old variant of 詞|词

word; statement; speech; lyrics; classical Chinese poem

strokes 7
strokes after radical 5
哀词 哀詞 ai1 ci2
variant of 哀辭|哀辞

爱词霸 愛詞霸 ai4 ci2 ba4
iCIBA, online dictionary by Kingsoft Corporation, at

白香词谱 白香詞譜 bai2 xiang1 ci2 pu3
Anthology of ci poems tunes (1795), edited by Xu Menglan 舒夢蘭|舒梦兰, with 100 accessible poems from Tang through to Qing times

百科词典 百科詞典 bai3 ke1 ci2 dian3
encyclopedic dictionary

包揽词讼 包攬詞訟 bao1 lan3 ci2 song4
to canvas for lawsuits (idiom); to practice chicanery

贬词 貶詞 bian3 ci2
derogatory term; expression of censure

辩词 辯詞 bian4 ci2
an excuse

宾词 賓詞 bin1 ci2

驳词 駁詞 bo2 ci2
to refute

不定词 不定詞 bu4 ding4 ci2

不定冠词 不定冠詞 bu4 ding4 guan4 ci2
indefinite article (e.g. English a, an)

不及物动词 不及物動詞 bu4 ji2 wu4 dong4 ci2
intransitive verb

不可数名词 不可數名詞 bu4 ke3 shu3 ming2 ci2
uncountable noun (in grammar of European languages)

不以词害志 不以詞害誌 bu4 yi3 ci2 hai4 zhi4
don't let rhetoric spoil the message (idiom); don't get carried away with flowery speech to the detriment of what you want to say

不赞一词 不贊一詞 bu4 zan4 yi1 ci2
to keep silent; to make no comment

陈词 陳詞 chen2 ci2
speech; statement; plea

陈词滥调 陳詞濫調 chen2 ci2 lan4 diao4
cliché; commonplace; truism; stereotype

重码词频 重碼詞頻 chong2 ma3 ci2 pin2
frequency of coincident codes

抽象词 抽象詞 chou1 xiang4 ci2
abstract word

传统词类 傳統詞類 chuan2 tong3 ci2 lei4
traditional parts of speech (grammar)

垂悬分词 垂懸分詞 chui2 xuan2 fen1 ci2
hanging participle (error of grammar in English)

词不达意 詞不達意 ci2 bu4 da2 yi4
words do not convey the meaning; poorly expressed; senseless; inarticulate

词长效应 詞長效應 ci2 chang2 xiao4 ying4
word length effect

词典 詞典 ci2 dian3
dictionary (of Chinese compound words); also written 辭典|辞典

词典学 詞典學 ci2 dian3 xue2

词法 詞法 ci2 fa3
morphology (linguistics); word formation and inflection

词干 詞幹 ci2 gan4
word stem (in linguistics)

词干启动 詞幹啟動 ci2 gan4 qi3 dong4
stem priming

词根 詞根 ci2 gen1
radical of a compound word (in European language)

词跟语 詞跟語 ci2 gen1 yu3
amorphous language

词翰 詞翰 ci2 han4
book; written composition; (literary) penned words

词话 詞話 ci2 hua4
form of writing novels that comprise lots of poetry in the body of the text, popular in the Ming Dynasty

词汇 詞匯 ci2 hui4
variant of 詞彙|词汇

词汇 詞彙 ci2 hui4
vocabulary; list of words (e.g. for language teaching purposes); word

词汇分解 詞彙分解 ci2 hui4 fen1 jie3
lexical decomposition

词汇判断 詞彙判斷 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4
lexical decision

词汇判断法 詞彙判斷法 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 fa3
lexical decision task

词汇判断任务 詞彙判斷任務 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 ren4 wu4
lexical decision task

词汇判断作业 詞彙判斷作業 ci2 hui4 pan4 duan4 zuo4 ye4
lexical decision task

词汇通路 詞彙通路 ci2 hui4 tong1 lu4
lexical route

词汇学 詞彙學 ci2 hui4 xue2
lexicology (linguistics)

词句 詞句 ci2 ju4
words and sentences

词库 詞庫 ci2 ku4
word stock; lexicon

词类 詞類 ci2 lei4
parts of speech (grammar); word class; lexical category

词令 詞令 ci2 ling4
variant of 辭令|辞令

词目 詞目 ci2 mu4
dictionary headword; lexical item; term

词频 詞頻 ci2 pin2
word frequency

词频效应 詞頻效應 ci2 pin2 xiao4 ying4
word frequency effect (psych.)

词人 詞人 ci2 ren2
writer of 詞|词 (a kind of classical Chinese poem); person of literary talent

词人墨客 詞人墨客 ci2 ren2 mo4 ke4
sb of literary abilities (idiom)

词讼 詞訟 ci2 song4
lawsuit; legal case

词讼费 詞訟費 ci2 song4 fei4
legal fees; costs (of a lawsuit)

词素 詞素 ci2 su4

词素结构 詞素結構 ci2 su4 jie2 gou4
morphological structure

词素通达模型 詞素通達模型 ci2 su4 tong1 da2 mo2 xing2
morpheme access model (MA model)

词条 詞條 ci2 tiao2
dictionary entry; lexical item; term

词通达模型 詞通達模型 ci2 tong1 da2 mo2 xing2
word access model

词头 詞頭 ci2 tou2

词尾 詞尾 ci2 wei3

词位 詞位 ci2 wei4

词相似效应 詞相似效應 ci2 xiang1 si4 xiao4 ying4
word similarity effect

词项逻辑 詞項邏輯 ci2 xiang4 luo2 ji5
categorical logic

词形 詞形 ci2 xing2
form of words (e.g. inflection, conjugation); morphology (linguistics)

词性 詞性 ci2 xing4
part of speech (noun, verb, adjective etc); lexical category

词性标注 詞性標註 ci2 xing4 biao1 zhu4
part-of-speech tagging

词序 詞序 ci2 xu4
word order

词眼 詞眼 ci2 yan3
key word

词意 詞意 ci2 yi4
meaning of word; sense

词义 詞義 ci2 yi4
meaning of a word

词优效应 詞優效應 ci2 you1 xiao4 ying4
word superiority effect

词语 詞語 ci2 yu3
word (general term including monosyllables through to short phrases); term (e.g. technical term); expression

词语汇 詞語彙 ci2 yu3 hui4

词源 詞源 ci2 yuan2
etymology; root of a word

词约指明 詞約指明 ci2 yue1 zhi3 ming2
concise but unambiguous (idiom)

词藻 詞藻 ci2 zao3
rhetoric; flowery language

词缀 詞綴 ci2 zhui4
prefix or suffix of a compound word; affix (linguistics)

词缀剥除 詞綴剝除 ci2 zhui4 bo1 chu2
affix stripping; to determine the root of a word by removing prefix and suffix

词族 詞族 ci2 zu2
word family (cognate words within a given language)

词组 詞組 ci2 zu3
phrase (grammar)

措词 措詞 cuo4 ci2
wording; way of expressing something; turn of phrase; diction

答词 答詞 da2 ci2
reply; thank-you speech

代词 代詞 dai4 ci2

代名词 代名詞 dai4 ming2 ci2
pronoun; synonym; byword

单纯词 單純詞 dan1 chun2 ci2
(linguistics) single-morpheme word; simple word

单词 單詞 dan1 ci2

单词产生器模型 單詞產生器模型 dan1 ci2 chan3 sheng1 qi4 mo2 xing2
logogen model

单音词 單音詞 dan1 yin1 ci2
monosyllabic word

祷词 禱詞 dao3 ci2
litany (text of a prayer)

悼词 悼詞 dao4 ci2
memorial speech; eulogy

定冠词 定冠詞 ding4 guan4 ci2
definite article (grammar)

动词 動詞 dong4 ci2

动词重叠 動詞重疊 dong4 ci2 chong2 die2
verb reduplication

动词结构 動詞結構 dong4 ci2 jie2 gou4
verbal construction (clause)

动量词 動量詞 dong4 liang4 ci2
verbal classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word applying mainly to verbs

动名词 動名詞 dong4 ming2 ci2

动态助词 動態助詞 dong4 tai4 zhu4 ci2
aspect particle, such as 著|着, 了, 過|过

动物性名词 動物性名詞 dong4 wu4 xing4 ming2 ci2
animate noun

对词 對詞 dui4 ci2
to rehearse one's lines (of actor)

对口词 對口詞 dui4 kou3 ci2
dialog (for stage performance)

多义词 多義詞 duo1 yi4 ci2
polyseme; polysemous word

多音节词 多音節詞 duo1 yin1 jie2 ci2
polysyllabic word; Chinese word made up of three or more characters

发刊词 發刊詞 fa1 kan1 ci2
foreword; preface (to a publication)

发语词 發語詞 fa1 yu3 ci2
form word; in classical Chinese, first character of phrase having auxiliary grammatical function

反身代词 反身代詞 fan3 shen1 dai4 ci2
reflexive pronoun

反义词 反義詞 fan3 yi4 ci2

方位词 方位詞 fang1 wei4 ci2
noun of locality (linguistics)

非词重复测验 非詞重復測驗 fei1 ci2 chong2 fu4 ce4 yan4
nonword repetition test

非动物性名词 非動物性名詞 fei1 dong4 wu4 xing4 ming2 ci2
inanimate noun

分词 分詞 fen1 ci2
participle; word segmentation

浮词 浮詞 fu2 ci2
florid but insubstantial remarks; misleading way of saying sth

复词 複詞 fu4 ci2
compound word; polysyllabic word

副词 副詞 fu4 ci2

复合词 複合詞 fu4 he2 ci2
compound word

复合词素词 複合詞素詞 fu4 he2 ci2 su4 ci2

复音词 複音詞 fu4 yin1 ci2
disyllabic word; polysyllabic word

感叹词 感嘆詞 gan3 tan4 ci2
interjection (part of speech); exclamation

歌词 歌詞 ge1 ci2
song lyric; lyrics

各执一词 各執一詞 ge4 zhi2 yi1 ci2
each sticks to his own version (idiom); a dialogue of the deaf

功能词 功能詞 gong1 neng2 ci2
function word

供词 供詞 gong4 ci2
confession; statement; Taiwan pr.

构词 構詞 gou4 ci2
composite word

构词法意识 構詞法意識 gou4 ci2 fa3 yi4 shi2
morphological awareness

构词学 構詞學 gou4 ci2 xue2
morphology (linguistics)

固定词组 固定詞組 gu4 ding4 ci2 zu3
set phrase

固有词 固有詞 gu4 you3 ci2
native words (i.e. not derived from Chinese, in Korean and Japanese etc)

固有名词 固有名詞 gu4 you3 ming2 ci2
proper noun

关键词 關鍵詞 guan1 jian4 ci2

关系代名词 關係代名詞 guan1 xi5 dai4 ming2 ci2
relative pronoun

冠形词 冠形詞 guan1 xing2 ci2
article (in grammar)

冠词 冠詞 guan4 ci2
article (in grammar)

过去分词 過去分詞 guo4 qu5 fen1 ci2
past participle (in European grammar)

含糊其词 含糊其詞 han2 hu2 qi2 ci2
to equivocate; to talk evasively (idiom)

汉语大词典 漢語大詞典 han4 yu3 da4 ci2 dian3
Hanyu Da Cidian, the most comprehensive Chinese dictionary with over 375,000 word entries, first published between 1986-1994

合成词 合成詞 he2 cheng2 ci2
compound word

合义复词 合義複詞 he2 yi4 fu4 ci2
compound word such as 教室, 國家|国家, but unlike 玫瑰, whose meaning is related to the component hanzi

贺词 賀詞 he4 ci2
message of congratulation

后词汇加工 後詞彙加工 hou4 ci2 hui4 jia1 gong1
post-lexical access

后置词 後置詞 hou4 zhi4 ci2
postposition; suffix; word placed after

基本词汇 基本詞彙 ji1 ben3 ci2 hui4
basic word

基数词 基數詞 ji1 shu4 ci2
cardinal numeral

集合名词 集合名詞 ji2 he2 ming2 ci2
collective noun (linguistics)

及物动词 及物動詞 ji2 wu4 dong4 ci2
transitive verb

假词叠词 假詞疊詞 jia3 ci2 die2 ci2

键词 鍵詞 jian4 ci2

接尾词 接尾詞 jie1 wei3 ci2
suffix (in Japanese and Korean grammar)

结构助词 結構助詞 jie2 gou4 zhu4 ci2
structural particle, such as 的, 地, 得 and 所

解说词 解說詞 jie3 shuo1 ci2
a commentary

介词 介詞 jie4 ci2

借词 借詞 jie4 ci2
loanword; pretext

借词推搪 藉詞推搪 jie4 ci2 tui1 tang2
to make a lot of excuses

介系词 介係詞 jie4 xi4 ci2

金瓶梅词话 金瓶梅詞話 jin1 ping2 mei2 ci2 hua4
Jinpingmei or the Golden Lotus (1617), Ming dynasty vernacular novel, formerly notorious and banned for its sexual content

近义词 近義詞 jin4 yi4 ci2
synonym; close equivalent expression

敬词 敬詞 jing4 ci2
term of esteem; honorific (in Chinese grammar); polite form of pronoun (in European grammar)

开幕词 開幕詞 kai1 mu4 ci2
opening speech (at a conference)

可数名词 可數名詞 ke3 shu3 ming2 ci2
countable noun (in grammar of European languages)

夸大其词 誇大其詞 kua1 da4 qi2 ci2
to exaggerate

夸大之词 誇大之詞 kua1 da4 zhi1 ci2
hyperbole; exaggeration

类属词典 類屬詞典 lei4 shu3 ci2 dian3

离合词 離合詞 li2 he2 ci2
separable word (in Chinese grammar)

理屈词穷 理屈詞窮 li3 qu1 ci2 qiong2
faulty argument and poor rhetoric (idiom); unable to put forward any convincing arguments; without a leg to stand on

丽词 麗詞 li4 ci2
beautiful wordage; also written 麗辭|丽辞

詈词 詈詞 li4 ci2
insult; curse

连词 連詞 lian2 ci2

联合式合成词 聯合式合成詞 lian2 he2 shi4 he2 cheng2 ci2
coordinative compound word

连接词 連接詞 lian2 jie1 ci2

连绵词 連綿詞 lian2 mian2 ci2
variant of 聯綿詞|联绵词

联绵词 聯綿詞 lian2 mian2 ci2
two-syllable word featuring alliteration or rhyme, such as 玲瓏|玲珑

连系词 連繫詞 lian2 xi4 ci2
copula (linguistics)

连缀动词 連綴動詞 lian2 zhui4 dong4 ci2
linking verb

量词 量詞 liang4 ci2
classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word

路透金融词典 路透金融詞典 lu4 tou4 jin1 rong2 ci2 dian3
Reuter's Financial Glossary

媚词 媚詞 mei4 ci2

名词 名詞 ming2 ci2

名量词 名量詞 ming2 liang4 ci2
nominal classifier (in Chinese grammar); measure word applying mainly to nouns

能愿动词 能願動詞 neng2 yuan4 dong4 ci2
optative verb

拟声词 擬聲詞 ni3 sheng1 ci2

念念有词 念念有詞 nian4 nian4 you3 ci2
to mumble; to mutter to oneself

念念有词 唸唸有詞 nian4 nian4 you3 ci2
variant of 念念有詞|念念有词

派生词 派生詞 pai4 sheng1 ci2
derivative word

偏正式合成词 偏正式合成詞 pian1 zheng4 shi4 he2 cheng2 ci2
modified compound word

普通名词 普通名詞 pu3 tong1 ming2 ci2
common noun (grammar)

砌词捏控 砌詞捏控 qi4 ci2 nie1 kong4
to make an accusation based on fabricated evidence (idiom)

谦词 謙詞 qian1 ci2
modest word (grammar)

潜台词 潛台詞 qian2 tai2 ci2
unspoken words in a play (i.e. unambiguously hinted at, but not spoken)

潜台词 潛臺詞 qian2 tai2 ci2
unspoken words in a play (i.e. unambiguously hinted at, but not spoken)

前置词 前置詞 qian2 zhi4 ci2

遣词 遣詞 qian3 ci2
use of words

强词夺理 強詞奪理 qiang3 ci2 duo2 li3
to twist words and force logic (idiom); sophistry; loud rhetoric making up for fallacious argument; shoving false arguments down people's throats

人称代词 人稱代詞 ren2 cheng1 dai4 ci2
personal pronoun

冗词 冗詞 rong3 ci2
tautology; superfluous words

冗赘词 冗贅詞 rong3 zhui4 ci2
expletive (linguistics)

色厉词严 色厲詞嚴 se4 li4 ci2 yan2
severe in both looks and speech (idiom)

闪烁其词 閃爍其詞 shan3 shuo4 qi2 ci2
to speak evasively (idiom); beating about the bush

生词 生詞 sheng1 ci2
new word (in textbook); word that is unfamiliar or not yet studied

生词本 生詞本 sheng1 ci2 ben3
vocabulary notebook

生词语 生詞語 sheng1 ci2 yu3
vocabulary words (in language-learning books); new or unfamiliar words

诗词 詩詞 shi1 ci2

实词 實詞 shi2 ci2
content word

誓词 誓詞 shi4 ci2
oath; pledge

饰词 飾詞 shi4 ci2
excuse; pretext

收词 收詞 shou1 ci2
to collect words; to harvest entries for a dictionary

首字母拚音词 首字母拚音詞 shou3 zi4 mu3 pin1 yin1 ci2

受词 受詞 shou4 ci2
object (linguistics)

数词 數詞 shu4 ci2

数量词 數量詞 shu4 liang4 ci2
numeral-classifier compound (e.g. 一次、三套、五本 etc)

颂词 頌詞 song4 ci2
commendation speech; eulogy; ode

台词 台詞 tai2 ci2
an actor's lines; script

台词 臺詞 tai2 ci2
an actor's lines; script

弹词 彈詞 tan2 ci2
ballad tune in southern dialects, usually to sanxian 三弦 or pipa 琵琶 accompaniment

叹词 嘆詞 tan4 ci2
interjection; exclamation

提词 提詞 ti2 ci2
to prompt (an actor or reciter)

题词 題詞 ti2 ci2
inscription; dedication

提词器 提詞器 ti2 ci2 qi4

填词 填詞 tian2 ci2
to compose a poem (to a given tune)

同义词 同義詞 tong2 yi4 ci2

同音词 同音詞 tong2 yin1 ci2
homophonic words

同源词 同源詞 tong2 yuan2 ci2
cognate; words having a common origin

同韵词 同韻詞 tong2 yun4 ci2
words with the same phonetic ending; rhyme

托词 託詞 tuo1 ci2
to make an excuse; pretext; excuse

外来词 外來詞 wai4 lai2 ci2

玩弄词藻 玩弄詞藻 wan2 nong4 ci2 zao3
to juggle with words (dishonestly); to be a hypocrite and hide behind florid rhetoric

婉词 婉詞 wan3 ci2
euphemism (tactful expression for sth unpleasant such as death)

挽词 挽詞 wan3 ci2
an elegy; elegiac words

维基词典 維基詞典 wei2 ji1 ci2 dian3
Wiktionary (online dictionary)

委婉词 委婉詞 wei3 wan3 ci2

谓词 謂詞 wei4 ci2
predicate (in logic and grammar)

芜词 蕪詞 wu2 ci2
superfluous words

物主代词 物主代詞 wu4 zhu3 dai4 ci2
possessive pronoun

物主限定词 物主限定詞 wu4 zhu3 xian4 ding4 ci2
possessive (in grammar)

戏词 戲詞 xi4 ci2
actor's lines (in theater)

献词 獻詞 xian4 ci2
congratulatory message

限定词 限定詞 xian4 ding4 ci2
determiner (in grammar, i.e. article, demonstrative, possessive pronoun, noun genitive etc)

现在分词 現在分詞 xian4 zai4 fen1 ci2
present participle (in English grammar)

象声词 象聲詞 xiang4 sheng1 ci2

效忠誓词 效忠誓詞 xiao4 zhong1 shi4 ci2
pledge of allegiance

谢词 謝詞 xie4 ci2
speech of thanks

新词 新詞 xin1 ci2
new expression; neologism

心理词典 心理詞典 xin1 li3 ci2 dian3
mental lexicon

形容词 形容詞 xing2 rong2 ci2

虚词 虛詞 xu1 ci2
word having grammatical function but no meaning

宣誓供词证明 宣誓供詞證明 xuan1 shi4 gong4 ci2 zheng4 ming2
affidavit; deposition (law)

训词 訓詞 xun4 ci2
instruction; admonition

严词 嚴詞 yan2 ci2
forceful (criticism etc); to use strong words

言词 言詞 yan2 ci2
variant of 言辭|言辞

衍声复词 衍聲複詞 yan3 sheng1 fu4 ci2
compound word such as 玫瑰, 咖啡, whose meaning is unrelated to the component hanzi, which often cannot be used singly

一面之词 一面之詞 yi1 mian4 zhi1 ci2
one side of the story; one-sided statement

疑问代词 疑問代詞 yi2 wen4 dai4 ci2
interrogative pronoun (誰|谁, 什麼|什么, 哪兒|哪儿 etc)

译词 譯詞 yi4 ci2
translated word (such as company 公司 or bus 巴士 or club 俱樂部|俱乐部)

异读词 異讀詞 yi4 du2 ci2
word having alternative pronunciations

溢美之词 溢美之詞 yi4 mei3 zhi1 ci2
flattering words; inflated praise

异形词 異形詞 yi4 xing2 ci2
variant spelling of the same Chinese word, e.g. 筆劃|笔划 and 筆畫|笔画; exact synonym and homonym written with different characters

淫词秽语 淫詞穢語 yin2 ci2 hui4 yu3
obscene words; dirty talk

淫词亵语 淫詞褻語 yin2 ci2 xie4 yu3
dirty words; dirty talk

用词 用詞 yong4 ci2
usage (of a term); wording; phrasing

语词 語詞 yu3 ci2
word; significative; predicate

语气词 語氣詞 yu3 qi4 ci2
modal particle

语气助词 語氣助詞 yu3 qi4 zhu4 ci2
modal particle

语助词 語助詞 yu3 zhu4 ci2
auxiliary word

赞词 贊詞 zan4 ci2

振振有词 振振有詞 zhen4 zhen4 you3 ci2
to speak forcefully and with justice (idiom); to argue with the courage of one's convictions

证词 證詞 zheng4 ci2

正词法 正詞法 zheng4 ci2 fa3
orthography (linguistics)

支吾其词 支吾其詞 zhi1 wu2 qi2 ci2
(idiom) to talk in a roundabout way to cover up the truth; evasive

指示代词 指示代詞 zhi3 shi4 dai4 ci2
demonstrative pronoun

致词 致詞 zhi4 ci2
to make a speech; to make some remarks

众口一词 眾口一詞 zhong4 kou3 yi1 ci2
all of one voice; unanimous

主词 主詞 zhu3 ci2

助词 助詞 zhu4 ci2
particle (grammatical)

助动词 助動詞 zhu4 dong4 ci2
auxiliary verb; modal verb

祝贺词 祝賀詞 zhu4 he4 ci2
congratulatory speech

专名词 專名詞 zhuan1 ming2 ci2
proper noun

专有名词 專有名詞 zhuan1 you3 ming2 ci2
proper noun

状声词 狀聲詞 zhuang4 sheng1 ci2

状态动词 狀態動詞 zhuang4 tai4 dong4 ci2
(linguistics) stative verb

赘词 贅詞 zhui4 ci2
superfluous words; unnecessary detail

拙于言词 拙於言詞 zhuo1 yu2 yan2 ci2
to be unable to express oneself clearly (idiom)

字词 字詞 zi4 ci2
letters or words; words or phrase

组词 組詞 zu3 ci2
to combine words; word formation