to move an army and send a general (idiom); to deploy an army; to send a team on a task
调兵山調兵山diao4 bing1 shan1
Mt Diaobingshan in Tieling; Diaobingshan district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|铁岭市, Liaoning
调兵山市調兵山市diao4 bing1 shan1 shi4
Diaobingshan district of Tieling city 鐵嶺市|铁岭市, Liaoning
调拨調撥diao4 bo1
to send (products); to allocate; to commit (funds); to channel (goods)
调查調查diao4 cha2
investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll
调查表調查表diao4 cha2 biao3
questionnaire; inventory list
调查核实調查核實diao4 cha2 he2 shi2
to investigate; investigation; fact-checking
调查结果調查結果diao4 cha2 jie2 guo3
results (of an investigation, poll)
调查人员調查人員diao4 cha2 ren2 yuan2
调查团調查團diao4 cha2 tuan2
investigating team
调查员調查員diao4 cha2 yuan2
调查者調查者diao4 cha2 zhe3
调档調檔diao4 dang4
to transfer a dossier; to consult a dossier
调动調動diao4 dong4
to transfer; to maneuver (troops etc); movement of personnel; to mobilize; to bring into play
调度調度diao4 du4
to dispatch (vehicles, staff etc); to schedule; to manage; dispatcher; scheduler
调发調發diao4 fa1
to requisition; to dispatch
调防調防diao4 fang2
to relieve a garrison
调赴調赴diao4 fu4
to dispatch (troops to the front)
调干調幹diao4 gan4
to reassign a cadre; to choose a worker to be promoted to cadre
调干生調幹生diao4 gan4 sheng1
worker chosen to become a cadre and sent to complete his schooling
调号調號diao4 hao4
tone mark on a Chinese syllable (i.e. accents on ā á ǎ à); (music) key signature
调虎离山調虎離山diao4 hu3 li2 shan1
to lure the tiger from its domain in the mountains (idiom); to lure an enemy away from his territory
调换調換diao4 huan4
to exchange; to change places; to swap
调集調集diao4 ji2
to summon; to muster; to assemble
调门調門diao4 men2
melody; pitch or key (music); tone; style; point of view
调门儿調門兒diao4 men2 er5
erhua variant of 調門|调门
调派調派diao4 pai4
to send on assignment; to deploy (troops)
调配調配diao4 pei4
to allocate; to deploy
调迁調遷diao4 qian1
to transfer; to move; to shift
调遣調遣diao4 qian3
to dispatch; to assign; a dispatch
调取調取diao4 qu3
to obtain (information from an archive etc)
调任調任diao4 ren4
to transfer; to move to another post
调入調入diao4 ru4
to bring in; to call in; to transfer (a person, data); (computing) to call; to load (a subroutine etc)
调升調升diao4 sheng1
to promote
调式調式diao4 shi4
(musical) mode
调头調頭diao4 tou2
variant of 掉頭|掉头
调头調頭diao4 tou5
tone (of voice); tune
调研調研diao4 yan2
to investigate and research; research; investigation
调用調用diao4 yong4
to transfer (for a specific purpose); to allocate; (computing) to invoke (a command, an application etc)
调阅調閱diao4 yue4
to access (a document); to consult
调值調值diao4 zhi2
pitch of tones
调职調職diao4 zhi2
to be transferred to another post; to post away
调转調轉diao4 zhuan3
to reassign sb to a different job; to turn around; to change direction; to make a U turn
调子調子diao4 zi5
tune; melody; tuning; cadence; intonation; (speech) tone
定调定調ding4 diao4
to set the tone
定调子定調子ding4 diao4 zi5
to set the tone
对调對調dui4 diao4
to swap places; to exchange roles
风调風調feng1 diao4
character (of a person, verse, object etc); style
风调雨顺風調雨順feng1 tiao2 yu3 shun4
favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops
浮力调整背心浮力調整背心fu2 li4 tiao2 zheng3 bei4 xin1
BCD; Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)
浮力调整装置浮力調整裝置fu2 li4 tiao2 zheng3 zhuang1 zhi4
BCD; Buoyancy Compensation Device (diving)
高调高調gao1 diao4
high-sounding speech; bombast; high-profile
格调格調ge2 diao4
style (of art or literature); form; one's work style; moral character
宫调宮調gong1 diao4
modes of ancient Chinese music
怪腔怪调怪腔怪調guai4 qiang1 guai4 diao4
strange accent; odd manner of speaking or singing
宏观调控宏觀調控hong2 guan1 tiao2 kong4
呼吸调节器呼吸調節器hu1 xi1 tiao2 jie2 qi4
regulator (diving)
徽调徽調hui1 diao4
Anhui opera
回调函数回調函數hui2 diao4 han2 shu4
callback (computing)
婚姻调解婚姻調解hun1 yin1 tiao2 jie3
marriage counseling
基调基調ji1 diao4
main key (of a musical composition); keynote (speech)
降调降調jiang4 diao4
falling intonation (linguistics); to lower the key of a tune; to demote
解调解調jie3 tiao2
demodulation; to demodulate
借调借調jie4 diao4
to temporarily transfer (personnel)
九声六调九聲六調jiu3 sheng1 liu4 diao4
nine tones and six modes (tonal system of Cantonese and other southern languages)
旧调重弹舊調重彈jiu4 diao4 chong2 tan2
replaying the same old tunes (idiom); conservative, unoriginal and discredited; to keep harping on about the same old stuff
旧调子舊調子jiu4 diao4 zi5
old tune; fig. conservative opinion; the same old stuff
可调可調ke3 tiao2
空气调节空氣調節kong1 qi4 tiao2 jie2
air conditioning
空调空調kong1 tiao2
air conditioning; air conditioner (including units that have a heating mode)
空调车空調車kong1 tiao2 che1
air conditioned vehicle
谰调讕調lan2 diao4
slander; calumny; to accuse unjustly
蓝调藍調lan2 diao4
blues (music)
滥调濫調lan4 diao4
hackneyed talk; platitude
老调重弹老調重彈lao3 diao4 chong2 tan2
to play the same old tune (idiom); unoriginal
联邦调查局聯邦調查局lian2 bang1 diao4 cha2 ju2
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
联调联试聯調聯試lian2 tiao2 lian2 shi4
debugging and commissioning; testing (of a whole system)
连续变调連續變調lian2 xu4 bian4 diao4
tone sandhi
论调論調lun4 diao4
argument; view (sometimes derogatory)
美国地质调查局美國地質調查局mei3 guo2 di4 zhi4 diao4 cha2 ju2
United States Geological Survey (USGS)
民调民調min2 diao4
opinion poll
民意调查民意調查min2 yi4 diao4 cha2
opinion poll
母音调和母音調和mu3 yin1 tiao2 he2
vowel harmony (in phonetics)
南腔北调南腔北調nan2 qiang1 bei3 diao4
a regional accent
暖调暖調nuan3 diao4
warm tone; warm color
跑调跑調pao3 diao4
to be off-key or out of tune (while singing) (colloquial)
烹调烹調peng1 tiao2
to cook; cooking
烹调术烹調術peng1 tiao2 shu4
频率调制頻率調制pin2 lv4 tiao2 zhi4
frequency modulation
腔调腔調qiang1 diao4
强调強調qiang2 diao4
to emphasize (a statement); to stress
琴瑟不调琴瑟不調qin2 se4 bu4 tiao2
out of tune; marital discord, cf qin and se 琴瑟, two string instruments as symbol of marital harmony
情调情調qing2 diao4
sentiment; tone and mood; taste
请调請調qing3 diao4
to request a transfer
曲调曲調qu3 diao4
tune; melody
饶舌调唇饒舌調唇rao2 she2 tiao2 chun2
blabbing and showing off (idiom); loud-mouthed trouble maker
人口调查人口調查ren2 kou3 diao4 cha2
认知失调認知失調ren4 zhi1 shi1 tiao2
cognitive dissonance
色调色調se4 diao4
hue; tone
商调商調shang1 diao4
to negotiate the transfer of personnel
上调上調shang4 tiao2
to raise (prices); to adjust upwards
上同调上同調shang4 tong2 diao4
cohomology (invariant of a topological space in math.)
射频调谐器射頻調諧器she4 pin2 tiao2 xie2 qi4
RF tuner
声调聲調sheng1 diao4
tone; note; a tone (on a Chinese syllable)
升调昇調sheng1 diao4
rising tone (phonetics, e.g. on a question in English)
声调轮廓聲調輪廓sheng1 diao4 lun2 kuo4
tone contour
声调语言聲調語言sheng1 diao4 yu3 yan2
tonal language (e.g. Chinese or Vietnamese)
失调失調shi1 diao4
out of tune (music)
失调失調shi1 tiao2
imbalance; to become dysfunctional; to lack proper care (after an illness etc)
时调時調shi2 diao4
regional folk song popular during a certain period of time
市场调查市場調查shi4 chang3 diao4 cha2
market research
手眼协调手眼協調shou3 yan3 xie2 tiao2
hand-eye coordination
睡眠失调睡眠失調shui4 mian2 shi1 tiao2
sleep disorder
思觉失调思覺失調si1 jue2 shi1 tiao2
速调管速調管su4 tiao2 guan3
klystron (electronic tube used to produce high frequency radio waves)
特调特調te4 tiao2
special blend; house blend
提调提調ti2 diao4
to supervise (troops); to appoint (officers); to select and assign
调变調變tiao2 bian4
modulation; to modulate (electronics)
调拨調撥tiao2 bo1
to sow discord
调挡調擋tiao2 dang3
gear shift
调幅調幅tiao2 fu2
amplitude modulation (AM); size of an adjustment
调羹調羹tiao2 geng1
调光器調光器tiao2 guang1 qi4
调和調和tiao2 he2
harmonious; to mediate; to reconcile; to compromise; mediation; to mix; to blend; blended; to season; seasoning; to placate
调和分析調和分析tiao2 he2 fen1 xi1
harmonic analysis (math.)
调和平均数調和平均數tiao2 he2 ping2 jun1 shu4
harmonic mean
调和振动調和振動tiao2 he2 zhen4 dong4
harmonic oscillation
调剂調劑tiao2 ji4
to adjust; to balance; to make up a medical prescription
调价調價tiao2 jia4
to raise or lower the price; price adjustment
调降調降tiao2 jiang4
(Tw) to lower (prices, interest rates etc); to reduce; to cut
调焦調焦tiao2 jiao1
to focus
调教調教tiao2 jiao4
to instruct; to teach; to train; to raise (livestock)
调节調節tiao2 jie2
to adjust; to regulate; to harmonize; to reconcile (accountancy etc)
调节器調節器tiao2 jie2 qi4
调解調解tiao2 jie3
to mediate; to bring parties to an agreement
调酒調酒tiao2 jiu3
to mix drinks; cocktail
调酒器調酒器tiao2 jiu3 qi4
(cocktail) shaker
调酒师調酒師tiao2 jiu3 shi1
调侃調侃tiao2 kan3
to ridicule; to tease; to mock; idle talk; chitchat
调控調控tiao2 kong4
to regulate; to control
调理調理tiao2 li3
to nurse one's health; to recuperate; to take care of; to look after; to discipline; to educate; to train; to prepare food; (dialect) to make fun of; (medicine) to opsonize
调料調料tiao2 liao4
condiment; seasoning; flavoring
调律調律tiao2 lv4
to tune (e.g. piano)
调门調門tiao2 men2
调弄調弄tiao2 nong4
to tease; to make fun of; to provoke; to stir up (trouble)
调配調配tiao2 pei4
to blend (colors, herbs); to mix
调皮調皮tiao2 pi2
naughty; mischievous; unruly
调皮捣蛋調皮搗蛋tiao2 pi2 dao3 dan4
naughty; mischievous; to act up
调频調頻tiao2 pin2
frequency modulation; FM
调情調情tiao2 qing2
to flirt
调三窝四調三窩四tiao2 san1 wo1 si4
to sow the seeds of discord everywhere (idiom)
调色調色tiao2 se4
to blend colors; to mix colors
调色板調色板tiao2 se4 ban3
调摄調攝tiao2 she4
to nurse to health; to recuperate
调升調升tiao2 sheng1
to adjust upward; to upgrade; (price) hike
调适調適tiao2 shi4
to adapt (to an environment etc); to make sth suitable; adaptation; adjustment; adaptive
调试調試tiao2 shi4
to debug; to adjust components during testing; debugging
调速調速tiao2 su4
to adjust the speed
调唆調唆tiao2 suo1
to provoke; to stir up (trouble); to instigate
调停調停tiao2 ting2
to reconcile; to mediate; to bring warring parties to agreement; to arbitrate