Chinese language (Mandarin), emphasizing its national nature; Chinese as a primary or secondary school subject; Chinese in the context of the Nationalist Government; Guoyu, book of historical narrative c. 10th-5th century BC
国语罗马字國語羅馬字guo2 yu3 luo2 ma3 zi4
Gwoyeu Romatzyh, a romanization system for Chinese devised by Y.R. Chao and others in 1925-26
Mandarin Phonetic Symbols 1 (official name of the phonetic system of writing Chinese used in Taiwan); Bopomofo; abbr. to 注音一式
哈萨克语哈薩克語ha1 sa4 ke4 yu3
Kazakh language
韩国语韓國語han2 guo2 yu3
Korean language
寒喧语寒喧語han2 xuan1 yu3
polite set phrase; salutation; pleasantries
韩语韓語han2 yu3
Korean language (esp. in context of South Korea)
汉语漢語han4 yu3
Chinese language
汉语大词典漢語大詞典han4 yu3 da4 ci2 dian3
Hanyu Da Cidian, the most comprehensive Chinese dictionary with over 375,000 word entries, first published between 1986-1994
汉语大字典漢語大字典han4 yu3 da4 zi4 dian3
Hanyu Da Zidian, one of the most comprehensive Chinese character dictionaries with 54,678 (and later 60,370) entries, first published between 1986-1990
汉语拼音漢語拼音han4 yu3 pin1 yin1
Hanyu Pinyin, the pinyin transliteration system used in PRC since the 1960s
汉语水平考试漢語水平考試han4 yu3 shui3 ping2 kao3 shi4
HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test)
汉藏语系漢藏語系han4 zang4 yu3 xi4
Sino-Tibetan language family
行语行語hang2 yu3
slang; jargon; cant; lingo; patois; argot
豪萨语豪薩語hao2 sa4 yu3
the Hausa language
豪言壮语豪言壯語hao2 yan2 zhuang4 yu3
bold, visionary words
好言好语好言好語hao3 yan2 hao3 yu3
kind words; sweet talk; coaxing manner
合成语境合成語境he2 cheng2 yu3 jing4
composite context
合成语音合成語音he2 cheng2 yu3 yin1
assembled phonology
荷兰语荷蘭語he2 lan2 yu3
Dutch (language)
赫哲语赫哲語he4 zhe2 yu3
Hezhen language (of Hezhen ethnic group of Heilongjiang province)
横幅标语橫幅標語heng2 fu2 biao1 yu3
slogan banner
后置修饰语後置修飾語hou4 zhi4 xiu1 shi4 yu3
postmodifier (grammar)
胡言乱语胡言亂語hu2 yan2 luan4 yu3
babbling nonsense (idiom); crazy and unfounded ravings; double Dutch
Hamito-Semitic family of languages (incl. Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew etc)
闪语閃語shan3 yu3
Semitic language
商务汉语考试商務漢語考試shang1 wu4 han4 yu3 kao3 shi4
Business Chinese Test (BCT)
上古汉语上古漢語shang4 gu3 han4 yu3
Old Chinese (linguistics)
上海外国语大学上海外國語大學shang4 hai3 wai4 guo2 yu3 da4 xue2
Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)
社会语言学社會語言學she4 hui4 yu3 yan2 xue2
社交语言社交語言she4 jiao1 yu3 yan2
lingua franca
生词语生詞語sheng1 ci2 yu3
vocabulary words (in language-learning books); new or unfamiliar words
声调语言聲調語言sheng1 diao4 yu3 yan2
tonal language (e.g. Chinese or Vietnamese)
失语失語shi1 yu3
to let slip; loss of speech (e.g. as a result of brain damage); aphasia
失语症失語症shi1 yu3 zheng4
aphasia or aphemia (loss of language)
世界语世界語shi4 jie4 yu3
世说新语世說新語shi4 shuo1 xin1 yu3
A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆
手语手語shou3 yu3
sign language
书面语書面語shu1 mian4 yu3
written language
书写语言書寫語言shu1 xie3 yu3 yan2
written language
熟语熟語shu2 yu3
述语述語shu4 yu3
术语術語shu4 yu3
term; terminology
双关语雙關語shuang1 guan1 yu3
pun; play on words; a phrase with a double meaning
双语雙語shuang1 yu3
斯拉夫语斯拉夫語si1 la1 fu1 yu3
Slavic language
斯洛伐克语斯洛伐克語si1 luo4 fa2 ke4 yu3
Slovak (language)
斯洛文尼亚语斯洛文尼亞語si1 luo4 wen2 ni2 ya4 yu3
Slovenian (language)
斯瓦希里语斯瓦希里語si1 wa3 xi1 li3 yu3
Swahili (language); Kiswahili
私语私語si1 yu3
to discuss in whispered tones; whispered conversation
四川外国语大学四川外國語大學si4 chuan1 wai4 guo2 yu3 da4 xue2
Sichuan International Studies University (SISU)
俗语俗語su2 yu3
common saying; proverb; colloquial speech
缩略语縮略語suo1 lve4 yu3
abbreviated word; acronym
缩语縮語suo1 yu3
abbreviated word; acronym
他加禄语他加祿語ta1 jia1 lu4 yu3
Tagalog (language)
塔加路族语塔加路族語ta3 jia1 lu4 zu2 yu3
Tagalog (language)
台语台語tai2 yu3
Taiwanese; Hokklo
泰卢固语泰盧固語tai4 lu2 gu4 yu3
Telugu or Telegu, the official language of Andhra Pradesh, India
sweet speech and honeyed words (idiom); hypocritical flattery
通关密语通關密語tong1 guan1 mi4 yu3
通用语通用語tong1 yong4 yu3
common language; lingua franca
同日而语同日而語tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. to speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)
同义语同義語tong2 yi4 yu3
土耳其语土耳其語tu3 er3 qi2 yu3
Turkish (language)
土语土語tu3 yu3
dialect; patois
外国语外國語wai4 guo2 yu3
foreign language
外来成语外來成語wai4 lai2 cheng2 yu3
loan idiom
外来语外來語wai4 lai2 yu3
外语外語wai4 yu3
foreign language
网络俚语網絡俚語wang3 luo4 li3 yu3
Internet slang; netspeak; cyberspeak
网络用语網絡用語wang3 luo4 yong4 yu3
see 網絡語言|网络语言
网络语言網絡語言wang3 luo4 yu3 yan2
Internet language; Internet slang; netspeak; cyberspeak
网络语音網絡語音wang3 luo4 yu3 yin1
VoIP (Voice over IP) (computing); to speak with others over the Internet
网语網語wang3 yu3
netspeak; cyberspeak
妄语妄語wang4 yu3
to tell lies; to talk nonsense
威尔士语威爾士語wei1 er3 shi4 yu3
Welsh (language)
维吾尔语維吾爾語wei2 wu2 er3 yu3
Uighur language
委婉语委婉語wei3 wan3 yu3
未可同日而语未可同日而語wei4 ke3 tong2 ri4 er2 yu3
lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable
谓语謂語wei4 yu3
(grammatical) predicate
乌尔都语烏爾都語wu1 er3 du1 yu3
Urdu (language)
污言秽语污言穢語wu1 yan2 hui4 yu3
filthy speech; obscenities
乌语烏語wu1 yu3
Uzbek language
乌孜别克语烏孜別克語wu1 zi1 bie2 ke4 yu3
Uzbek language
吴侬娇语吳儂嬌語wu2 nong2 jiao1 yu3
pleasant-sounding Wu dialect; also written 吳儂軟語|吴侬软语
吴侬软语吳儂軟語wu2 nong2 ruan3 yu3
pleasant-sounding Wu dialect
吴语吳語wu2 yu3
Wu dialects (spoken primarily in Shanghai and surrounding areas)
无语無語wu2 yu3
to remain silent; to have nothing to say; (coll.) speechless; dumbfounded
virtual reality markup language (VRML) (computing)
虚拟语气虛擬語氣xu1 ni3 yu3 qi4
subjunctive mood (grammar)
絮语絮語xu4 yu3
to chatter incessantly
谑语謔語xue4 yu3
words to tease sb
哑语啞語ya3 yu3
sign language
言语言語yan2 yu3
words; speech; (spoken) language
言语缺陷言語缺陷yan2 yu3 que1 xian4
speech defect
言语失常症言語失常症yan2 yu3 shi1 chang2 zheng4
speech defect
言语言語yan2 yu5
to speak; to tell
谚语諺語yan4 yu3
洋泾浜英语洋涇浜英語yang2 jing1 bang1 ying1 yu3
pidgin English
一语不发一語不發yi1 yu3 bu4 fa1
to not say a word (idiom)
一语道破一語道破yi1 yu3 dao4 po4
one word says it all (idiom); to hit the nail on the head; to be pithy and correct
一语破的一語破的yi1 yu3 po4 di4
see 一語中的|一语中的
一语双关一語雙關yi1 yu3 shuang1 guan1
to make a pun; to have a double meaning; double entendre
一语中的一語中的yi1 yu3 zhong4 di4
to hit the mark with a comment (idiom); to say sth spot on
意大利语意大利語yi4 da4 li4 yu3
Italian (language)
意第绪语意第緒語yi4 di4 xu4 yu3
Yiddish language
译语譯語yi4 yu3
target language (linguistics)
呓语囈語yi4 yu3
to talk in one's sleep; crazy talk
淫词秽语淫詞穢語yin2 ci2 hui4 yu3
obscene words; dirty talk
淫词亵语淫詞褻語yin2 ci2 xie4 yu3
dirty words; dirty talk
引语引語yin3 yu3
隐语隱語yin3 yu3
secret language; codeword
印地语印地語yin4 di4 yu3
Hindi (language)
印度尼西亚语印度尼西亞語yin4 du4 ni2 xi1 ya4 yu3
Indonesian language
印欧语印歐語yin4 ou1 yu3
Indo-European (language)
印欧语系印歐語系yin4 ou1 yu3 xi4
Indo-European family of languages
印欧语言印歐語言yin4 ou1 yu3 yan2
Indo-European (language)
英语英語ying1 yu3
English (language)
英语教学英語教學ying1 yu3 jiao1 xue2
English Language Teaching (ELT); studying and teaching English
英语角英語角ying1 yu3 jiao3
English corner; spoken English practice group
英语热英語熱ying1 yu3 re4
English language fan; enthusiasm for English
英语系英語系ying1 yu3 xi4
anglophone; English department
用语用語yong4 yu3
choice of words; wording; phraseology; term
语病語病yu3 bing4
faulty wording; mispronunciation due to a speech defect
语词語詞yu3 ci2
word; significative; predicate
语调語調yu3 diao4
语法語法yu3 fa3
语法术语語法術語yu3 fa3 shu4 yu3
grammatical term
语锋語鋒yu3 feng1
thread of discussion; topic
语感語感yu3 gan3
a feel for language; instinctive understanding
语画語畫yu3 hua4
picture in words
语汇語彙yu3 hui4
语境語境yu3 jing4
语境依赖性語境依賴性yu3 jing4 yi1 lai4 xing4
context dependency
语句語句yu3 ju4
语料語料yu3 liao4
语料库語料庫yu3 liao4 ku4
text corpus
语录語錄yu3 lu4
quotation (from a book or existing source)
语篇語篇yu3 pian1
discourse; text
语气語氣yu3 qi4
tone; manner of speaking; mood
语气词語氣詞yu3 qi4 ci2
modal particle
语气助词語氣助詞yu3 qi4 zhu4 ci2
modal particle
语塞語塞yu3 se4
to be at a loss for words; speechless
语声語聲yu3 sheng1
spoken language; sound of speaking
语失語失yu3 shi1
indiscreet remark; indiscretion; slip of the tongue
语素語素yu3 su4
language component; morpheme; individual characters (making up an expression)
语态語態yu3 tai4
voice (grammar)
语尾語尾yu3 wei3
word ending; suffix; inflection (grammar)
语文語文yu3 wen2
literature and language
语无伦次語無倫次yu3 wu2 lun2 ci4
incoherent speech; to talk without rhyme or reason (idiom)
语系語系yu3 xi4
language family
语序語序yu3 xu4
word order
语焉不详語焉不詳yu3 yan1 bu4 xiang2
to mention sth without elaborating (idiom); not giving details
语言語言yu3 yan2
语言产生語言產生yu3 yan2 chan3 sheng1
production of speech
语言匮乏語言匱乏yu3 yan2 kui4 fa2
language deficit (linguistics)
语言能力語言能力yu3 yan2 neng2 li4
verbal ability
语言缺陷語言缺陷yu3 yan2 que1 xian4
speech defect
语言实验室語言實驗室yu3 yan2 shi2 yan4 shi4
language laboratory
语言誓约語言誓約yu3 yan2 shi4 yue1
language pledge (to speak only the target language in a language school)
语言学語言學yu3 yan2 xue2
语言学家語言學家yu3 yan2 xue2 jia1
语言训练語言訓練yu3 yan2 xun4 lian4
language training
语言障碍語言障礙yu3 yan2 zhang4 ai4
language barrier; speech impediment
语义語義yu3 yi4
meaning of words; semantic
语意語意yu3 yi4
meaning; content of speech or writing; semantic
语义分类語義分類yu3 yi4 fen1 lei4
semantic categorization
语义分析語義分析yu3 yi4 fen1 xi1
semantic analysis
语义空间語義空間yu3 yi4 kong1 jian1
semantic space
语意性語意性yu3 yi4 xing4
语义学語義學yu3 yi4 xue2
语音語音yu3 yin1
speech sounds; pronunciation; colloquial (rather than literary) pronunciation of a Chinese character; phonetic; audio; voice; (Internet) to voice chat; voice message
语音合成語音合成yu3 yin1 he2 cheng2
speech synthesis
语音技巧語音技巧yu3 yin1 ji4 qiao3
phonological skill
语音失语症語音失語症yu3 yin1 shi1 yu3 zheng4
phonetic aphasia
语音识别語音識別yu3 yin1 shi2 bie2
speech recognition
语音通讯通道語音通訊通道yu3 yin1 tong1 xun4 tong1 dao4
voice (communications) channel
语音信号語音信號yu3 yin1 xin4 hao4
voice signal
语音信箱語音信箱yu3 yin1 xin4 xiang1
voice mailbox; voicemail
语音学語音學yu3 yin1 xue2
语音意识語音意識yu3 yin1 yi4 shi2
phonetic awareness
语音指令語音指令yu3 yin1 zhi3 ling4
speech command (for computer speech recognition)
语用学語用學yu3 yong4 xue2
语域語域yu3 yu4
(linguistics) linguistic field; register
语源語源yu3 yuan2
语云語云yu3 yun2
as the saying goes...
语支語支yu3 zhi1
language branch
语种語種yu3 zhong3
language type (in a classification)
语重心长語重心長yu3 zhong4 xin1 chang2
meaningful and heartfelt words (idiom); sincere and earnest wishes