to obey; to follow; to arrange; to make reasonable; along; favorable

strokes 9
strokes after radical 3
安顺 安順 an1 shun4
Anshun prefecture level city in Guizhou 貴州|贵州

安顺地区 安順地區 an1 shun4 di4 qu1
Anshun prefecture in Guizhou

安顺市 安順市 an1 shun4 shi4
Anshun prefecture level city in Guizhou 貴州|贵州

敖顺 敖順 ao2 shun4
Ao Shun, Dragon King of the North Sea in 西遊記|西游记

百依百顺 百依百順 bai3 yi1 bai3 shun4
docile and obedient; all obedience

笔顺 筆順 bi3 shun4
stroke order (when writing Chinese character)

不顺 不順 bu4 shun4
unfavorable; adverse

长顺 長順 chang2 shun4
Changshun county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou

长顺县 長順縣 chang2 shun4 xian4
Changshun county in Qiannan Buyei and Miao autonomous prefecture 黔南州, Guizhou

承顺 承順 cheng2 shun4
to comply with; to submit to

低眉顺眼 低眉順眼 di1 mei2 shun4 yan3
docile; submissive

丰顺 豐順 feng1 shun4
Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong

丰顺县 豐順縣 feng1 shun4 xian4
Fengshun county in Meizhou 梅州, Guangdong

风调雨顺 風調雨順 feng1 tiao2 yu3 shun4
favorable weather (idiom); good weather for crops

抚顺 撫順 fu3 shun4
Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China; also Fushun county

抚顺市 撫順市 fu3 shun4 shi4
Fushun prefecture level city in Liaoning province 遼寧省|辽宁省 in northeast China

抚顺县 撫順縣 fu3 shun4 xian4
Fushun county in Fushun 撫順|抚顺, Liaoning

富顺 富順 fu4 shun4
Fushun county in Zigong 自貢|自贡, Sichuan

富顺县 富順縣 fu4 shun4 xian4
Fushun county in Zigong 自貢|自贡, Sichuan

恭顺 恭順 gong1 shun4
deferential; respectful

乖顺 乖順 guai1 shun4
obedient (colloquial)

归顺 歸順 gui1 shun4
to surrender and pay allegiance to

和顺 和順 he2 shun4
Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

和顺 和順 he2 shun4
sweet-tempered; acquiescent

和顺县 和順縣 he2 shun4 xian4
Heshun county in Jinzhong 晉中|晋中, Shanxi

节哀顺变 節哀順變 jie2 ai1 shun4 bian4
restrain your grief, accept fate (condolence phrase)

看不顺眼 看不順眼 kan4 bu4 shun4 yan3
unpleasant to the eye; objectionable

理顺 理順 li3 shun4
to straighten out; to sort out; to organize

旅顺 旅順 lv3 shun4
Lüshun; Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning; called Port Arthur during Russian occupation and Russian-Japanese war of 1905

旅顺港 旅順港 lv3 shun4 gang3
Lüshun port, on the tip of the Liaoning peninsula; called Port Arthur during Russian occupation and Russian-Japanese war of 1905; in Lüshunkou district of Dalian 大連|大连, Liaoning

旅顺口 旅順口 lv3 shun4 kou3
Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning

旅顺口区 旅順口區 lv3 shun4 kou3 qu1
Lüshunkou district of Dalian city 大連市|大连市, Liaoning

贸易顺差 貿易順差 mao4 yi4 shun4 cha1
trade surplus

名不正言不顺 名不正言不順 ming2 bu5 zheng4 yan2 bu5 shun4
(of a title, degree etc) illegitimately conferred

名正言顺 名正言順 ming2 zheng4 yan2 shun4
in a way that justifies the use of the term; genuine; proper; in a way that conforms to logic; justifiable; appropriate; perfectly legitimate

拿顺 拿順 na2 shun4
Nashon (son of Amminadab)

逆来顺受 逆來順受 ni4 lai2 shun4 shou4
to resign oneself to adversity (idiom); to grin and bear it; to submit meekly to insults, maltreatment, humiliation etc

平顺 平順 ping2 shun4
smooth; smooth-going; plain sailing

平顺 平順 ping2 shun4
Pingshun, county in Shanxi

平顺县 平順縣 ping2 shun4 xian4
Pingshun county, Shanxi

千依百顺 千依百順 qian1 yi1 bai3 shun4
totally submissive (idiom)

柔顺 柔順 rou2 shun4
gentle and agreeable; supple; yielding

柔顺剂 柔順劑 rou2 shun4 ji4
fabric softener

顺便 順便 shun4 bian4
conveniently; in passing; without much extra effort

顺差 順差 shun4 cha1
(trade or budget) surplus

顺产 順產 shun4 chan3
to give birth without complications; easy childbirth; safe delivery; natural birth (without surgical operation)

顺昌 順昌 shun4 chang1
Shunchang county in Nanping 南平, Fujian

顺昌县 順昌縣 shun4 chang1 xian4
Shunchang county in Nanping 南平, Fujian

顺畅 順暢 shun4 chang4
smooth and unhindered; fluent

顺潮 順潮 shun4 chao2
favorable tide

顺城 順城 shun4 cheng2
Shuncheng district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning

顺城区 順城區 shun4 cheng2 qu1
Shuncheng district of Fushun city 撫順市|抚顺市, Liaoning

顺磁 順磁 shun4 ci2

顺次 順次 shun4 ci4
in order; in proper sequence

顺从 順從 shun4 cong2
obedient; to comply; to submit; to defer

顺带 順帶 shun4 dai4
(do sth) in passing; incidentally (while doing sth else)

顺当 順當 shun4 dang5

顺导 順導 shun4 dao3
to guide sth on its proper course; to guide towards profitable outcome

顺道 順道 shun4 dao4
on the way

顺德 順德 shun4 de2
Shunde district of Foshan city 佛山市, Guangdong

顺德区 順德區 shun4 de2 qu1
Shunde district of Foshan city 佛山市, Guangdong

顺耳 順耳 shun4 er3
pleasing to the ear

顺访 順訪 shun4 fang3
to visit in passing

顺风 順風 shun4 feng1
lit. tail wind; Bon voyage!

顺风车 順風車 shun4 feng1 che1
vehicle that gives one a free ride; (fig.) (ride on sb's) coattails; (take advantage of) an opportunity

顺风耳 順風耳 shun4 feng1 er3
sb with preternaturally good hearing (in fiction); fig. a well-informed person

顺风转舵 順風轉舵 shun4 feng1 zhuan3 duo4
to act according to whatever is the current outlook; pragmatic; unprincipled

顺服 順服 shun4 fu2
to submit to

顺和 順和 shun4 he2
gentle; affable

顺河回族区 順河回族區 shun4 he2 hui2 zu2 qu1
Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市, Henan

顺河区 順河區 shun4 he2 qu1
Shunhe Hui district of Kaifeng city 開封市|开封市, Henan

顺化 順化 shun4 hua4
Hue, city in central Vietnam and capital of Thua Thien province

顺境 順境 shun4 jing4
favorable circumstances

顺口 順口 shun4 kou3
to read smoothly (of text); to blurt out (without thinking); to suit one's taste (of food)

顺口溜 順口溜 shun4 kou3 liu1
popular piece of doggerel; common phrase repeated as a jingle

顺理成章 順理成章 shun4 li3 cheng2 zhang1
logical; only to be expected; rational and clearly structured (of text)

顺利 順利 shun4 li4
smoothly; without a hitch

顺溜 順溜 shun4 liu5
orderly; tidy; smooth

顺路 順路 shun4 lu4
by the way; while out doing sth else; conveniently

顺民 順民 shun4 min2
docile subject (of new dynasty); toady

顺平 順平 shun4 ping2
Shunping county in Baoding 保定, Hebei

顺平县 順平縣 shun4 ping2 xian4
Shunping county in Baoding 保定, Hebei

顺其自然 順其自然 shun4 qi2 zi4 ran2
to let nature take its course (idiom)

顺气 順氣 shun4 qi4
nice; pleasant

顺庆 順慶 shun4 qing4
Shunqing district of Nanchong city 南充市, Sichuan

顺庆区 順慶區 shun4 qing4 qu1
Shunqing district of Nanchong city 南充市, Sichuan

顺时针 順時針 shun4 shi2 zhen1

顺式 順式 shun4 shi4
cis- (isomer) (chemistry); see also 反式

顺势 順勢 shun4 shi4
to take advantage; to seize an opportunity; in passing; without taking extra trouble; conveniently

顺适 順適 shun4 shi4
agreeable; to conform

顺势疗法 順勢療法 shun4 shi4 liao2 fa3
homeopathy (alternative medicine)

顺手 順手 shun4 shou3
easily; without trouble; while one is at it; in passing; handy

顺手儿 順手兒 shun4 shou3 er5
handy; convenient and easy to use; smoothly

顺手牵羊 順手牽羊 shun4 shou3 qian1 yang2
lit. to lead away a goat in passing (idiom); to steal sth under cover of an emergency; to take advantage of a crisis for personal gain

顺水 順水 shun4 shui3
with the current

顺水人情 順水人情 shun4 shui3 ren2 qing2
to do sb a favor at little cost

顺水推船 順水推船 shun4 shui3 tui1 chuan2
lit. to push the boat with the current; fig. to take advantage of the situation for one's own benefit

顺水推舟 順水推舟 shun4 shui3 tui1 zhou1
lit. to push the boat with the current; fig. to take advantage of the situation for one's own benefit

顺遂 順遂 shun4 sui4
everything is going smoothly; just as one wishes

顺坦 順坦 shun4 tan5
smoothly; as one expects

顺藤摸瓜 順藤摸瓜 shun4 teng2 mo1 gua1
lit. to follow the vine to get to the melon; to track sth following clues

顺位 順位 shun4 wei4
rank; place; position

顺我者昌逆我者亡 順我者昌逆我者亡 shun4 wo3 zhe3 chang1 ni4 wo3 zhe3 wang2
submit to me and prosper, or oppose me and perish

顺心 順心 shun4 xin1
happy; satisfactory

顺行 順行 shun4 xing2
circular motion in the same sense as the sun; clockwise

顺序 順序 shun4 xu4
sequence; order

顺叙 順敘 shun4 xu4
chronological narrative

顺序数 順序數 shun4 xu4 shu4
ordinal number

顺延 順延 shun4 yan2
to postpone; to procrastinate

顺眼 順眼 shun4 yan3
pleasing to the eye; nice to look at

顺义 順義 shun4 yi4
Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county

顺意 順意 shun4 yi4
pleasant; agreeable

顺义区 順義區 shun4 yi4 qu1
Shunyi district of Beijing, formerly Shunyi county

顺应 順應 shun4 ying4
to comply; to conform to; in tune with; adapting to; to adjust to

顺应不良 順應不良 shun4 ying4 bu4 liang2
inability to adjust; unable to adapt

顺应天时 順應天時 shun4 ying4 tian1 shi2
going with nature and the seasons (TCM)

顺着 順著 shun4 zhe5
to follow; following; along

顺治 順治 shun4 zhi4
reign name of second Qing emperor (1644-1662)

顺治帝 順治帝 shun4 zhi4 di4
Fulin Emperor Shunzhi (1638-1662), second Qing emperor, reigned 1644-1662

顺子 順子 shun4 zi5
a straight (poker, mahjong)

顺嘴 順嘴 shun4 zui3
to read smoothly (of text); to blurt out (without thinking); to suit one's taste (of food)

顺嘴儿 順嘴兒 shun4 zui3 er5
to read smoothly (of text); to blurt out (without thinking); to suit one's taste (of food)

随顺 隨順 sui2 shun4
to follow; to go along with

泰顺 泰順 tai4 shun4
Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang

泰顺县 泰順縣 tai4 shun4 xian4
Taishun county in Wenzhou 溫州|温州, Zhejiang

唐顺宗 唐順宗 tang2 shun4 zong1
Emperor Shunzong of Tang (761-806), reign name of eleventh Tang emperor Li Song 李誦|李诵, reigned 805-806

天顺 天順 tian1 shun4
Tianshun Emperor, reign name of eighth Ming Emperor 朱祁鎮|朱祁镇 (1427-1464), reigned 1457-1464, Temple name Yingzong 英宗

天雨顺延 天雨順延 tian1 yu3 shun4 yan2
weather permitting (idiom)

通顺 通順 tong1 shun4
smooth; clear and coherent

同花大顺 同花大順 tong2 hua1 da4 shun4
royal flush (poker)

同花顺 同花順 tong2 hua1 shun4
straight flush (poker)

温顺 溫順 wen1 shun4
docile; meek

先后顺序 先後順序 xian1 hou4 shun4 xu4
order of priority; sequential order

孝顺 孝順 xiao4 shun4
filial piety; to be obedient to one's parents

驯顺 馴順 xun4 shun4
tame; docile

逊顺 遜順 xun4 shun4
modest and obedient; unassuming

一帆风顺 一帆風順 yi1 fan1 feng1 shun4
propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip!

一路顺风 一路順風 yi1 lu4 shun4 feng1
to have a pleasant journey (idiom)

依顺 依順 yi1 shun4
to comply

应天顺时 應天順時 ying4 tian1 shun4 shi2
lit. to respond to heaven and suit the times (idiom); to rule according to the will of heaven; the Divine Right of kings

永顺 永順 yong3 shun4
Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州

永顺县 永順縣 yong3 shun4 xian4
Yongshun county in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture 湘西土家族苗族自治州

直顺 直順 zhi2 shun4
straight and smooth (hair etc)

字母顺序 字母順序 zi4 mu3 shun4 xu4
order of letters in an alphabet