to look after; to take into consideration; to attend to

surname Gu

strokes 10
strokes after radical 4
不顾 不顧 bu4 gu4
in spite of; regardless of

不顾前后 不顧前後 bu4 gu4 qian2 hou4
regardless of what's before or after (idiom); rushing blindly into sth

不顾一切 不顧一切 bu4 gu4 yi1 qie4
reckless; regardless of everything

不屑一顾 不屑一顧 bu4 xie4 yi1 gu4
to disdain as beneath contempt (idiom)

乏人照顾 乏人照顧 fa2 ren2 zhao4 gu4
(of a person) left unattended; not cared for

反顾 反顧 fan3 gu4
to glance back; fig. to regret; to have second thoughts about sth

奋不顾身 奮不顧身 fen4 bu4 gu4 shen1
to dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety (idiom); undaunted by dangers; regardless of perils

公私兼顾 公私兼顧 gong1 si1 jian1 gu4
to adequately take into account both public and private interests

顾不得 顧不得 gu4 bu5 de5
unable to change sth; unable to deal with

顾不上 顧不上 gu4 bu5 shang4
cannot attend to or manage

顾此失彼 顧此失彼 gu4 ci3 shi1 bi3
lit. to attend to one thing and lose sight of another (idiom); fig. to be unable to manage two or more things at once; cannot pay attention to one thing without neglecting the other

顾及 顧及 gu4 ji2
to take into consideration; to attend to

顾忌 顧忌 gu4 ji4
to have misgivings; apprehension; worry; qualm; scruple

顾恺之 顧愷之 gu4 kai3 zhi1
Gu Kaizhi or Ku K'aichih (346-407), famous painter of Eastern Jin dynasty, one of the Four Great Painters of the Six dynasties 六朝四大家

顾客 顧客 gu4 ke4
client; customer

顾客至上 顧客至上 gu4 ke4 zhi4 shang4
the customer reigns supreme (idiom)

顾虑 顧慮 gu4 lv4
misgivings; apprehensions

顾眄 顧眄 gu4 mian3
to turn one's head and look around

顾名思义 顧名思義 gu4 ming2 si1 yi4
as the name implies

顾念 顧念 gu4 nian4
to care for; to worry about

顾盼 顧盼 gu4 pan4
to look around; to care for

顾盼自雄 顧盼自雄 gu4 pan4 zi4 xiong2
to strut about feeling complacent (idiom)

顾全 顧全 gu4 quan2
to give careful consideration to; to display thoughtfulness towards

顾全大局 顧全大局 gu4 quan2 da4 ju2
to take the big picture into consideration (idiom); to work for the benefits of all

顾问 顧問 gu4 wen4
adviser; consultant

顾惜 顧惜 gu4 xi1
to take loving care of; to value

顾炎武 顧炎武 gu4 yan2 wu3
Gu Yanwu (1613-1682), late Ming and early Qing Confucian philosopher, linguist and historian, played a founding role in phonology of early Chinese, author of Rizhilu or Record of daily study 日知錄|日知录

顾野王 顧野王 gu4 ye3 wang2
Gu Yewang (519-581), historian and an interpreter of classical texts, editor of Yupian 玉篇

顾影自怜 顧影自憐 gu4 ying3 zi4 lian2
lit. looking at one's shadow and feeling sorry for oneself (idiom); fig. alone and dejected

光顾 光顧 guang1 gu4
to visit (as a customer)

悍然不顾 悍然不顧 han4 ran2 bu4 gu4
outrageous and unconventional (idiom); flying in the face of (authority, convention, public opinion etc)

后顾之忧 後顧之憂 hou4 gu4 zhi1 you1
fears of trouble in the rear (idiom); family worries (obstructing freedom of action); worries about the future consequences; often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"

环顾 環顧 huan2 gu4
to look around; to survey

回顾 回顧 hui2 gu4
to look back; to review

回顾历史 回顧歷史 hui2 gu4 li4 shi3
to look back at history

回顾展 回顧展 hui2 gu4 zhan3
retrospective (exhibition)

惠顾 惠顧 hui4 gu4
your patronage

兼顾 兼顧 jian1 gu4
to attend simultaneously to two or more things; to balance (career and family, family and education etc)

眷顾 眷顧 juan4 gu4
to care for; to show concern for; to think longingly (of one's country)

看顾 看顧 kan4 gu4
to watch over

狼顾 狼顧 lang2 gu4
to look over one's shoulder constantly (like a wolf); to be fearful

三顾茅庐 三顧茅廬 san1 gu4 mao2 lu2
lit. three humble visits to a thatched cottage; cf famous episode in the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义 in which Liu Bei 劉備|刘备 recruits Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 (the Hidden Dragon 臥龍|卧龙) to his cause by visiting him three times

死活不顾 死活不顧 si3 huo2 bu4 gu4
regardless of life or death (idiom)

四顾 四顧 si4 gu4
to look around

统筹兼顾 統籌兼顧 tong3 chou2 jian1 gu4
an overall plan taking into account all factors

王顾左右而言他 王顧左右而言他 wang2 gu4 zuo3 you4 er2 yan2 ta1
the king looked left and right and then talked of other things; to digress from the topic of discussion (idiom)

枉顾 枉顧 wang3 gu4
to neglect; to misuse; to mistreat; to abuse

行不顾言 行不顧言 xing2 bu4 gu4 yan2
to say one thing and do another (idiom)

义无反顾 義無反顧 yi4 wu2 fan3 gu4
honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back; no surrender; to pursue justice with no second thoughts

予以照顾 予以照顧 yu3 yi3 zhao4 gu4
to ask sb to carefully consider a request (idiom)

瞻顾 瞻顧 zhan1 gu4
to look forward and back cautiously

瞻前顾后 瞻前顧後 zhan1 qian2 gu4 hou4
to look forward and back; to consider prudently; overcautious

照顾 照顧 zhao4 gu5
to take care of; to show consideration; to attend to; to look after

只顾 只顧 zhi3 gu4
solely preoccupied (with one thing); engrossed; focusing (on sth); to look after only one aspect

主顾 主顧 zhu3 gu4
client; customer

自顾自 自顧自 zi4 gu4 zi4
each minding his own business

总法律顾问 總法律顧問 zong3 fa3 lv4 gu4 wen4
general counsel

左顾右盼 左顧右盼 zuo3 gu4 you4 pan4
glancing to left and right (idiom); to look all around