevant nonsense; slanderous rumor

闲言闲语 閒言閒語 xian2 yan2 xian2 yu3
idle gossip

新闻发言人 新聞發言人 xin1 wen2 fa1 yan2 ren2

行不顾言 行不顧言 xing2 bu4 gu4 yan2
to say one thing and do another (idiom)

醒世恒言 醒世恆言 xing3 shi4 heng2 yan2
Stories to Awaken the World, vernacular short stories by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙 published in 1627

虚拟现实置标语言 虛擬現實置標語言 xu1 ni3 xian4 shi2 zhi4 biao1 yu3 yan2
virtual reality markup language (VRML) (computing)

虚言 虛言 xu1 yan2
empty words; false words

序言 序言 xu4 yan2
preface; introductory remarks; preamble; prelude

叙言 敘言 xu4 yan2
variant of 序言

绪言 緒言 xu4 yan2

宣誓证言 宣誓證言 xuan1 shi4 zheng4 yan2
sworn testimony

宣言 宣言 xuan1 yan2
declaration; manifesto

哑口无言 啞口無言 ya3 kou3 wu2 yan2
dumbstruck and unable to reply (idiom); left speechless; at a loss for words

雅言 雅言 ya3 yan2
valued advice

言必信,行必果 言必信,行必果 yan2 bi4 xin4 - xing2 bi4 guo3
one must be a man of his word and resolute in his work (proverb)

言不及义 言不及義 yan2 bu4 ji2 yi4
to talk nonsense (idiom); frivolous talk

言不尽意 言不盡意 yan2 bu4 jin4 yi4
(conventional letter ending) words cannot fully express what is in my heart (idiom)

言不可传 言不可傳 yan2 bu4 ke3 chuan2
impossible to put into words; inexpressible

言不由衷 言不由衷 yan2 bu4 you2 zhong1
to say sth without meaning it (idiom); to speak tongue in cheek; saying one thing but meaning sth different

言传 言傳 yan2 chuan2
to convey in words

言传身教 言傳身教 yan2 chuan2 shen1 jiao4
to teach by words and example (idiom)

言词 言詞 yan2 ci2
variant of 言辭|言辞

言辞 言辭 yan2 ci2
words; expression; what one says

言而无信 言而無信 yan2 er2 wu2 xin4
to go back on one's word; to break one's promise; to be unfaithful; to be untrustworthy

言而有信 言而有信 yan2 er2 you3 xin4
to speak and keep one's promise (idiom); as good as one's word

言符其实 言符其實 yan2 fu2 qi2 shi2
(of one's words) to be in accord with reality (idiom)

言官 言官 yan2 guan1
imperial censor

言归于好 言歸於好 yan2 gui1 yu2 hao3
to become reconciled; to bury the hatchet

言归正传 言歸正傳 yan2 gui1 zheng4 zhuan4
to return to the topic (idiom); to get back to the main point

言过其实 言過其實 yan2 guo4 qi2 shi2
to exaggerate; to overstate the facts

言简意赅 言簡意賅 yan2 jian3 yi4 gai1
concise and comprehensive (idiom)

言教 言教 yan2 jiao4
to give verbal instruction

言教不如身教 言教不如身教 yan2 jiao4 bu4 ru2 shen1 jiao4
Explaining in words is not as good as teaching by example (idiom). Action speaks louder than words.

言近旨远 言近旨遠 yan2 jin4 zhi3 yuan3
simple words with a profound meaning (idiom)

言论 言論 yan2 lun4
expression of opinion; views; remarks; arguments

言论机关 言論機關 yan2 lun4 ji1 guan1
the press; the media

言论界 言論界 yan2 lun4 jie4
the press; the media

言论自由 言論自由 yan2 lun4 zi4 you2
freedom of speech

言明 言明 yan2 ming2
to state clearly

言情小说 言情小說 yan2 qing2 xiao3 shuo1
romantic fiction

言谈 言談 yan2 tan2
discourse; words; utterance; what one says; manner of speech

言谈林薮 言談林藪 yan2 tan2 lin2 sou3
articulate in speech (idiom); eloquent

言听计从 言聽計從 yan2 ting1 ji4 cong2
to see, hear and obey (idiom); to take advice; to take sb at his word

言外之意 言外之意 yan2 wai4 zhi1 yi4
unspoken implication (idiom); the actual meaning of what was said

言为心声 言為心聲 yan2 wei2 xin1 sheng1
one's words reflect one's thinking (idiom)

言下之意 言下之意 yan2 xia4 zhi1 yi4

言行 言行 yan2 xing2
words and actions; what one says and what one does

言行若一 言行若一 yan2 xing2 ruo4 yi1
word and actions coincide (idiom); to live up to one's word; to match words with deeds; Practice what you preach.

言行一致 言行一致 yan2 xing2 yi1 zhi4
word and actions coincide (idiom); to live up to one's word; to match words with deeds; Practice what you preach.

言犹在耳 言猶在耳 yan2 you2 zai4 er3
words still ringing in one's ears (idiom)

言语 言語 yan2 yu3
words; speech; (spoken) language

言语缺陷 言語缺陷 yan2 yu3 que1 xian4
speech defect

言语失常症 言語失常症 yan2 yu3 shi1 chang2 zheng4
speech defect

言语 言語 yan2 yu5
to speak; to tell

言者无意,听者有心 言者無意,聽者有心 yan2 zhe3 wu2 yi4 - ting1 zhe3 you3 xin1
to take a casual remark to heart (idiom)

言者无罪,闻者足戒 言者無罪,聞者足戒 yan2 zhe3 wu2 zui4 - wen2 zhe3 zu2 jie4
don't blame the speaker, take note of his warning (idiom); an exhortation to speak one's mind without fear of reprisals, and with the expectation of being taken seriously

言之无物 言之無物 yan2 zhi1 wu2 wu4
(of a writing etc) to have no substance (idiom); to carry no weight

言之有物 言之有物 yan2 zhi1 you3 wu4
(of one's words) to have substance

言中 言中 yan2 zhong4
to have one's words prove to be prophetic

言字旁 言字旁 yan2 zi4 pang2
name of "speech" or "words" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 149); see also 訁|讠

扬言 揚言 yang2 yan2
to put about (a story, plan, threat etc); to let it be known (esp. of threat or malicious story); to threaten

佯言 佯言 yang2 yan2
to claim falsely (literary)

妖言 妖言 yao1 yan2

妖言惑众 妖言惑眾 yao1 yan2 huo4 zhong4
to mislead the public with rumors (idiom); to delude the people with lies

谣言 謠言 yao2 yan2

谣言惑众 謠言惑衆 yao2 yan2 huo4 zhong4
to mislead the public with rumors; to delude the people with lies

要言不烦 要言不煩 yao4 yan2 bu4 fan2
to explain in simple terms; succinct; concise

野叟曝言 野叟曝言 ye3 sou3 pu4 yan2
Yesou Puyan or Humble Words of a Rustic Elder, monumental Qing novel by Xia Jingqu 夏敬渠

一般而言 一般而言 yi1 ban1 er2 yan2
generally speaking

一派胡言 一派胡言 yi1 pai4 hu2 yan2
a bunch of nonsense

一派谎言 一派謊言 yi1 pai4 huang3 yan2
a pack of lies

一言 一言 yi1 yan2
one sentence; brief remark

一言不发 一言不發 yi1 yan2 bu4 fa1
to not say a word (idiom)

一言抄百总 一言抄百總 yi1 yan2 chao1 bai3 zong3
to cut a long story short

一言既出,驷马难追 一言既出,駟馬難追 yi1 yan2 ji4 chu1 - si4 ma3 nan2 zhui1
lit. once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it (idiom); a promise must be kept

一言九鼎 一言九鼎 yi1 yan2 jiu3 ding3
one word worth nine sacred tripods (idiom); words of enormous weight

一言难尽 一言難盡 yi1 yan2 nan2 jin4
hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succinctly

一言千金 一言千金 yi1 yan2 qian1 jin1
one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); valuable advice; words of enormous weight

一言为定 一言為定 yi1 yan2 wei2 ding4
one word and it's settled (idiom); It's a deal!; That's settled then.

一言为重 一言為重 yi1 yan2 wei2 zhong4
each word carries weight; a promise must be kept (idiom)

一言一动 一言一動 yi1 yan2 yi1 dong4
(one's) every word and deed (idiom)

一言一行 一言一行 yi1 yan2 yi1 xing2
every word and action (idiom)

一言以蔽之 一言以蔽之 yi1 yan2 yi3 bi4 zhi1
one word says it all (idiom, from Analects); to cut a long story short; in a nutshell

遗言 遺言 yi2 yan2
words of the deceased; last words of the dying; wisdom of past sages

以人废言 以人廢言 yi3 ren2 fei4 yan2
to reject a word because of the speaker (idiom, from Analects); to judge on preference between advisers rather than the merits of the case

以言代法 以言代法 yi3 yan2 dai4 fa3
to substitute one's words for the law (idiom); high-handedly putting one's orders above the law

以言代法,以权压法 以言代法,以權壓法 yi3 yan2 dai4 fa3 - yi3 quan2 ya1 fa3
to substitute one's words for the law and abuse power to crush it (idiom); completely lawless behavior; Might makes right.

异言 異言 yi4 yan2
dissenting words

易言之 易言之 yi4 yan2 zhi1
in other words

溢于言表 溢於言表 yi4 yu2 yan2 biao3
to exhibit one's feelings in one's speech

隐秘难言 隱秘難言 yin3 mi4 nan2 yan2
too embarrassing to mention

隐忍不言 隱忍不言 yin3 ren3 bu4 yan2
to keep one's emotions inside oneself; to restrain one's emotions

引言 引言 yin3 yan2
foreword; introduction

印欧语言 印歐語言 yin4 ou1 yu3 yan2
Indo-European (language)

犹言 猶言 you2 yan2
can be compared to; is the same as

语言 語言 yu3 yan2

语言产生 語言產生 yu3 yan2 chan3 sheng1
production of speech

语言匮乏 語言匱乏 yu3 yan2 kui4 fa2
language deficit (linguistics)

语言能力 語言能力 yu3 yan2 neng2 li4
verbal ability

语言缺陷 語言缺陷 yu3 yan2 que1 xian4
speech defect

语言实验室 語言實驗室 yu3 yan2 shi2 yan4 shi4
language laboratory

语言誓约 語言誓約 yu3 yan2 shi4 yue1
language pledge (to speak only the target language in a language school)

语言学 語言學 yu3 yan2 xue2

语言学家 語言學家 yu3 yan2 xue2 jia1

语言训练 語言訓練 yu3 yan2 xun4 lian4
language training

语言障碍 語言障礙 yu3 yan2 zhang4 ai4
language barrier; speech impediment

喻世明言 喻世明言 yu4 shi4 ming2 yan2
another name for 古今小說|古今小说, Stories Old and New by Feng Menglong 馮夢龍|冯梦龙

寓言 寓言 yu4 yan2

预言 預言 yu4 yan2
to predict; prophecy

预言家 預言家 yu4 yan2 jia1

欲言又止 欲言又止 yu4 yan2 you4 zhi3
to want to say sth but then hesitate

元语言 元語言 yuan2 yu3 yan2

元语言能力 元語言能力 yuan2 yu3 yan2 neng2 li4
metalinguistic ability

元语言学意识 元語言學意識 yuan2 yu3 yan2 xue2 yi4 shi2
metalinguistic awareness

怨言 怨言 yuan4 yan2

约言 約言 yue1 yan2
promise; one's word; pledge; abbreviation

谮言 譖言 zen4 yan2
to slander

仗义执言 仗義執言 zhang4 yi4 zhi2 yan2
to speak out for justice (idiom); to take a stand on a matter of principle

箴言 箴言 zhen1 yan2
admonition; exhortation; dictum; the biblical Book of Proverbs

真言 真言 zhen1 yan2
true statement; incantation (translates Sanskrit: dharani 陀羅尼|陀罗尼)

真言宗 真言宗 zhen1 yan2 zong1
Shingon Buddhism

证言 證言 zheng4 yan2

诤言 諍言 zheng4 yan2
to reprove; forthright admonition

正言厉色 正言厲色 zheng4 yan2 li4 se4
solemn in word and countenance (idiom); strict and unsmiling; also written 正顏厲色|正颜厉色

知无不言,言无不尽 知無不言,言無不盡 zhi1 wu2 bu4 yan2 - yan2 wu2 bu4 jin4
not hiding anything he knows, not stopping before he has said it through (idiom); frank; outspoken

直言 直言 zhi2 yan2
to speak forthrightly; to talk bluntly

直言不讳 直言不諱 zhi2 yan2 bu4 hui4
to speak bluntly (idiom); not to mince words

直言命题 直言命題 zhi2 yan2 ming4 ti2
categorical proposition (logic)

直言无讳 直言無諱 zhi2 yan2 wu2 hui4
to speak one's mind; to speak candidly (idiom)

只可意会,不可言传 只可意會,不可言傳 zhi3 ke3 yi4 hui4 - bu4 ke3 yan2 chuan2
can be understood, but not described (idiom, from Zhuangzi 莊子|庄子); mysterious and subtle

只言片语 只言片語 zhi3 yan2 pian4 yu3
just a word or two (idiom); a few isolated phrases

至理名言 至理名言 zhi4 li3 ming2 yan2
wise saying; words of wisdom

忠言 忠言 zhong1 yan2
loyal advice; sincere advice

忠言逆耳 忠言逆耳 zhong1 yan2 ni4 er3
loyal advice jars on the ears (idiom)

赘言 贅言 zhui4 yan2
superfluous words; unnecessary detail

拙于言词 拙於言詞 zhuo1 yu2 yan2 ci2
to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom)

自不待言 自不待言 zi4 bu4 dai4 yan2
needless to say; it goes without saying

自然语言 自然語言 zi4 ran2 yu3 yan2
natural language

自然语言处理 自然語言處理 zi4 ran2 yu3 yan2 chu3 li3
natural language processing, NLP

自言自语 自言自語 zi4 yan2 zi4 yu3
to talk to oneself; to think aloud; to soliloquize

总而言之 總而言之 zong3 er2 yan2 zhi1
in short; in a word; in brief

纵言 縱言 zong4 yan2
to theorize generally